To introduce a perimetric algorithm (Spatially Weighted Likelihoods in Zippy Estimation by Sequential Testing [ZEST] [SWeLZ]) that uses spatial information on every presentation to alter visual field (VF) estimates, to reduce test times without affecting output precision and accuracy.
SWeLZ is a maximum likelihood Bayesian procedure, which updates probability mass functions at VF locations using a spatial model. Spatial models were created from empirical data, computational models, nearest neighbor, random relationships, and interconnecting all locations. SWeLZ was compared to an implementation of the ZEST algorithm for perimetry using computer simulations on 163 glaucomatous and 233 normal VFs (Humphrey Field Analyzer 24-2). Output measures included number of presentations and visual sensitivity estimates.
There was no significant difference in accuracy or precision of SWeLZ for the different spatial models relative to ZEST, either when collated across whole fields or when split by input sensitivity. Inspection of VF maps showed that SWeLZ was able to detect localized VF loss. SWeLZ was faster than ZEST for normal VFs: median number of presentations reduced by 20% to 38%. The number of presentations was equivalent for SWeLZ and ZEST when simulated on glaucomatous VFs.
SWeLZ has the potential to reduce VF test times in people with normal VFs, without detriment to output precision and accuracy in glaucomatous VFs.
Translational Relevance:
SWeLZ is a novel perimetric algorithm. Simulations show that SWeLZ can reduce the number of test presentations for people with normal VFs. Since many patients have normal fields, this has the potential for significant time savings in clinical settings.
For simulations using a reliable observer, global error performance was similar for all implementations of SWeLZ and ZEST (
Table, first and third columns). Median global error was 0 dB for both SWeLZ and ZEST simulated on the glaucoma data set; and 0.5 dB (underestimation) for ZEST and 0 dB for all implementations of SWeLZ simulated on the normal data set. The spread of the global error, as indicated by the 5th to 95th percentile range, was similar for all models simulated on the glaucoma data set (3–4 dB), but was 1 dB greater for all implementations of SWeLZ (2 dB) relative to ZEST (1 dB) simulated on the normal data set.
All implementations of SWeLZ showed a reduction in the number of presentations per visual field relative to ZEST for simulations on the normal data set, while maintaining similar numbers of presentations to ZEST for simulations on the glaucoma data set (
Table, second and fourth columns). The median number of presentations was reduced by 20% to 38% for simulations run on the normal data set for SWeLZ relative to ZEST, with the smallest gain seen for the geometric model and the greatest gain seen for the all interconnected model.
Plotting the mean number of presentations against the degree of visual field loss (
Fig. 3) reveals that the number of presentations follows a parabola-like shape for both ZEST and the correlation model. The number of presentations is lowest for both mild (mean loss: −10 to 4 dB) and severe (mean loss: −28 to −20 dB) glaucoma and is highest for moderate (mean loss: −10 to −20 dB) glaucoma. However, the range of the number of presentations for the correlation model is approximately twice that of ZEST: the correlation model terminates faster than ZEST in very mild glaucoma (160 vs. 220 presentations) but shows more variability in the number of presentations in moderate glaucoma than ZEST (ZEST range: 270–340; correlation model range: 250–400), on average terminating slightly slower than ZEST.
All implementations of SWeLZ had a greater spread of the number of presentations, as shown by the 5th to 95th percentile range. This increased spread manifested as skewed distributions with a tail in the direction of increasing numbers of presentations for simulations on the normal data set, and bimodal distributions for simulations performed on the glaucoma data set.
To compare algorithm performance across varying degrees of visual field loss, we looked at error across input sensitivity.
Figures 4 and
5 show the results from simulations performed on the glaucoma and normal data sets, respectively. All implementations of SWeLZ performed the same across input sensitivity for both data sets. Error profiles of ZEST and SWeLZ were also similar across all conditions.
For the glaucoma data set, comparisons of SWeLZ with ZEST revealed no median difference in absolute errors for intensity values < 22 dB and differences in the order of 1 dB for sensitivity values > 21 dB (SWeLZ error greater than ZEST: 22–26 dB and 34–36 dB; ZEST error greater than SWeLZ: 29–31 dB). SWeLZ had reduced spread of error over the lower (0–16 dB) and higher ends (26–36 dB) of the dynamic range of intensities, while ZEST had reduced spread centrally (17–25 dB). Differences in spread were of the magnitudes: 1–4 dB.
