To identify potential differences between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients and controls in fall-relevant gait characteristics.
Spatiotemporal gait characteristics using the GAITRite walkway were collected from 29 AMD patients and 20 controls, aged 60 to 90 years, at the Wilmer Eye Institute. Multiple linear regressions, controlling for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and comorbidities were used to assess associations between gait characteristics and AMD.
Study participants were predominantly white (86%) and female (55%). Mean age of the full study population was 73.51 (SD: 8.14) years, and mean BMI was 27.80 (SD: 5.44) kg/m2. Median better-eye acuity (logMAR) was 0.23 (interquartile range [IQR] = 0.18, 0.36) and −0.02 (IQR = −0.08, 0.02), while median binocular log contrast sensitivity was 1.44 (IQR = 1.32, 1.56) and 1.76 (IQR = 1.76, 1.80) for the AMD and control groups, respectively. In multivariable regression models, AMD patients had significantly slower walking speeds (β = −0.118 m/sec [95% confidence interval (CI): −0.229, −0.007], P = 0.038) and stride velocities (β = −0.119 m/sec [95% CI: −0.232, −0.007], P = 0.038), and greater double support time (β = 3.381% of the walk cycle, 95% CI = 1.006, 5.757, P = 0.006) than controls. There were no group differences in base of support, step length, stride length, or gait variability measures.
AMD patients exhibited many fall-relevant gait characteristics.
Translational Relevance:
The finding of fall-relevant gait characteristics suggests that AMD patients may be at a greater risk of falls during ambulation than those without AMD.
Two study groups were recruited: AMD cases and glaucoma suspect controls followed at the retina and glaucoma clinics at the Wilmer Eye Institute, respectively. All study participants were between the ages of 60 and 90 years at time of enrollment with the ability to walk without the aid of any mobility device (wheelchair, walker, etc.) Patients with a history of an intravitreal injection 7 days prior, ocular surgery 4 weeks prior, and/or any nonocular surgery 3 months prior to testing were excluded. For the AMD group, subjects had (1) a chart diagnosis of dry (atrophic) or wet (exudative) AMD, and (2) Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) best-corrected VA (BCVA) worse than 20/32 but better than 20/100 in the better-seeing eye, as the focus of this study was on mild to moderate vision loss from AMD. The control group came from visually normal subjects enrolled in the ongoing Falls in Glaucoma Study (FIGS), a longitudinal study also seeking to identify gait variables that relate to falls. Glaucoma suspects visiting Wilmer were chosen as controls given that they did not have significant VI, essentially being equivalent to visually normal controls, while still being comparable to the AMD group for hard-to-define reasons that people seek care at Wilmer. Controls had (1) a chart diagnosis of glaucoma suspect, (2) no AMD or any other ocular condition that could potentially impair vision, (3) ETDRS BCVA of 20/32 or better in both eyes, and (4) the following VF criteria on SITA standard 24-2 testing: (1) mean deviation (MD) better than −3 decibels (dB) in at least one eye and (b) better than −5 dB in both eyes, and (3) a normal/borderline glaucoma hemifield test (GHT).
Differences in demographic, health, and vision characteristics between AMD and control groups were analyzed using Student's t-tests and χ2 or fisher's exact tests for continuous variables and categorical variables, respectively. VA in the better-seeing eye was used for all analyses. All gait parameters were continuous outcomes and data from the right leg was used to compare each outcome by AMD status, logMAR VA, and logCS using separate multivariable linear regression models adjusting for potential confounders, including demographic (age, sex, and race) and health specific (body mass index [BMI] and other health conditions) variables. Additional multivariable linear regression models also adjusting for age, sex, race, BMI, and other health conditions were used to evaluate gait variability across the four walks for each outcome measure using the inter-stride coefficient of variation (CV) value, expressed in percentages. The CV is a measure of spread that describes the amount of variability in gait relative to the mean, and was calculated as the standard deviation (SD) divided by the mean and multiplied by 100.
MMSE score was categorized as a binary variable with a cut off at the median (≤20 vs. >20), but neither MMSE nor IADL scores were used in the final model as adjusting for them yielded no significant changes in the gait estimates. Polypharmacy was defined as taking greater than or equal to five prescription medications by self-report based on previous literature
30,31 and coded as a binary variable (<5 vs. ≥5). Other health conditions variable was defined as the number of comorbid illnesses as reported by the patient and coded as a binary variable with a cut off at the median (≤2 vs. >2). In order to avoid possible over-controlling, we did not include polypharmacy in the final model and only retained other health conditions.
