PEG sealant is an absorbable PEG-based synthetic hydrogel. The liquid is polymerized under visible xenon illumination and forms a clear, flexible, and firmly adherent hydrogel. In our in vivo study, PEG sealant was easily delivered into the subconjunctival sclerotomy sites using a 27-gauge needle through conjunctival incisions and rapidly photopolymerized in a flexible mass by the application of xenon light, resulting in the successful sealing of sutureless 23-gauge vitrectomy incisions in rabbits.
In order to overcome potential complications related to wound leakage from sclerotomies, wound closure with cyanoacrylate glue, tissue fibrin glue, and other complex adhesives has been suggested.
8,9 Cyanoacrylate glue is used during corneal procedures in some cases; however, it produces heat and settles rapidly into an inflexible and friable material. It should be recognized that patients may experience discomfort caused by the rough and dry surface of the glue on the ocular surface when it used for sealing sclerotomies. Furthermore, cyanoacrylate was reported to cause direct tissue toxicity, which is another limitation.
Tissue fibrin glue (Tisseel; Baxter AG, Vienna, Austria) was used as an alternative to sutures in a small series of patients who underwent surgery for the closure of MIVS and 20-gauge vitrectomy incisions.
15 Unlike cyanoacrylate glue, fibrin glue forms a smooth seal rather than a hard mass, thus providing greater postoperative comfort with fewer complications.
16 Although it is nontoxic to the tissue and is less likely to cause a foreign body reaction, fibrin glue carries the theoretical risk of anaphylaxis and disease transmission.
In this experiment, we tested the ability of PEG sealant to close 23-gauge vitrectomy incisions. PEG is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry because of its low toxicity and impressive safety profile, although a PEG-induced anaphylatic reaction has been reported.
17 Many ophthalmic products, including lubricant eye drops, ophthalmic corticosteroids, ocular decongestants, and artificial tears, also contain this chemical. The hydrogel comprises approximately 95% water, with PEG cross-linked with trilysine as solid components. The link between each PEG and trilysine molecule contains a hydrolysable segment. Therefore, in the months following implantation, the hydrogel gradually weakens and liquefies, releasing the individual PEG and trilysine molecules. Hydrolysable linkages between the PEG molecules cause the hydrogel to liquefy within approximately 2 months. This gel degradation process is solely dependent on the presence of water and is not affected by enzymes. Trilysine is a product of L-lysine synthesis, which plays an important role in the formation of collagen and is a naturally occurring essential amino acid. The PEG and trilysine molecules are rapidly absorbed and cleared from the body via renal filtration.
Singh et al.
18 conducted a laboratory study to evaluate the ability of the hydrogel bandage (ReSure Ocular Bandage; Ocular Therapeutix, Inc., Bedford, MA) to seal sutureless pars plana vitrectomy sclerotomies performed on human globes procured from an eye bank.
18 The incisions received either a hydrogel device, a suture, or neither and were evaluated for the ingress of India ink. The bandage prevented the entry of ink particles in all covered incisions (11 of 11). One sutured eye (1 of 5) and four control eyes (4 of 5) permitted the ingress of ink through the incision. In a separate study with a different set of human cadaveric eyes, hydrogel sealant resulted in a secure, watertight seal for sutureless 23-gauge vitrectomy incisions.
19 In that in vitro experiment, the outcomes were considered equivalent to those achieved with sutures. Laboratory experiments showed that the hydrogel seal was sufficiently strong and maintained ocular integrity at intraocular pressures beyond those experienced by the globe during eyelid blinking, eye rubbing, coughing, or eyelid squeezing.
20 However, these experiments are limited by their in vitro nature, and it remains unclear whether PEG-based synthetic hydrogel bandage successfully closes sutureless 23-gauge vitrectomy incisions in vivo. Furthermore, the hydrogel sealant used by the previous authors requires mixing of two phases to initiate a cross-linking reaction before application. Also, the sealants were applied to the sclerotomies using a foam-tipped applicator and in the absence of conjunctiva; this does not simulate the actual clinical setting, where conjunctiva will also be present.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first in vivo experiment on the effectiveness of PEG-based synthetic hydrogel as a sealant for sclerotomy in MIVS. Because PEG sealant is a photocurable and single-phase gel that does not require prior mixing, it was easily delivered using a 27-gauge needle through conjunctival incisions and photopolymerized with xenon intraocular illumination, which is used in routine opthalmological surgeries. Our in vivo experiment indicated that PEG sealant was sufficiently strong and maintained ocular integrity throughout the observation period.
In ophthalmologic examination and histological evaluation, no adverse effects of PEG sealant on the ocular tissue were observed, with no signs of increased intraocular inflammation. It only induced a mild to moderate local inflammatory reaction, which is considered acceptable. We previously described that PEG sealant was nontoxic to rabbit eyes in vivo.
In our histological examination, PEG sealant tightly closed the sclerotomy through fibrosis and collagen formation. Histological evaluations have shown that PEG sealant effectively adheres to tissues in other organs. Ranger et al.
10 used PEG sealant for pulmonary air leaks in dog models and observed complete healing with a fibrotic layer overlying the area of the pulmonary defect in their histological examination. Alleyne et al.
13 used PEG sealant as a dural sealing material in a canine craniotomy model and showed healing of the cut dural edges by the formation of a bridging fibrous and collagenous scar in their histological examination.
The limitations of this study include the relatively short observation period, because of which the long-term effects of the sealant remain unknown. Further studies with long-term observation periods are thus necessary. Because the thin sclera of rabbits was assessed in the current study, further studies with suitable models such as the pig eye or the human cadaveric eye are required to more precisely evaluate the effectiveness of PEG sealant in vitrectomy wound closure. In addition, the irritant effects of PEG sealant application to scleral wounds remain unknown in this animal study, as do the effects of blinking on the adherence of the sealant. It remains unknown whether PEG sealant will have similar disadvantages when sutures are used in humans. Further studies should clarify these issues.
In conclusion, we demonstrated the ability of PEG sealant, which is a PEG-based synthetic hydrogel, to successfully close sutureless 23-gauge vitrectomy incisions in rabbits. The material can be useful for pediatric vitrectomy because it precludes the requirement for suturing.