When comparing the distribution of AS-20 scores, median domain score improved across all AS-20 domains whether analyzed with lookup tables or with stacked Rasch methods (
P < 0.0001 for all comparisons;
Fig. 1). When comparing pre- and postoperative HRQOL scores within each surgical outcome classification, improvement was observed for surgical successes for each domain of the Rasch-scored AS-20 whether analyzed using Rasch lookup tables or a stacked Rasch analysis (
P < 0.0001 for each comparison). The distribution of responses was somewhat greater when using the de novo Rasch analysis method. For partial surgical successes, improvement was much less, reaching statistical significance on the reading function domain with each method (
P < 0.007) and the general function domain using lookup tables (
P = 0.003). In contrast, no improvements were observed in patients classified as failures for any domains by either method (
P ≥ 0.2 for each comparison). Comparing pre- to postoperative changes in scores between outcome categories (success, partial success, and failure), greater change in score was observed among successful outcomes compared with failures for self-perception (
P = 0.0008), reading function (
P < 0.0001), and general function (
P = 0.0002) using the Rasch lookup tables and for all domains using the stacked Rasch analysis method (
P ≤ 0.002 for all comparisons) (
Fig. 2). Greater change was observed for successful outcomes than for partially successful outcomes in the self-perception domain using a stacked Rasch analysis (
P = 0.01). Numerically greater change, albeit nonsignificant when Bonferroni corrected (
P > 0.0167), was observed for successful outcomes compared with partial success and partial success compared with failures for all remaining domains using either analysis method (
Fig. 2).