Advances in ophthalmic imaging technologies
1–3 beyond the fundus camera
4,5 have improved our ability to noninvasively study the human retina, diagnose eye disease, and monitor the impact of treatment.
6 In particular, the use of confocal detection in scanning ophthalmoscopes provide increased contrast through axial sectioning.
7,8 A less-exploited advantage of confocal ophthalmoscopy is that transverse resolution can be improved by up to ∼20% when the effective size of the confocal pinhole that spatially filters light before reaching the light detector is reduced to about one half of the Airy disk
9 in the absence of monochromatic aberrations.
Confocal point-scanning ophthalmoscopes enhanced with adaptive optics (AO) correction of the ocular monochromatic aberrations
10,11 enable resolution of subcellular retinal structures
12 through the use of large (>3 mm) pupils. Refinements of reflective AO ophthalmoscope optical design
13–15 and correction of non–common path aberrations
16–18 have been demonstrated, seeking to improve resolution to the classical diffraction limit. Two additional approaches, well known in microscopy, have been demonstrated to go beyond this limit. The first approach is the use of annular pupils,
19–21 and the second is the use of sub-Airy confocal detection,
9 which is the topic of this work. Annular illumination pupil results in improved transverse resolution at the expense of extended depth of focus, also changing the cone photoreceptor intensity profile from point-like to more complex shapes that correspond to higher spatial modes that result from their wave-guiding properties. Prior exploration of sub-Airy disk confocal pinholes in AO scanning light ophthalmoscopes (AOSLOs) by Zhang, Poonja, and Roorda,
13 Merino et al.,
22 Zou, Qi, and Burns,
23 and Dubra et al.
24 showed modest and hard to quantify improvements in transverse resolution. What follows is a study of the practical benefit of pursuing the sub-Airy disk confocal detection, motivated by the fact that, to the best of our knowledge, most current AOSLOs do not use pinholes smaller than 0.8 Airy disk diameter (ADD),
22 thus not achieving the classical theoretical transverse resolution limit for a point-scanning instrument. Since the goal of this study is to evaluate image resolution, we chose to image the cone photoreceptor mosaic due to the point-like appearance of each individual cone-intensity profile.