All analyses were performed using Stata Statistical Software, release 14.1 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). Statistical significance was set at a P less than 0.05.
In this pilot study population, AMD status was associated with slower walking speed and stride velocity, and greater double support time. However, it is possible that these findings may be largely related to the older age of the AMD group compared with the controls. While neither VA nor CS, evaluated as continuous measures, were associated with statistically significant differences in gait parameters, the model evaluating the relationship between VA, and greater double support time showed a pattern of an association. AMD subjects did not show any differences in inter-stride variability of gait patterns in comparison with controls.
Our results are in accord with previous studies by Spaulding et al.
7,20 examining gait in AMD that found that AMD was associated with slower stride velocity. Another study performed by Wood et al.
13 found that reduced CS in AMD was associated with slower walking velocity, and increased double-support time. While we report similar gait adaptations in our AMD cohort, our findings differ in that CS or other covariates in our study did not explain our results.
These changes noted in walking patterns, such as decreased walking speed
32,33 and greater double support time
34 have been previously associated with an increased risk of falling. It has also been postulated that these changes in gait parameters are indicative of stabilizing gait adaptations related to increased caution expressed by patients secondary to a fear of falling.
35 In fact, prior literature suggests that a slower walking velocity is a compensatory mechanism adopted secondary to an effort to increase postural stability in the elderly.
13,36 Our results suggest that AMD subjects have certain gait characteristics that may contribute to mobility issues; however, we did not specifically test the role of past falls, fear of falling, or assess falls prospectively.
This study adds to the limited body of existing literature on gait parameters in AMD and is one of only three studies providing detailed three-dimensional kinematic gait analysis. Additionally, this is the first study to examine stride-to-stride CV in gait characteristics in AMD. However, this study has some limitations.
First, we tested gait under simple walking conditions alone. Research assessing the effect of AMD on walking under more challenging settings, such as extreme ambient lighting, courses with obstructions, and uneven terrain, such as the those studies conducted by Spaulding et al.
7,20 will provide more robust data helping understand gait under “real world” settings.
A second concern is the unequal age and sex distributions between our groups, with the control group being close to a decade younger and having a larger proportion of females than the AMD group. While we controlled for age and sex in our analysis, a more balanced distribution in these demographics between groups may have provided more optimal precision to our effect measures. Additionally, because AMD cases were substantially older than the controls, our results should be interpreted with caution, as it is possible that our findings might not be due to AMD itself, but rather the considerably older age of the AMD group. Limited resources precluded recruitment of more appropriate controls outside our clinic but it might be worthwhile for future studies to attempt wider recruitment of more elderly, age-matched controls.
Finally, the study might have benefited from additional testing and collection of information on history of falls, handedness/footedness, and VFs. Information on foot dominance was not obtained and we uniformly analyzed right leg data. Using data from the dominant limb that is preferentially used for performance of mobilization tasks might be a better indicator of gait than data from the same limb in all subjects. Furthermore, because we did not perform VF testing, we could not investigate the effects of a central scotoma on gait. Similarly, past falls and/or fear of falling experienced by our participants might have been important factors to consider as they may have influenced their gait making those who are fearful adopt more cautious gait patterns.
In summary, we conclude that patients with AMD have slower walking speeds and stride velocities, and spend a greater proportion of time with both feet on the ground while walking, compared with controls, and that these gait characteristics could potentially result in mobility difficulties and increased fall risk in AMD. Maintenance of the ability of independent and safe ambulation is important to physical and psychosocial well being, and our research supports the need for further evaluation of gait and variability in gait in AMD in studies with larger populations, and a longitudinal design allowing the examination of adaptation of gait as it develops. It would also be useful to examine if the adoption of any stabilizing adaptations actually results in a lower risk of falls.
Supported by grants from Research to Prevent Blindness.
Disclosure: V. Varadaraj, None; A. Mihailovic, None; R. Ehrenkranz, None; S. Lesche, None; P.Y. Ramulu, None; B.K. Swenor, None