The VEP method used in this study was a modified extension of the Diopsys Enfant NOVA system (Diopsys Enfant Amp 100; Diopsys Inc., Pine Brook, NJ). The stimulus was presented on an Acer V173 17-inch liquid-crystal display monitor running at 75 frames per second (Acer, Inc., Hsinchu City, Taiwan). Output over time was verified using a luminance meter Mavo-Spot 2 USB (Gossen, GmbH, Nurnberg, Germany). Diopsys surface electrodes (10 mm) with commercially available skin preparation and EEG paste (Nuprep® Skin Prep Gel and Ten20® Conductive Paste, DO Weaver and Company, Aurora, CO) were used for recording the VEP. NOVA-ERG lid sensors were used for PERG studies performed at the same visit for a subset of patients. Synchronized single-channel VEPs were recorded, generating time series of 512 data points per analysis window. The room luminance was maintained at scotopic conditions (<0.3 cd/m2). Preadaptation was not required for the VEP recordings. Each phase reversal was set at 500 ms and was monitored for effects due to blinking or eye movement. A technique for artifact rejection was used during VEP data recording; if half or more of the phase reversals were rejected, then the entire run was rejected. The maximum run time for a single test was limited to 20 seconds (40 single VEPs at a frequency of 1 Hz). Each complete VEP protocol was comprised of multiple test instances. One complete VEP protocol presented the stimulus for a maximum of 1 minute and 46 seconds. The square black/white checkerboard pattern reversal stimulus had a height and width of 27 cm with checks size of 29.0 minutes of arc. A red cross was used as a fixation target. The diameter of this target was approximately 1 cm with a ring thickness of 1.5 mm. The target cross was centered on the stimulus. Two types of contrast patterns were used in the study. The two patterns used represented Lc (Michelson contrast of 15%, white checks with 122.9 cd/m2 and black checks with 101.1 cd/m2) and Hc (Michelson contrast of 85%, white checks with 122.9 cd/m2 and black checks with 9.6 cd/m2). During each recording session, the contrast polarity of each stimulus check was temporally modulated at a reversal frequency of 1 Hz (2 pattern reversals equates to 1 reversal cycle); therefore, each reversal occurred at 2 Hz or twice per second. This stimulus is termed a pattern reversal stimulus and has a duty cycle of 50%. The 15% and 85% contrast stimuli were presented for each eye for 20 seconds while the untested eye remained covered. The right eye was standardly chosen as the first one to be tested for all patients. In preparation for VEP recording, the skin at each electrode site was scrubbed with Nuprep (D.O. Weaver & Co., Aurora, CO) using a cotton gauze pad. Electrodes were fixed in position with a small gauze pad applied with Ten20 conductive paste (D.O. Weaver & Co.). Electrode impedance was maintained below 10 kΩ and typically kept below 5 kΩ. The gain of the EEG analog amplifier/filter module in the Enfant system was set at 10,000 with band-pass filter frequency range of 0.5 to 100 Hz. The EEG signal was sampled at 1024 Hz using the Enfant system's analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. The EEG filter gain of 10,000 is the only gain in the entire data acquisition path, including the (A/D) 12-bit convertor. The A/D convertor offers a series of bipolar voltage ranges. For this study, the A/D converter was programmed to operate across a voltage range of (−)1.25 V to (+)1.25 V with a resolution of 610 mV/quantum.
Patients undergoing concomitant PERG assessment underwent steady state (15 reversals per second; 7.5 Hz) with Hc and Lc, respectively, stimulation. All patient testing was carried out after proper refraction with correction in place for a 24″ testing distance, with the right eye tested first. Hc stimuli were presented for 25 seconds, followed by Lc stimuli, also for 25 seconds. Magnitude D (MagD) is an integrated waveform analysis measure that takes account of both PERG magnitude (Mag) and phase variability throughout the recording. When steady state PERG recordings remain in phase throughout the testing period MagD will approximate to Mag. When waveforms tend to fall out of phase throughout testing the MagD values drop accordingly. For all qualifying subjects with concomitant PERG studies available for analysis linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship for each eye between Lc and Hc PERG Mag and Lc and Hc PERG MagD. In addition, the relationship between Hc and Lc PERG Mag and MagD between the right and left eyes was similarly evaluated.
In all cases, for both VEP and PERG, the stimulus was viewed through nondilated pupils with optimal refractive correction in place. The viewing distance was set to 39 inches for VEP and 24 inches for PERG, yielding a total display-viewing angle of 15.5° and 24°, respectively.
Output parameters from the VEP system include amplitude and latency measures for each of the contrast stimulus protocols. The amplitude parameter (measured in microvolts) reflected the strength of the signal being transmitted through the visual pathway, essentially an indication of neural structural integrity, including axons. The latency parameter (measured in milliseconds) was a measure of the length of time for signal transmission along the primary visual pathway. The combination of these two parameters is helpful in assessing the overall health of the visual pathway. It is implicit that the latter measure could only apply to extant axons with normal or subnormal functionality, whereas the former measure would be reflective of the composite of lost and potentially recoverable but dysfunctional axons.
Subjects underwent three consecutive VEPs and PERGs examinations using the Diopsys NOVA fixed protocol. All examination procedures were carried out in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. To assess intersession repeatability, nine subjects returned on another day for repeat examination. The confidence interval m − E ≤ m ≤ m + E was computed iteratively to estimate the corresponding Z value using E = Z/(2√n), where n is the number of patients. Hc were plotted against Lc latency values for all 64 eyes to determine whether a significant inverse correlation existed for these values among the 32 subjects.
The coefficient of repeatability (CR) is the value below which the absolute differences between two measurements would lie within 0.95 probability. It is calculated by multiplying the within-subject SD by 2.77. The CR is quantified in the same units as the assessment tool. The relative repeatability (RR) is the ratio of the CR to the mean value of the measurements. A lower RR represents greater repeatability, and less than 50% is considered acceptable when measuring biological metrics. [r4] The coefficient of variation (CV) is a standardized measure of dispersion. It is defined as the ratio of the SD to the mean, and is expressed as a percentage.