Natural accommodation is the eye's ability to change the shape of its lens, and thereby change its focal distance. This allows an individual to focus on an object at any given distance in their view with an autonomic nervous system feedback response. The person does this automatically, without thinking, by innervating their ciliary body muscle in the eye. The ciliary muscle adjusts radial tension on the natural lens and changes the lens' curvature, which adjusts the focal distance of the eye in order that one may focus on a given object.
Without the ability to accommodate, lenses such as reading glasses must be relied upon to focus desired objects. Typically, cataract surgery will leave the individual with a fixed focal distance, typically greater than 20 feet. For activities such as computer work or reading, they need separate glasses.
Several attempts have been made to restore accommodation with cataract surgery. The most successful of these rely upon lenses with two or three discrete focal distances. The results has been fair, but the design compromises the overall quality of the vision and the continuous quality of natural accommodation.
The concept of an extruded gel interface intraocular lens has been examined by several developers with successful animal and first stage human implantation.
4,5 These concepts all incorporate a shape changing interface using the radial zonular tension provided by relaxation of the ciliary muscle. The zonular tension is then translated to provide an anterior vectored force on the accommodating lens allowing it to alter the curvature of the lens' interface and the overall lens power.
4,5 The extruded gel intraocular lens (IOL) concept extrudes a gel material through a rigid circular aperture, which deforms in a more or less spherical shape. The increasing spherical deformation creates a variable lens that is directly proportional to the force applied to it by the zonular tension. Mechanically accommodating lenses rely upon the complex autonomic negative feedback control present in natural accommodation, which adjust the zonular tension to maximize the image clarity of a visual target.
6 The amount of zonular actuation force on the intraocular lens is expected to reset via the negative feedback response just as it does with physiologic changes in the natural lens, providing the forces are in the possible physiologic range. In an effort to use the negative feedback accommodative control, a bicameral chamber was added to previous designs with a lower index of refraction silicone gel material in the posterior chamber and a higher refractive index silicone oil anterior chamber.
4,5 In this manner, the gel interface is extruded through the internal rigid polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) aperture and reduces the overall power of the lens in a physiologic manner.
7 The anchoring haptic design provides a stationary support for the IOL, which prevents the whole lens from translating anteriorly during accommodation. The extruded gel design's efficacy has been shown in vivo, replicating accommodation with the eye's available natural accommodating force.
4,5 Figure 1 illustrates the bicameral design of the extruded gel IOL in intraocular configuration.
The outer shell is that of a rigid spherical lens. When the ciliary muscle is relaxed (during distance focusing of the eye), tension is increased on the zonules and the lens capsule and applied pressure extrudes the gel through the aperture acting as a variable power lens directly proportional to the physiologic accommodative force. Conversely, during near focus the ciliary muscle contracts relaxing the tension on the zonules and the capsular membrane. The relaxed tension decreases the pressure and reverses the extrusion increasing the power of the lens, equivalent to natural accommodation.
There is a small available force applied by the capsular membrane (∼1 g) that must be sufficient to actuate the lens and alter its power sufficiently.
8 The present study examines the ex vivo force requirements and image quality for this type of accommodating intraocular lens. Additionally, factors necessary to optimize the lens efficacy and quality are delineated for future developers and designers of accommodating intraocular lenses.