Rayleigh scattering is an alternative method for assaying for the presence of proteins and other small molecules in a liquid. It has the advantage of using a noncoherent (i.e., nonlaser) light source and is rapid in practice. The Rayleigh and Tyndall methods rigorously describe the phenomenon of classical scattering of light by particles suspended in an aqueous/gaseous medium. However, Tyndall equations are suitable primarily for measuring concentration of colloidal particles that are larger (∼400–900 nm) when using a light source in the visible spectrum. In contrast, the Rayleigh scattering method provides a more complete description of the underlying phenomenon of scattering by particles, including those that are significantly smaller than the wavelength of light. In visible wavelengths, this translates to particle sizes in the range of few nm to approximately 100 nm. For reference, a large spherical 500 kD protein is expected to have a diameter of approximately 10 nm.
19 As a result, a system based on Rayleigh scattering, such as the OFAM, may be fundamentally more sensitive to small/trace protein concentrations in the AH as the Tyndall effect would be expected to detect primarily protein aggregates, which may occur only at higher concentrations. For instance, in studies using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of aqueous humor, approximately one-third of the identified proteins are below 50 kD in size,
20,21 which would not produce a significant Tyndall effect under visible light. Similarly, the major upregulated protein found in aqueous humor of patients with juvenile arthritis-associated uveitis is transthyretin,
22 which has a molecular weight of 13 kD and an expected diameter of 3 nm. Based on
Equation 1, it would be predicted that the Rayleigh-based OFAM system would have approximately 6 times stronger signals when compared to laser flare– or slit-lamp–based Tyndall observational methods for equivalent concentrations of protein. Additionally, the OFAM device is able to sample a larger proportion of the aqueous than current laser flare photometers. The KOWA system, for example, probes an approximately 0.075 mm
3 volume, compared with an observed slit-lamp volume of 1 mm
3. The OFAM system uses a 2-mm diameter LED beam and has a 6-mm
3 analytic volume, which may further increase sensitivity for detection of inflammation.