Although teleost fish are unable to replace an entire retina, they do mount a robust regenerative response following damage to the retina or optic nerve. Similar to the amphibian retina, the teleost retina possesses a CGZ to facilitate persistent neurogenesis and retinal growth throughout the life of the fish (Johns,
1977). The Müller glia in the inner nuclear layer of the fish retina also retain a radial glial, stem-cell-like neurogenic ability. Under normal circumstances, they undergo sporadic, self-renewing divisions in the inner nuclear layer to produce retinal progenitors that migrate to the outer nuclear layer (Bernardos et al.,
2007), where they proliferate as rod precursors and are committed to differentiate as rod photoreceptors (Johns & Fernald,
1981). When the retina is injured and neurons are lost, Müller glial proliferation is enhanced and the resulting retinal progenitors (
Fig. 5.1) differentiate into various types of retinal neurons (Bernardos et al.,
2007; Fausett & Goldman,
2006; Fimbel et al.,
2007; Thummel et al.,
2008). Interestingly, intraocular injection of agents that impact a variety of signaling pathways can also stimulate Müller glia proliferation, even in the absence of overt loss of retinal neurons, and a small number of the resulting cells can express neuronal markers (Ramachandran, Zhao, & Goldman,
2011; Wan, Ramachandran, & Goldman,
2012). Thus, Müller glia are primarily responsible for the ability of teleost fish to regenerate any of the lost neuronal cell types following retinal damage (Bernardos et al.,
2007; Fausett & Goldman,
2006; Fimbel et al.,
2007; Thummel et al.,
2008). This Müller glia-derived regenerative response represents a fundamental difference between amphibians and teleost fish in their modes of retinal regeneration.