First, eye fundus imaging is useful to document its status and to assess any changes from a healthy condition. In addition to the diagnosis of ocular disease, retinal imaging also allows for the detection, diagnosis, and management of hypertensive and cardiovascular diseases.
2 In the last few decades, ocular imaging has rapidly advanced from simple fundoscopy to fundus photography to more advanced imaging modalities. Imaging can focus on the retinal structure or on a particular functional aspect of the retina, or on a correlation of the two. Retinal imaging has increased the accuracy of diagnostic and screening criteria for open-angle glaucoma, cataract, pathologic myopia, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration in epidemiologic studies. It also has facilitated the development of classification and grading systems for these eye diseases, including the Wisconsin Age-Related Maculopathy Grading System, the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study severity scale, and the Wisconsin Cataract Grading System. The development of these systems has further helped to standardize classification of these diseases and to distinguish between different stages of disease. Finally, the implementation of these systems allows the evaluation of the reliability and validity of different imaging techniques. The different options for fundus imaging are manifold, including computed tomography scan, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging study, ultrasound imaging, infrared thermography, hyper-spectral imaging, color Doppler imaging, and photo-acoustic ophthalmoscopy.
2,3 These advances allow images to be sent to reading centers for manual or automatic screening and diagnosis (tele-ophthalmology). In fact, several groups worldwide are pursuing research to find the best and most accurate automatic systems for disease grading, including for cataract and diabetic retinopathy.
2 In addition, research is underway to attempt to extract as much information as possible from digital images to provide information on the structure and function of the human retina and to improve knowledge about the changes in the diseased retina at the earliest possible stage.
2,3 These advances in imaging modalities would allow a more precise and early diagnosis, implementation of more personalized therapies, and more accurate evaluation of treatment effects.