In this study, we validated the ability of a fully automated segmentation software system, DOCTRAP, to produce OCT platform-independent fully automated thickness measurements across 9 separate ETDRS grid sectors, in a clinical trial setting, from eyes of patients with DME. We found that when DOCTRAP was programmed to use similar inner and outer retinal boundaries as that used by the native Cirrus and HEYEX commercial software, thickness measurements were similar to that obtained on the commercial software. The interclass correlations between DOCTRAP and commercial machine software central subfield thickness values were very high. Furthermore, when the retinal boundaries were set to a common reference point, the thickness measurements derived by DOCTRAP were similar on images obtained on Cirrus and Spectralis systems from the same patient on the same day, with nearly identical central subfield thicknesses.
With DOCTRAP, it was possible to generate retinal thickness measurements whether the outer retinal boundary was the inner one-third of the RPE layer or BM, the boundaries used by the Cirrus and HEYEX commercial software segmentation algorithms, respectively. While DOCTRAP produced consistent measurements, regardless of the outer retinal boundary used, the measurements obtained with BM as the outer retinal boundary were slightly more consistent than those obtained using inner RPE as the outer retinal boundary. We hypothesized that a lesser effect of macular edema–associated artifacts, such as shadowing on the BM–RPE interface when compared to the inner RPE boundary, may account for these differences. We believe more precise segmentation, resulting in smaller standard errors, occurs using BM due to the sharper, more defined contrast between the hyper- and hyporeflective pixels as compared to the more graded pixel intensity at the OS/RPE junction. As BM is only a few pixels thick with greater contrast between hyper- and hyporeflective pixels, it is more accurately segmented. Accordingly, when DOCTRAP is used in a clinical or clinical trial setting, it would be preferable to use BM as a common reference point to compare thickness measurements across OCT platforms.
In eyes with DME, regional and global retinal thickness and volume measurements often are used to plan laser photocoagulation or pharmacologic treatment strategies, and changes in these parameters are used frequently to assess the effect of treatment over time.
17–20 HEYEX software computes volume over the area encompassed by the total ETDRS grid and for individual sectors 1 to 9, while Cirrus software computes only the volume over the 6 × 6 mm scanned area (
Table 1). With DOCTRAP, we expect volume to correlate well in each of the 9 ETRDS subfields, across the entire ETDRS grid, and across the entire area encompassed by the volume scan, regardless of the OCT platform, given the precision of the thickness measurements. Frequently there are regional retinal volume increases in eyes with DME, and regional changes in thickness in response to therapy, that may or may not be reflected by the total macular volume, across the ETDRS subfields, or the area encompassed by the entire OCT volume scan. Accordingly, the ability of DOCTRAP to precisely monitor these regional changes, in which similar regions can be compared to one another in an OCT-platform independent manner, will be advantageous in a clinical trial setting when more than one OCT system is used across different study sites, or in the clinic, when a different OCT platform is used to scan an individual patient from one exam to the next. While it would be of benefit for future DOCTRAP versions to implement B- and C-scans to more accurately segment volume scans or fluid, the current B-scan only version is advantageous in that it can analyze more effectively less dense scan patterns, such as line or radial scans, and volumetric scans with relatively widely spaced B-scans.
In clinical trials, when more than one OCT system has been used to determine retinal thickness, the percentage change from baseline for an individual patient often has been used with the commercially available software segmentation algorithms as a method to compare thicknesses across OCT platforms.
23–26 However, this method still leads to a different percent change for the individual patient, for each respective OCT system, and the magnitude depends on the baseline retinal thickness. For example, in one study, the average measured thickness was 21 μm greater when the Spectralis algorithm was used, compared to the Cirrus algorithm.
27 Similarly, in our study, we calculated an average thickness difference of 15.9 μm greater when the Spectralis algorithm was used, compared to the Cirrus algorithm. If the baseline thickness as measured by Spectralis was 300 μm, and increased to 400 μm, then the percentage increase would be 33% ([400 − 300]/300 × 100). Had a Cirrus system been used, the corresponding percentage change would be 36% ([379 – 279]/279 × 100). While these differences might not be meaningful for clinical management, they might be important in a clinical trial designed to determine efficacy of a particular drug. These differences would be minimized with software, such as DOCTRAP, that can segment in an automated manner OCT images using common reference boundaries across platforms.
This study has limitations. The scan protocols for Cirrus and Spectralis differed per the clinical study protocol. For Spectralis, 49 cross-sectional high-speed B-scan images (512 × 496 pixels) were acquired, while for Cirrus, 128 cross-sectional high-speed B-scan images (512 × 1024 pixels) were acquired. Accordingly, the distance between scans was greater for the Spectralis-acquired images. Additionally, each system internally samples the data differently, which causes a difference in the μm/pixel ratio of images between systems. For example, Spectralis images were 3.87 μm/pixel axially as compared to Cirrus images with an axial resolution of 1.95 μm/pixel. The Heidelberg and Zeiss companies produce this number, which is a constant across their systems. Despite these differences, the DOCTRAP algorithm produced very similar thickness measurements from the two OCT systems, when used to scan the same eye on the same day. These data further highlighted the potential use of DOCTRAP to produce consistent thickness measurements across platforms in the clinic and in clinical trials.
There are accumulating data that retinal microstructural abnormalities, in addition to retinal thickness and volume, correlate with visual function. For example, disruption of the ellipsoid zone, external limiting membrane, and inner retinal layers is associated with worse visual acuity.
28–31 Accordingly, it would be very advantageous to segment these layers in an automated manner, to calculate their thickness and volume, a process that is impractical to perform manually. In the present study, we validated the ability of DOCTRAP software algorithms to identify inner and outer retinal boundaries. We previously have shown in eyes without DME, that DOCTRAP can be used to simultaneously segment seven retinal layers, including those described above.
15 We currently are testing the ability of DOCTRAP to measure in an automated manner these boundaries and layers in eyes with DME, and other retinal diseases, to further advance the structure–function correlations.