Purpose: :
To demonstrate the use of a spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SDOCT) integrated surgical microscope in glaucoma surgery.
Methods: :
An SDOCT system was used to interface directly with an ophthalmic surgical microscope, to allow real-time intraoperative SDOCT (iOCT) imaging during glaucoma procedures like phaco-trabeculectomy, Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV) implantation, gonio-synechiolysis, and bleb needling. The various surgical steps during glaucoma surgeries where iOCT can be of potential help in guiding the surgeon were recorded.
Results: :
High-resolution, cross-sectional images of the relevant structures were achieved with the iOCT system in all procedures. The surgeon could determine the depth of the scleral dissection, the intrastomal bed, the path of the AGV tube in the eye, the release of peripheral anterior synechiae and the efficacy of needling with respect to breakage of loculations; most of these are technically ‘blind' procedures, where the outcomes are determined postoperatively. Metallic instruments cast a shadow on tissues below, thereby restricting the use of the device in its current state.
Conclusions: :
The iOCT system provided high quality, intraoperative, real-time imaging, which could possibly improve the safety and efficacy of the surgical procedures in glaucoma. Further studies and modifications to the iOCT are required to better understand and increase the uptake of this technology in daily practice.
Translational Relevance: :
The iOCT, with further advancements in its technology, could potentially provide the surgeon both quantitative and qualitative, real-time depth and tissue proximity details, thus improving the safety and accuracy of glaucoma surgery.
This article demonstrates the feasibility of real-time
iOCT imaging in glaucoma surgery. The evolution of intraoperative OCT started with preclinical animal studies predominantly for use in vitreoretinal surgeries. The role of the intraoperative real-time
iOCT in vitreoretinal surgeries is now well established.
Ehlers et al.
13 demonstrated the feasibility of real-time
iOCT for anterior and posterior segment surgery with a microscope integrated
iOCT system with heads-up display surgeon feedback; both real-time and static imaging were obtained. The
iOCT (RESCAN 700) also has a heads-up display system; a similar system with is the Cole Eye Institute microscope integrated
iOCT prototype (Cleveland, Ohio, USA).
13,18,19 Ehlers et al.
1 first reported the successful integration of a microscope mounted OCT (MMOCT) into a surgical microscope, where the same platform was used to record surgeries in both animal and human volunteers.
Handheld SDOCT (Envisu; Bioptigen, Inc.) has been previously used to obtain high-resolution intraoperative images.
20 One of the major limitations of the handheld devices is the lack of stability of a fixed platform and the need for an experienced technician to acquire good quality images; motion artefacts during acquisition can result in poor image quality. Another concern is that since the device has to be stabilized by using a support bar, intraoperative sterility might be compromised.
8 Further limitations include the lack of image registration, thereby impeding repeatability and that the images are cross-sectional and not real-time in vivo. This means that acquisition of scans require considerable skill and time, which can be potentially disruptive to the surgeon and decrease the uptake of intraoperative imaging by surgeons.
The potential applications in glaucoma surgeries have been summarized in our paper. In trabeculectomy, the
iOCT could be useful in training residents and fellows with regard to the depth of the scleral flap and to possibly determine completeness and extent of the stromal ostium. The depth and thickness of the superficial scleral flap could be critical in achieving a functioning bleb; this importance is more accentuated in nonpenetrating glaucoma surgeries wherein prevention of ‘penetration' is vital for a successful procedure. The
iOCT could also potentially help the surgeon in determining if the iris is plugging the ostium at the end of the surgery. During glaucoma drainage device implantation, the
iOCT could possibly play a role in determining proper intrascleral entry and placement of tube in the anterior chamber/pars plana. The nearly blind procedure of creating an intrascleral passage for the AGV tube and precise positioning of the tube in the anterior chamber are crucial in the success of valve placement. While performing goniosynechiolysis, the
iOCT could allow the surgeon to actually visualize the real-time posterior displacement of the iris after goniosynechiolysis with improvements in technology in the future. While performing goniosynechiolysis, the
iOCT could allow the surgeon to perform the procedure without the use of an intraoperative gonioscopy lens. It could also help in visualization of the extent of the PAS, assessment of adequacy of synechiolysis, and judging the extent of angle opened at the end of the procedure, if the hardware and the software are further advanced to improve localization and image quality. The inverted image of the cornea (
Fig. 5) is a well-known entity noted when using Fourier domain OCT; imaging on the OCT involves a series of Fourier transforms to resolve the depth information in the image; this transform of the interference spectrum results in a “real” and “imaginary” image (similar to the concept of complex numbers). It is this imaginary image that appears as the inverted image in the OCT; the observer has to simply ignore the inverted image.
