The natural vitreous is a transparent gelatinoid structure, which occupies four-fifths of the volume of the eye. The physiological function of the vitreous body involves supporting adjacent posterior segment structures, serving as an ocular refractive medium and a cell barrier to inhibit cell migration from the retina to the vitreous cavity.
1 Pars plana vitrectomy, combined with artificial vitreous substitutes, is an important treatment for severe retinal detachment (RD) caused by various retinopathies, such as proliferative vitreoretinopathy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and endophthalmitis.
2–6 A number of artificial vitreous substitutes (e.g., inert gas, silicone oil [SO], heavy SO, and hydrogels) have been adopted.
7–14 Among these, SO, introduced by Cibis in 1962,
9 has been the most important adjunct for internal tamponade in the treatment of complicated retinal or choroidal detachment for the past 5 decades. However, SO is not always successful, and an anatomical success rate of approximately 70% has been reported,
8 together with various complications, including cataracts, keratopathy, glaucoma,
12 emulsification,
15 and translocation of the SO. Despite half a century of efforts to find a substance to replace the natural vitreous of the eye, an ideal and permanent vitreous body has yet to be found.
Vitreous substitution is deemed one of the most interesting and challenging fields of research in ophthalmology.
7 Challenges with vitreous substitution include the need to make a mini-implantation incision. The refraction and transparency of the substitution also are crucial, as is the intraocular location of the substitute, which is in close contact with very delicate tissues, such as the retina, ciliary body, lens, and anterior chamber.
In our previous studies,
18–21 we proposed a new vitreous substitution strategy involving a novel foldable capsular vitreous body (FCVB) to avoid the aforementioned complications. We conducted a pilot study of FCVB injected with a balanced salt solution (BSS)
22 in 11 patients with severe RD over a 3-month period. Some BSS leakage occurred because of tiny holes in the capsule of the FCVB. The leakage was confirmed in an vitro study of the hydrolytic stability of the BSS-filled FCVB.
23 In contrast, no leakage occurred when SO was used in the capsule of FCVB, as shown in a hydrolytic stability test and demonstrated in three patients implanted with an SO-filled FCVB in a clinical trial.
23 In this clinical trial, the SO-filled FCVB showed good stability and efficacy. In the present study, we investigated the efficacy and safety of the SO-filled FCVB during a 3-year follow-up period.