Erratum in: “Significant Glaucomatous Visual Field Progression in the First Two Years: What Does It Mean?” by Andrew J. Anderson (
Trans Vis Sci Tech. 2016;5(6):1) doi:
There was a systematic calculation error for all positive predictive values (PPV) presented in the paper. The upper panels for Figures 2 through 5 reporting PPV, along with numerical PPVs in the text, have been corrected in the article online. The previous discussion and conclusion regarding the utility of a slope-based criterion was therefore incorrect, and has now been altered online to state that such a criterion produces a small improvement in PPV. The general conclusion that the presence of a statistically significant regression slope is not highly predictive of truly rapid visual field progression is unaltered.
A document showing the changes is available as Supplementary Material.
Citation: Anderson A. Erratum in: Significant glaucomatous visual field progression in the first two years: What does it mean?
Trans Vis Sci Tech. 2017;6(1):10, doi: