SAP with the Goldmann III target is frequently used in the evaluation of glaucomatous VF damage worldwide. However, it has been reported that SAP measurements with a larger target size, such as Goldmann V, are associated with better reproducibility,
1–3 and indeed a recent study suggested SAP sensitivity measured with Goldmann III is not reliable below 20 dB.
4 In the current study, a significant structure–function relationship was observed in all clusters around the optic disc, both with Goldmann III and V targets. However, this structure–function relationship was altered by increasing AL, when visual sensitivity was measured with the Goldmann V target in cluster T. The retinal nerve fiber in cluster T runs along the papillomacular bundle, which corresponds to VF test points located at the center of VF. In this central area, the density of retinal ganglion cell is high.
45 According to Ricco's law, when a small stimulus is projected on the retina, the stimulus's total energy is constant at threshold (complete spatial summation),
46 both in normative and glaucomatous eyes,
47,48 but in contrast, when larger stimuli, such as the Goldmann III and V targets, are projected, only partial, instead of complete summation occurs, and the threshold is determined probabilistically.
49,50 Tolhurst et al.
51 have reported that the psychometric function or multiplicative neural probability summation is the result of pooling over multiple receptive fields. The reason why structure–function relationship was altered by increasing AL, when visual sensitivity was measured with the Goldmann V target in cluster T is not entirely clear, but this may be because the stretching effect caused by the increase of the eye ball is most obvious in this area, as is seen in the development of peripapillary atrophy. This stretching effect may cause accelerated partial summation, which is sufficient to decrease visual sensitivity measured with Goldmann V, but not that with smaller target size, such as Goldmann III.