One of the areas where the iOCT could be useful as a definite role is the direct visualization of the anatomical success of bleb needling; the breaking of adhesions and the opening of the scleral bed under the conjunctiva is currently at best a blind procedure with the formation of a diffuse bleb at the end of the surgery, the only indicator.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the use of the iOCT in glaucoma surgeries. The iOCT might not find a role in routine glaucoma procedures, neither might it replace the practice of using goniolens for angle procedures. However, it could provide an alternative method to deal with angle imaging in hazy corneas as in failed keratoplasty or in cases of congenital glaucoma with opaque corneas. Similarly in microincision glaucoma surgeries, the iOCT might help in placement of stents like the iStent and Express implants in the appropriate anatomical space.
One of the applications of the iOCT in the future could be as a teaching tool for residents and fellows; the ability to record and document the surgery would be an added advantage. This technology might also reduce the steep learning curve of technically challenging surgeries (like nonpenetrating glaucoma surgeries and drainage device implantation).
As with every new technology, the
iOCT has got limitations. The majority of the limitations of this tool are surgeon and machine related. The restricted scanning area and the need to move the scanning zone to target the instrument tip requires a rather cumbersome coordination between the surgeon and assistant/technician manning the scanner; refocussing to the ROI is constantly required to achieve good quality images.
1 Distortion of images during eye or microscope movements also causes motion artefacts. There is a learning curve for focusing and aligning the ROI and the inconvenience of simultaneously looking at both the surgical field and the OCT image simultaneously. The synchronization between the two areas under observation has a definite learning curve. The other major limitation is the shadowing effect caused by the metallic instruments currently used, that renders the underlying tissues invisible (
Fig. 5).
The integration of real-time in vivo OCT imaging with the operating microscope is still in its infancy. Instruments that would allow the wavelength of the OCT light to pass through need to be developed to overcome the shadowing effect. Improvements in the resolution of the integrated OCT and possible color coding to determine tissue thickness could be other potential areas that need to be addressed.
An area where real-time intraoperative OCT guidance could possibly improve performance during surgery is during tube implantation via a scleral tunnel (essentially a blind procedure), determining the depth of the scleral flap during nonpenetrating glaucoma procedures and visualization of the Schlemm's canal during canalostomy. The use of the device would also increase if real-time quantitative measures are available along with desired depth proximity alarms.
Advancements to make the iOCT more interactive to include surgeon feedback regarding the depth of the incision and integrating lasers to this effect using built-in software could pave the way for a controlled ‘robotic' approach to ophthalmic surgery.
The still images and live real-time imaging demonstrated by the SDOCT provides guidance to the surgeon in two dimensions, and it would be interesting to see if 3D imaging can further enhance the safety and efficacy of the procedure. Given the logistics and technical issues associated with creation of true 3D images, it would be rather too early to consider bringing 3D into ophthalmic surgery. Nonetheless, the authors believe that if such imaging technology is made available, then it is likely to not only increase the safety of surgical procedures but also reduce the learning curve for the beginners.
We believe that future studies should determine if any significant differences (if any) of ease of surgery and quality of desired outcome after surgery (e.g., depth achieved in nonpenetrating procedures or intraoperative visualization in viscocanalostomy) exist by including a control group (a non-SDOCT guided group); this would increase the validity of incorporating the technology intraoperatively. Studies comparing longitudinal outcomes, intra-and postoperative results of SDOCT guided versus nonguided surgery would possibly increase the uptake of OCT guided procedures.
Further studies and modifications to the iOCT are required to better understand and increase the uptake of this technology in daily practice. The prohibitive costs could potentially truncate the role of this promising technology as a teaching tool and be a major hurdle in the device uptake, as was the case when the OCT was introduced initially as an imaging tool in ophthalmology.
The authors thank Abdul Muthalib for audio-visual editing.
Disclosure: R.S. Kumar, None; M.U. Jariwala, None; Sathidevi A. V, None; J.P. Venugopal, None; N.K. Puttaiah, None; D.R.A. S, None; R. Balu, None; R. Shetty, None