In this study, a method was developed to detect eye blinks derived from 24-hour IOP monitoring data using a CLS. We showed that the CLS signal can be used to estimate blink rates throughout the 24-hour period, which in turn can be used to estimate sleep and wake times. Previous studies used different methods to measure blink movements. The most frequently used ones (videographic monitoring electromyography) generally measure the blink rate for periods of 5 to 30 minutes during daytime. The CLS, however, provided 288 measurement points for a continuous period of 30 seconds, repeated every 5 minutes and for the duration of 24 hours.
With an average blink rate of 29.8 ± 15.4, our results are within the range of previous reports that reported rates between 10 and 31 blinks/min.
5,6,15 Sun et al.
6 studied the effect of aging on healthy adults. They found a modest, but nonsignificant increase of spontaneous blink rates from 23.5 ± 3.8 (mean ± SE) blinks/min (40–60 years of age group) to 31.3 ± 5.7 blinks/min (80–89 years). Patients on topical therapy for glaucoma generally have more ocular surface disturbances than healthy subjects, which may increase spontaneous blink rates. We did not find a statistically significant difference (
P = 0.4028) between healthy patients and treated glaucoma patients in terms of blink frequency. The blink rate in our study was composed of all three types of blinking and we were not able to calculate the different blink types individually. The interblink interval of 1.91 ± 2.03 seconds found in our study was similar to 2.33 ± 1.10 seconds recently measured in healthy subjects.
16 Zaman et al.
5 videotaped 45 elderly patients over a period of 5 minutes and measured their blink characteristics. They found a mean interblink interval of 10.4 ± 8.9 seconds. Differences in methodology and population may explain this discrepancy: (1) Due to the short observation period, the sample of blinks obtained in 5 minutes is extremely small compared to our sample obtained over 24-hours. (2) The act of fixating a target may reduce blink frequency.
17 (3) There may be an age-related reduction of blink frequency.
6 The literature on the distribution and range of amplitude of spontaneous blinks is scant. Previous studies have calculated the blink amplitude in degrees (which can be converted to millimeters through a trigonometric function) and reported a range of 10° to 60°.
6,17 The CLS used in the present study provides the amplitude of IOP changes secondary to blinks in electronic voltage units. Therefore, the mean blink amplitude of 116 ± 69 a.u. cannot be compared directly to previous reports.
The ability to measure 24-hour blink characteristics in an ambulatory setting may have practical applications in different fields of medicine. Johnstone et al.
13 postulated that blink-related IOP elevations can increase aqueous humor outflow. Using an 80-power magnification microscope for real-time observation of human eyes during the blinking process, they observed a propulsive aqueous wave after each blink and were able to trace it forward from Schlemm's canal to the scleral emissaries. This wave initially entered the aqueous veins followed by discharge into the episcleral veins. Based on these observations, they confirmed earlier theories of the existence of a pulsatile aqueous outflow mechanism with a pulse wave source originating from Schlemm's canal. They opined that a blink would function as a source of force, Schlemm's canal as a reservoir, trabecular meshwork as a compressible tissue, and collapsible tubes or pores at the level of Schlemm's canal acting as one-way valves. The same group expanded on this hypothesis by showing that the optic nerve head undergoes motion in response to cardiac pulse induced transients.
18 These findings would suggest that excursions of the optic nerve head could to be considerably larger with blinks and eye movements, which cause larger amplitude pulse transients. If confirmed, the role of transients could take on increased significance.
The present study further showed how the absence of blinks can be used to automatically estimate sleep and wake times. The ability to obtain objective wake/sleep times (versus patient reports) may be of practical use in the assessment of 24-hour IOP patterns. Different investigators have demonstrated that, in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients, IOP rises during sleep in the habitual body position.
19,20 Their findings were confirmed recently using the CLS.
8,21 Lee et al.
22 found that all sleeping positions of head and body result in an elevation of IOP and an increase in ocular perfusion pressure compared to the sitting position in healthy, young subjects. The postural change from supine to lateral decubitus or prone with head turn position led to an additional IOP increase in the dependent eyes. Currently, it is unknown how nighttime IOP elevations affect long-term glaucoma prognosis.
In the field of ocular surface disease, knowing blinking characteristics can be of diagnostic and therapeutic value.
16 The tear film, which maintains a healthy ocular surface, is dynamically regulated by blinking activity. Consequently, the rate of blinking has been shown to be associated with the presence and severity of ocular surface disease.
24–26 For instance, patients with dry eyes were found to have a higher SBR than healthy subjects,
27 possibly as a secondary mechanism to increase tear production. Neurologic disorders are associated with abnormal blinking. The central dopaminergic system has been shown to control spontaneous blinking.
28 In parkinsonism, blinking is reduced due to dopamine depletion from the substantia negra, whereas patients with schizophrenia have increased blink rates due to dopamine hyperactivity.
29,30 Some investigators have hypothesized that the spontaneous blink rate could be used as a clinical marker of central dopaminergic activity.
This study has several limitations. One drawback of the evaluation procedure was the difficulty to evaluate the accuracy of the blink detection method. A manual annotation of all blinks in all bursts of all selected profiles would have been required to have an accurate comparator (as was done with sleep periods). In this case, the method accuracy would be able to be computed by comparing blinks automatically detected by the computer to those visually detected by the grader. However, the large amount of data and the difficulty to perform truly reliable annotations make this task hard to realize. The recorded IOP signal can be too noisy and preclude the differentiation of a blink from an artifact. Nevertheless, after having visually checked the bursts in selected profiles, the accuracy of the blink detection method over the selected profiles was over 90% (data not shown). Signal noise led to false positives in blink detection. However, video recording of 10 eyes found excellent agreement (ICC, 0.97–0.98) between software and observer measurements of eye blinks (
Supplementary Video). Furthermore, saccades and other eye movements may produce transient changes in IOP that can resemble the effect of blinks. However, as we found on video recordings, the effect of saccadic eye movements on the CLS signal is fundamentally different. While blinks produced short-duration high-amplitude spikes, saccades produce smaller changes in the CLS signal that are of longer duration (Supplementary Video). Finally, it is possible that the presence of the CLS itself may have altered the physiological blinking behavior of study participants. Thai et al.
33 showed that alterations in the tear film secondary to contact lens wear can produce a stimulus to blinking. However, as the wireless CLS technology is relatively new, other uncharacterized parameters may lead to more data variations. These may include signal drift over the 24-hour period, effect of external manipulation on the signal output, and sudden rise and fall in electronic transmissions. Future studies should address potential CLS-related issues.
In conclusion, we demonstrated that 24-hour IOP monitoring data can be used to study circadian blinking characteristics. The proposed software has the ability to automatically quantify blink rates as well as detect sleep and wake times with excellent accuracy. These data have the potential to improve our understanding of the effect of eye blinks on aqueous outflow dynamics. The ability to quantify blink parameters continuously and in an ambulatory setting may be of value in ophthalmology and in other fields of medicine.