We set out to develop an ophthalmic ADPJ system to treat intraocular diseases and to evaluate its effectiveness and safety in vivo. We began by determining the effect of intraocular irrigation flow volumes on IOP and found that 0.025 mL/min was the highest flow volume that could be used while maintaining a safe IOP. Next, we confirmed that an ADPJ stream ejected through a 30-gauge microneedle was stable at this flow volume and that the pressure of this stream was correlated with the applied voltage at a pulse frequency of 10 Hz. Finally, we determined that intravenous DBC was possible without retinal complications at a minimum voltage of 40 V and a tip distance of 0.5 mm.
The ADPJ surgery, an innovation created at Tohoku University in 2004, has found wide clinical use in nonophthalmological fields of medicine. Its effectiveness has been confirmed in a number of studies.
14–18 Pulsed water jets, such as those used in our ADPJ system, can make tissue incisions while preserving vessels larger than approximately 100 μm, do not cause heat injury, and require only a small volume of ejected water. These advantages of ADPJ technology, particularly the ability to make incisions in internal organs while preserving blood vessels, have enabled surgeons to use it to obtain remarkable surgical results. An additional advantage of ADPJ technology is the dramatically shorter surgery times it allows in comparison with other techniques. This is especially beneficial because of the consequent reduction in bleeding, a particular benefit in surgeries of the cranial nerve and liver, which are highly susceptible to intraoperative bleeding. We considered that these properties of ADPJs would also be useful in certain vitreous surgeries and thus launched the current investigation of the ability of ADPJs to preserve and massage the retinal vessels, thereby improving retinal circulation.
Despite the clear surgical advantages of water jet devices, it is very challenging to use them in vitreous surgery. Modern vitreous surgery is a closed procedure that is performed in an operating volume of only about 6 mL, and as water jet techniques involve the injection of fluid, elevated IOP is a significant risk. This can cause corneal edema, obscuring the surgeon's view, and can impair retinal nerve fibers in the optic nerve head, leading to glaucoma. Extremely elevated IOP can also block circulation in the retinal artery, leading to central retinal artery occlusion. However, instruments using a pulsed rather than a continuous water jet use a remarkably lower volume of water, which we believed made them feasible for consideration, even in the restricted operating volume of modern, closed vitreous surgery. The results of our investigation showed that the most suitable ADPJ flow rate for vitreous surgery was 0.025 mL/min. A flow rate of 0.05 mL/min caused IOP to rise to above 40 mm Hg after only 1 minute and above 50 mm Hg after only 2 minutes of surgery. However, at 0.025 mL/min, IOP stayed below 40 mm Hg for 3 minutes and below 45 mm Hg for 5 minutes of surgery, leading us to conclude that this was the most suitable flow rate for ophthalmic ADPJ procedures. Thus, we continued our investigation using this flow rate. Interestingly, ADPJ surgery at 0.025 mL/min for 3 minutes and 0.05 for 1.5 minute inject an equal quantity of fluid into the eye, but we found that they led to different increases in IOP, that is, to below 40 mm Hg and to above 45 mm Hg, respectively. We speculate that this was related to intraoperative fluid leakage from the vitreous cavity. Fluid leakage occurred from the 25-gauge cannulas at a fixed rate, meaning that more leakage occurred during the longer procedure, leading to a smaller effect on IOP.
An important finding of this study was that it was possible to successfully emit the ADPJ through a 30-gauge needle, which creates considerable resistance to the flow of fluid due to its small size. The advantages of smaller instrument gauges for microincision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) have led surgeons to shift to 25-gauge systems, and 27-gauge or smaller systems may soon become common. Thus, the successful use of 30-gauge instruments in our procedure ensures that it should remain a practical option for many years. Furthermore, the successful emission of an ADPJ through such a small system indicates that ADPJs could also be stably emitted with larger MIVS systems.
Limitations of this study included the use of a normal animal model, a small sample size, and the lack of morphological and functional findings from a comparison between an ADPJ group and a non-ADPJ group. Additionally, the circulative benefit of ADPJ massage remains unclear. Nevertheless, our results show that ADPJs are a feasible option for vitreous surgery, despite the closed nature of modern procedures, and can be safely used in vivo. Additionally, ADPJ surgical systems have previously been noted for their ability to preserve large retinal vessels, that is, those approximately 100 μm in size. This is a size similar to the vessels affected in RVO, suggesting that ADPJ surgery should be able to effectively massage occluded retinal vessels without cutting them, positively affecting ocular blood circulation. Possibilities for future investigations into the ophthalmic use of ADPJs include their use in animal models of RVO and, eventually, their clinical use.
In conclusion, we developed and evaluated an ADPJ system that can be used in the field of ophthalmic surgery to treat intraocular diseases. The ADPJ stream ejected from a 30-gauge microneedle into an aqueous environment had a stable shape and pressure. With an appropriate flow rate, frequency, and surgical time, the ADPJ was able to massage the retinal vessels and achieve intravenous DBC while maintaining safe IOP and avoiding retinal complications. The ADPJ thus has promise as an easy and safe instrument for intraocular surgical treatment.