Hyperopia is a common refractive error with a reported prevalence of 25.2% to 31.8% in adults.
1,2 There are a variety of surgical treatments available for hyperopia, aiming to modify either the lens or cornea. These surgical options include laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy, or phakic intraocular lens implantation.
3 Femtosecond lenticule extraction (FLEx) is a relatively new refractive surgery procedure in which a femtosecond laser is used to create an intrastromal lenticule that is removed after lifting the flap, as first described in 2006.
4,5 The FLEx procedure was further modified by eliminating the need for a flap by dissecting and extracting the lenticule through a small incision, known as a small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE).
4,5 In 2016, we reported the feasibility and effects of hyperopic SMILE in an animal model, showing that hyperopic SMILE effectively steepened the central cornea, and it had less postoperative wound healing response and stromal interface reaction compared to hyperopic LASIK, especially in higher refractive correction.
6 Sekundo et al.
5 also reported acceptable 9-month refractive and visual outcomes in their first pilot study on the use of FLEx for the treatment of spherical hyperopia. Hence, refractive lenticule extraction (ReLEx), either FLEx or SMILE, provides new treatment options for hyperopia.
Higher-order-aberrations (HOAs) following refractive surgery, both naturally existing and surgically induced, affect postoperative visual optical quality. Postoperative HOAs have been examined following myopic-SMILE. Studies have shown that most third-order and fourth-order HOAs, mainly coma and spherical aberrations, increased after myopic SMILE.
4,7–9 However, compared to femtosecond-LASIK, the induction of HOAs was significantly lower in SMILE patients.
10,11 Hyperopic SMILE has several differences in the lenticule profiles from myopic-SMILE and therefore the postoperative HOAs changes are expected to be different. In hyperopic SMILE, the lenticule is thinnest in the central area, and there is the presence of a transition zone of at least 2 mm,
5,6 in the mid periphery outside the optical zone (OZ), to reduce the curvature gradient of the stromal surface in the region of the maximum tissue removal and therefore reduce the amount of epithelial thickness compensation, one of the major drivers of regression in hyperopic corrections.
12 Kohnen et al.
13 conducted a retrospective comparative study comparing the corneal HOAs induced by myopic and hyperopic LASIK. All surgeries were performed under similar environmental and surgical conditions, and the authors reported that myopic LASIK induced more positive spherical aberrations and positive secondary astigmatism, whereas hyperopic LASIK induced more negative spherical aberrations and negative secondary astigmatism. Hyperopic LASIK also induced more third- and fifth-order coma-like aberrations than myopic LASIK.
13 More recently, Plaza-Puche et al.
14 also reported that a significant increase of root mean square (RMS) spherical-like, coma-like, and higher-order aberration was observed after hyperopic LASIK using an Amaris excimer. However, the data on the changes in HOAs following hyperopic SMILE are very limited.
The extracted stromal lenticule from a SMILE procedure can be used for other purposes based on the concept of intrastromal tissue addition. It has been described to be used as a corneal patch graft for the management of corneal micro-perforation or partial-thickness corneal defect,
15 and for the treatment of keratoconus, by transplanting the lenticule into stroma.
16,17 The lenticule implantation can also be used for the correction of hyperopia as implanting a convex-shaped lenticule obtained from a myopic SMILE procedure results in steeper central cornea.
In the present study, we aimed to evaluate and compare the postoperative HOA profiles after hyperopic SMILE, hyperopic LASIK, and lenticule implantation for correction of hyperopia, by using a nonhuman primate monkey model.