Granulin is an epithelial cell mitogen that can be cleaved into 6-kDa peptides; these peptides can promote neuronal survival, cell migration, and inhibit or stimulate cell proliferation.
25 GAS6 is a protein that, when it activates the MER receptor of RPE, is thought to stimulate photoreceptor phagocytosis.
26,27 GAS6 has been shown to have survival and growth factor properties in other cell types.
28,29 Mimecan (truncated form of osteoglycin) can act synergistically with insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF2), and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP2) to activate the IGF receptor, IGF1R, whose activation is associated with growth, survival, and differentiation.
30 Because fetal RPE cells were shown to express very little platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFRα), the receptor activated by stimulation from PDGF-AA, PDGF-AA seems unlikely to be a bioactive molecule in CM.
31 PDGFRβ, activated by PDGF-AB, -BB, -CC (not found in CM), and -DD, is the major PDGF receptor found in fetal RPE. PDGF-AB, -BB, and -DD significantly enhance fetal RPE proliferation and migration with PDGF-DD showing a greater stimulatory ability than PDGF-AB and -BB.
31 A study by Nagineni et al.
32 reported no enhanced RPE proliferation (donor age unknown) from PDGFAA, AB, and BB. PDGF can act synergistically with IGF-1 and insulin (mapped to extracellular space, other in
Table 2), stimulating RPE proliferation.
33 IGF-1 and IGF-2 can be used singly to stimulate proliferation of RPE cells.
34–36 Insulin (which can also activate the IGF receptor) is used routinely in cell culture medium to promote cell survival and proliferation
37 and is a supplement of MDBK-MM (CM vehicle). However, insulin alone cannot be attributed to CM bioactivity since MDBK-MM does not support RPE cell survival on Bruch's membrane. Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are angiogenic factors that primarily target endothelial cells.
38,39 VEGFA can compromise RPE barrier function resulting in a reduction of transepithelial resistance.
40,41 However, VEGFA has also been shown to be a RPE cell survival factor under conditions of oxidative stress.
42,43 VEGF can stimulate RPE cell proliferation but, when combined with IGF-1, decreases proliferation over that seen by these growth factors applied singly.
44 Thus, it seems plausible that some or all of the above growth factors with or without insulin could be bioactive in CM, stimulating proliferation, ECM deposition, and enhanced RPE cell survival on submacular Bruch's membrane.