In mice and humans, the entire retina is vascularized, with blood flow directed from the optic disc radially to the periphery of the retina.
16 The central retinal artery, being supplied from the internal carotid artery, branches in four to eight retinal arterioles, depending on the mouse strain.
17,18 The retinal microvasculature consists of two distinct vascular layers: a superficial capillary layer in the nerve fiber/ganglion cell layer, and the deeper capillary layer extending into the inner nuclear and outer plexiform layers.
19 In the mouse, it has been shown that the superficial plexus consists mostly of arterioles, which branch into three to four precapillary arterioles.
20 In contrast, the DVP is predominantly venous and consists of mostly capillaries.
12 Recent studies have differentiated three different vascular planes within the mouse retina, the intermediate layer (within the IPL) being the connection between the superficial and the DVP with mostly perpendicular divisions of the vessels, and thus being the less distinct one.
20,21 In order to clearly differentiate vessel structures of the deep and superficial plexus we avoided placing the slabs for the different planes too closely, and therefore did not include the intermediate vascular plexus in our analysis.
Visualizing the vasculature of the retina is paramount in order to dissect the pathomechanisms of vascular eye diseases such as retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion, or diabetic retinopathy. Histology has long been considered the gold standard for assessing and quantifying vascular changes in animal models, as well as for judging the efficacy of potential treatments.
22 Immunostaining of vascular endothelium with fluorophore-labeled isolectin B4 in retinal flat-mounts can highlight the overall architecture of the retinal vessels.
However, there are many disadvantages associated with histologic processing. Because of the inherent need to sacrifice animals to obtain histologic data, a large number of animals are needed to analyze sequential time points in a long-term study. Quantitative assessment of the vascular network ex vivo can be problematic due to the nonlinear artifacts induced by fixation, postmortem ischemia, or tissue processing. Despite excellent resolution of confocal microscopy to image retinal vessels, the deeper vascular networks are often difficult to differentiate from the superficial layers. Additionally, because of the interindividual variability of many animal models of vascular diseases, it would be desirable to test therapeutic approaches in the same animal.
23,24 In this direction, the normal vasculature in C57BL/6J mice was recently evaluated with OCT-A using an RTVue XR Avanti system (Optovue, Inc., Fremont, California).
10 Furthermore, this study showed that OCT-A was useful to visualize laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in mice. However, so far, a comparison of OCT-A findings and histology of the retinal vasculature has not been performed.
The principle of OCT-A is based on image decorrelation, where particles in motion are subtracted from static ones by taking a series of high speed pictures. The inter B-scan time, which is the time that passes between two consecutive B-scan acquisitions, is crucial for the detection of blood flow. OCT using split-spectrum amplitude-decorrelation angiography (SSADA) is able to detect normal capillary flow speeds, which have been estimated at between 0.4 and 3 mm/s and which is in the range of 1.26 ± 0.34 mm/s that has been reported in retinal vessels in mice.
25–28 If blood flow is slower than the B-scan time between consecutive B scans, no signal can be detected at all. In order to compare morphological features between the three imaging modalities, we analyzed the vascular density in the superficial and DVP using AngioTool software.
14,20 Because lateral measurements using OCT have been shown to be inaccurate in mice we were not able to use the scale bars provided in the infrared images corresponding to the OCT scans.
29 Instead, we identified matching areas in histology to FA and OCTA. There are no available reports about vascular degeneration in
rd2 mice. However, similar to mice with
rd1 mutations the outer nuclear layer degenerates, albeit slower than in
rd1 mice.
11 In
rd1 mice the DVP degenerates by the end of the second postnatal week coinciding with the degeneration of the outer retinal layers.
29 Here, we found that the DVP is absent in 6-month-old C3A.Cg
-Pde6b+ Prph2Rd2/J mice. This allowed comparing morphological features of the SVP without potential interference from the DVP.
15,30 Here, we found that all three imaging modalities provided similar information on morphological features of the SVP.
There are several limitations when applying OCT devices designed for clinical use in small animal models. Image acquisition was protracted because of decreased performance of the tracking feature due breathing artefacts. Furthermore, there are some limitations due to the short axial length of the mouse eye, which is only approximately 3 mm, and therefore considerably smaller than the human eye.
31 This leads to image disparity toward the periphery due to the higher convexity of the mouse eye and therefore OCT-A measurements can only be performed of the posterior pole of the mouse eye. Another limitation inherent to OCT-A technology is projection artifacts, where artifactual images may be projected into deeper retinal layers than they actually are. This may lead to a higher vessel density in the DVP.
Lastly, because lateral measurements are inaccurate in the mouse eye in OCT and infrared images, we had to approximate regions of interests for quantification in the three imaging modalities.
Our report combined with the recent application of OCT-A for the evaluation of experimental choroidal neovascularization in mice serves as a proof of concept that OCT-A may be used to obtain in vivo information on animal models to study retinal vascular abnormalities following photoreceptor loss and may provide new information on disease models for retinal dystrophies.