Three methods were used to evaluate progressive changes in the cpRNFL thickness over time for eyes in the longitudinal group. The first involved comparing the change in global thickness over time, and the second compared the average thickness of region(s) of the cpRNFL that fell below its 1% normal limits over at least 5° of the cpRNFL as identified on the second visit, with the average thickness of the same region(s) on the first visit.
7,8 The latter method can be described as an automatic ROI approach (ROI
A). The third method is similar to the ROI
A approach, but instead involves a manual outlining of region(s) of observed or suspected glaucomatous damage on the circle scan or cpRNFL thickness profile, after reviewing information available from the volume scan of the optic disc. We refer this as the manual ROI approach (ROI
M). An experienced grader performed this manual identification, using only the information from the second visit. They were masked to the information from the first visit in order to avoid bias of simply choosing regions that exhibited a decline. This evaluation was performed using a customized program on MATLAB, where six components from the volume scan of the optic disc, shown in
Figure 1, were used:
(i) a fundus projection image;
(ii) an en face slab image of the inner retina, which was the average intensity in a 52-μm slab below the inner limiting membrane
(iii) an RNFL thickness plot;
(iv) an RNFL thickness deviation probability plot;
(v) an OCT image of the derived circle B-scan; and
(vi) its corresponding RNFL thickness profile. For both the ROI approaches, it is possible that some eyes did not have any regions that met the criterion with the ROI
A approach, or the grader did not consider that an eye had a region of glaucomatous damage with the ROI
M approach. In either case, the entire cpRNFL thickness profile was considered the ROI to be evaluated for change over time because it would still be important to determine whether cpRNFL thickness changes were occurring at a global level even if no ROIs were identified, and thus the global thickness measurement was used.