The previously described T1 MRI scans
13 were made of a healthy 22-year-old male volunteer (after informed consent and in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki) on a General Electric 3.0T Signa Excite 3 MRI scanner (GE Healthcare, Wautwatosa, WI) at Erasmus Medical Center (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) using the transmit body coil for signal excitation and a dedicated 4-channel dual array receive only surface coil (2 channels per eye; Flick Engineering Solutions BV, Winterswijk, NL) for signal reception to enhance signal quality. Imaging was performed using a 3D fast spoiled radio frequency gradient echo scan (SPGR) with a repetition time (TR) of 6.03 ms, echo time (TE) of 2.1 ms, and a readout flip angle of 10°. The scanning field-of-view (FOV) was set to 140 mm using an acquisition matrix of 170 × 170 and 62, 1-mm axial slices encoded, resulting in an actual voxel resolution was 0.823 × 0.823 × 1.000 mm
3 (coronal × sagittal × axial) in a total acquisition time per 3D volume of 1 minute 0 seconds. The receiver readout bandwidth was set to 62.5 KHz and no imaging acceleration techniques nor surface intensity correction algorithms were used. The resulting dataset was interpolated by zero-filling before the fast Fourier transform to an interpolated voxel size of 0.5469 × 0.5469 × 0.5000 mm
3 providing a grid of 256 × 256 × 116 voxels that was used for further processing. Each scan was acquired with a different axial angle of rotation for the right eyeball, which abducts from −30° (left) of rotation to +40° (right) at constant 5° increments. To minimize vergence, the subject's left eye was covered. The angle of rotation was imposed by requiring the subject to focus on a small light source placed 20 cm from the center of the right eyeball. To minimize acquisition errors due to head movement during or between scans, two previously described measures (Dunning AG, et al.,
IOVS 2009;50:ARVO E-Abstract 661) were, taken. First, the subject's head was fixed inside a frame to minimize head movement during each scan. Second, the subject bit down on a dental thermoplast with 3D MRI markers for rigid registration of the volumes afterward. With this set up, only in the 45°-gaze positions in extreme left and right gaze, any head movement occurred. We obtained a sequence of 15 axial MRI slabs of a healthy male subject (
Fig. 1,
1a), containing both orbits. Because the acquisition focus was on the right orbit, we cropped the dataset to fully contain only the right eye socket. The size of the cropped grid is 61 × 96 × 86 voxels. The volumes of the acquired MRI data together represent the gradually sliding and deforming anatomy of the orbital fat in a motion-MRI (Video 1).