Early detection and accurate monitoring of glaucomatous visual field (VF) loss is important for providing better patient care. Modeling pointwise VF change, as measured by Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP), is clinically important because it can identify localized patterns of progression, which may be masked when using global indices, such as mean deviation (MD). Determining and identifying a pattern of VF change helps clinicians to choose the best strategies when managing patients with glaucoma. However, SAP exhibits high test–retest variability that confounds early detection of deterioration in visual function.
1,2 In clinical practice and research, attempts have been made to measure and predict the rate of VF change and various techniques have been developed to measure such change over time.
Trend analyses performed on longitudinally collected VF sensitivities remain one of the most frequently used methods for monitoring VF decay.
3–5 Studies done in the past have examined various statistical techniques to identify models that can describe VF decay and predict future VF test results. McNaught et al.
2 analyzed data using curve fitting software. They showed that complex polynomial models provided the best fit to VF data, but were less accurate when used for forecasting. They recommended less complex linear models for fitting and prediction, and argued against using curvilinear models. Caprioli et al.
6 explored VF progression in glaucoma using linear, quadratic, and nonlinear exponential models. They concluded that glaucomatous VFs progressed nonlinearly and an exponential decay model provided the best fit and better prediction for VF data. Kummet et al.
7 systematically evaluated criteria that can be applied to pointwise regression to assist in deciding if clinically useful progression has occurred. Most recently, Bryan et al.
8 examined fit and predictive ability of various linear and nonlinear models. None of the models they examined were found to be superior for fitting and prediction. However, they recommended using an uncensored linear model as the best compromise between fitting and forecasting.
One of the major shortcomings of the previous studies examining pointwise VF sensitivities is that these studies ignored the hierarchical structure of ophthalmic data and/or the potential for temporal correlation that can occur when measurements are made repeatedly from the same eyes over time. Also, an approach to fit individual eye data cannot be generalized for a larger population. More complex models that take into account the hierarchical data structure and potential temporal correlation between multiple within eye measurements are needed to find a unified approach for producing the best model fits and predictions. A better approach could be the use of multilevel mixed-effects models. Multilevel mixed-effects models account for grouping within the data (within an eye and between fellow eyes of the same individual) as well as temporal autocorrelation of within group errors. Consequently they generate more valid P values for assessing the significance of change in VF series.
In this study, we investigated multilevel linear and nonlinear (exponential) mixed effects models to describe VF change over time.
Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram showing two approaches examined in this study. A linear progression model (blue line in
Fig. 1) assumes a constant rate of VF change over the entire series of tests. An exponential progression model (red line), in which VF sensitivity declines exponentially with time, assumes instead that the rate of change worsens over time, being relatively slow when VF damage is minor. but accelerating as the disease progresses. Note that this differs from the “pointwise exponential regression” approach of Caprioli et al.,
6 which assumes that the rate slows over time. This is an important issue, not only because it can inform us about the glaucomatous disease process, but also because the two models produce very different predictions of the likely VF status several years in to the future, as can be seen from
Figure 1.
In our recent paper,
9 an analysis of VF MD demonstrated that a nonlinear model fit seemed better for MD. The overall goal of the current study is to validate and extend those findings, assessing whether pointwise VF sensitivity data are better described by a linear or nonlinear (exponential) model by examining sensitivity data at each of the 52 nonblind spot test locations in the 24-2 VF. In addition, we quantify and compare the ability of the linear and exponential models for predicting future VF results.