For the normal data set, comparisons of SWeLZ with ZEST revealed median differences in absolute error in the order of 1 dB (SWeLZ error greater than ZEST: 20–26 dB and 35–36 dB; ZEST error greater than SWeLZ: 30–31 dB). SWeLZ has reduced spread at the higher end of the range of intensities (26–36 dB), while ZEST had reduced variability relative to ZEST at lower dB values (16–25 dB). The magnitude of the difference in spread spanned: 1–4 dB.
In order to verify that localized defects were not being smoothed out, we looked at visual fields with typical patterns of glaucomatous loss. The results of randomly chosen simulations of ZEST and the correlation model are shown in
Figure 6. Both ZEST and SWeLZ were capable of detecting a paracentral scotoma, nasal step, hemifield loss, and arcuate defects.
A typical false-positive responder was simulated using both ZEST and SWeLZ (correlation and all-interconnected models). The correlation model was chosen for SWeLZ, because it showed the greater reduction in test times of the two structurally and functionally derived models. The all-interconnected model was chosen as a nonspecific spatial model to contrast with the literature-derived correlation model. The relative performance of the correlation model with ZEST was similar to the simulations using the reliable observer. However, the tests simulated using the all-interconnected model tended to smooth out localized defects.
Median global error was 0 dB for ZEST and SWeLZ (both geometric and all-interconnected models) for simulations on the normal data set, with SWeLZ having a larger spread of global error (3 dB) relative to ZEST (2 dB) (
Table, bottom three rows). Simulations using the glaucoma data set, revealed a median error of 0 dB for ZEST and −1 dB (overestimation) for SWeLZ, with a similar spread of global error for the two procedures (2–2.5 dB).
The reduction in the number of presentations for SWeLZ relative to ZEST for the normal data set was of a similar magnitude to simulations using the reliable observer (correlation model: 24% reduction; all interconnected model: 39% reduction). ZEST terminated in a similar number of presentations (257) for the unreliable as for the reliable observer using the glaucoma data set. However, results from the glaucoma data set showed that SWeLZ required slightly fewer presentations for the unreliable than the reliable observer (correlation model: 238; all interconnected model: 199). This is likely because false-positive responses give the semblance of a smoother field.
Splitting the error by input sensitivity revealed greater spread for the unreliable relative to the reliable observer. However, the relationship between the median error and spread of the error for the correlation model and ZEST was the same as for the reliable observer (
Fig. 4 versus
Fig. 7 top rows;
Fig. 5 versus
Fig. 7 bottom rows). While the median error was similar for the reliable and unreliable all-interconnected model results, localized defects tended to be smoothed out for the unreliable observer. This is shown by the large increase in the 5th to 95th percentile range of locations with input sensitivities < 15 dB (
Fig. 4 bottom row versus
Fig. 7 third row).
We developed a novel algorithm that incorporates spatial information into the choice of where and at what intensity to present perimetric stimuli. The key difference between SWeLZ and previous uses of ZEST for perimetry is that PMFs are updated at multiple locations after each response, rather than just at the location where the stimulus was presented.
Computer simulations were used to compare the performance of SWeLZ with ZEST. Computer simulations provide a powerful method for evaluating an algorithm's performance prior to the initiation of clinical trials. Thousands of tests can be run in a relatively short space of time, with known underlying visual sensitivities and controlled patient response variability. These benefits are not possible with real human observers.
There is a constant demand for perimetric tests to be faster. SWeLZ was designed to meet this demand. Relative to ZEST, simulated test times were reduced by 20% to 38% for normal visual fields. These test times are shorter than those expected for SITA by approximately 32% to 47%, which takes an average of 287 presentations on normal visual fields.
12 Many people who regularly undergo visual field assessment in primary care clinical settings have normal visual fields. SWeLZ provides a reduction in test time for these patients, without increasing error rates. A further advantage of SWeLZ relative to the growth pattern used in SITA is that peripheral locations do not have to be tested last. When the peripheral locations are always tested last, these same locations will always be tested when the patient is most fatigued by the test.
The reduction in test times is present only for normal visual fields because the difference between neighboring thresholds in normal visual fields is small: the hill of vision is smooth. Connecting locations across a relatively smooth surface allows locations to reach the termination criteria faster, without detriment to the final visual sensitivity estimate.
It is likely that the correlation and geometric models, while based on population data and representing the population average, are not true representations for a particular individual. These models do not take into account an individual's biometric data, which determines the distribution of nerve fibres and thus the spatial relationships within glaucomatous visual fields.
22–24,53 For this article, we used population average biometric data to create models of spatial relationships, but tested these models with data that likely comprised a variety of different spatial relationships. Individuals within the data set may not be well described by the population average in some cases.
While the spatial graphs may be able to be refined, our data demonstrate that the exact configuration of the spatial graph is not the limiting factor on SWeLZ's performance. Although the spatial graphs used in this study had spatial configurations that differed from each other, similar error profiles were produced for each of them (
Figs. 4,
5). The greatest improvement in test times for both data sets was achieved with a graph that had no spatial information; all locations were interconnected with equal edge weights (see
Table). In effect, SWeLZ with this graph produces a raising or lowering of the height of the hill of vision with each stimulus presentation. SWeLZ is thus not glaucoma-specific, as can be seen by the ability to detect the quadrantanopia shown in
Figure 6. However, sensible relationships should be chosen so as not to smooth out localized defects when the observer is an unreliable responder (
Fig. 7). Thus, it may be prudent to incorporate a real-time decision-making process at the front-end of SWeLZ that allows for changes in spatial models depending on the suspected cause of visual field loss, as determined by a clinician.
Additional simulations were run to see whether increasing the number of test presentations beyond the test termination criteria (SD < 1.5 dB) would improve the error profile (not shown) to create a procedure of the same duration as current procedures but more accurate. Running SWeLZ for longer did not improve the error profile. As SWeLZ is based on ZEST, it may be that this reflects the best performance achievable with ZEST and that either a different approach is required to improve the accuracy and precision of sensitivity estimates, or that performance simply cannot be improved beyond these levels due to other variability factors as described by the frequency of seeing curve of the responder. Alternately, using a more principled approach to incorporate spatial information, such as conditional random fields—a form of statistical modeling—may improve error rates, by incorporating combined probability functions across multiple visual field locations.
SWeLZ is not a screening approach but provides genuine threshold estimates. There are several other perimetric approaches that are rapid for normal visual fields (e.g., Tendency Oriented Perimetry [TOP] and SITA-Fast). Key differences are that while SWeLZ dynamically chooses the number of presentations at each location, TOP presents only one stimulus at each location, commonly underestimating defect depth.
55,56 SITA-Fast terminates earlier than SITA accepting a lower accuracy of test results.
57,58 SWeLZ provides the benefits of a fast test procedure for smooth, normal visual fields, while expending a comparable or slightly greater number of test presentations to existing procedures for glaucomatous visual fields, without compromising on the precision and accuracy of test results in either case.
The next step for SWeLZ will be to test the algorithm on real observers. Computer simulations make assumptions about patient responses, such as the patient's frequency of seeing curve, attentional lapses and effects of fatigue, which do not necessarily reflect the response characteristics of a real observer. Thus, clinical testing is required to validate the findings described in this article.
In summary, a novel algorithm was developed to incorporate spatial information into the update instructions of a Bayesian maximum likelihood procedure. SWeLZ required 20% to 38% less presentations than ZEST to complete a visual field test for a normal visual field, without detriment to the error profile and while still maintaining accuracy on glaucomatous visual fields. Additionally, since the order in which locations are tested is not determined by a growth pattern, SWeLZ does not require peripheral locations to be the last locations tested. SWeLZ has the potential to reduce test times for patients requiring regular visual field tests, who do not have manifest visual field loss.
The authors thank Chris Johnson for supplying the visual field data sets. The authors thank Stuart Gardiner for supplying details of the filter used to derive the correlation model spatial graph.
This research was supported by grant ARC LP130100055 (AT and AMM) and a Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) grant [VR0280] on its Peak Computing Facility at the University of Melbourne, an initiative of the Victorian Government, Australia.
Disclosure: N. J. Rubinstein, None; A. M. McKendrick, Heidelberg Engineering GmBH, Haag-Streit AG, CentreVue SpA, Carl-Zeiss Meditec; A. Turpin, Heidelberg Engineering GmBH, Haag-Streit AG, CentreVue SpA