To allow reconstruction of a series of real-world visual field tests from glaucoma eyes, two components were required in a computer simulation: (1) longitudinal estimates of true visual field sensitivity at each location (or estimates of the true pattern of visual field change over time) and (2) estimates of measurement variability (or a noise component). These two components could then be combined in such a way to generate series of visual field results from different individuals (each with a unique pattern of variability and performance) for a given pattern of visual field change over time. The details of how each component was obtained and then combined are outlined below.
To obtain longitudinal estimates of the “true” point-wise visual field sensitivity for each eye included in this study, a sigmoid regression model was fitted to the measured threshold sensitivities at each location over time using a method described previously.
7 The sigmoid model assumes a nonlinear rate of visual field loss, with natural asymptotes occurring at normal levels of sensitivity and the perimetric floor. The model can be expressed as follows:
s =
γ / (1 + e
α + βx), where
s denotes the measured sensitivity in decibels,
γ indicates the estimate of the initial sensitivity,
α indicates how soon the sigmoid function begins a steep decline,
β indicates the steepness of this decline, and
x indicates the time. This regression model was fitted using an iterative feasible generalized nonlinear least squares method (being equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation), except for locations where at least two out of the three initial tests had a measurement of 0 dB, which were fitted with a value of 0 dB throughout the duration of the follow-up. An example illustrating four locations that were fitted with this sigmoid regression model over the entire perimetric range is shown in
Figure 1. The parameters of the sigmoid model could then be used to estimate true sensitivities at each location for an eye at any given time point; these derived sensitivity estimates were termed the “sensitivity template.”
To obtain estimates of measurement noise, residuals were derived by subtracting the measured values from those fitted by the sigmoid regression model and binned according to these fitted values (rounded to the nearest 1 dB). Residuals were pooled across all locations and eyes to generate residual distributions for each fitted sensitivity bin, which were termed the “empirical probability distribution functions” (PDFs). The residuals at each location for each test of each eye were then converted into probabilities based on the empirical PDFs of its fitted sensitivity because the distribution of the residuals were not expected to be the same for different fitted sensitivities. For instance, a residual of −3 dB would occur more frequently in regions of visual field damage than in healthy regions within a single visual field test independent of the performance of an individual during a test. These probabilities provide a standardized estimate of the deviation of the individual's response from the fitted sensitivity and thus collectively provide a template of patient performance during a test (in a way similar to joint probabilities) that accounts for the correlation between the measured values at each location during a visit (i.e., a global visit effect, such as from varying levels of attention between visits). This was termed a “noise template.” A noise template could then be combined with a sensitivity template to simulate real-world visual field results through a process explained further below. The noise templates from all participants were then combined to create a database of patient-level variability that was used in the visual field simulations through a process also explained below. As a minimum of 10 visits were included for each eye in this study, we included only the noise templates from the first 10 visits from one eye of each participant (randomly selecting one eye if both eyes were available) so that each participant contributed equally to these estimates of variability. To minimize the likelihood of selecting the same noise template during the simulations, we increased the number of noise templates available from each patient through randomizing the probabilities by location within the same eccentricity for each noise template by 100 times. As a result, a database of patient-level variability was generated that contained 1000 different sets of noise templates (10 tests × 100 randomized sets) for each participant, and we refer to each of these participants as a “model participant.”
Sequences of real-world visual field results can then be simulated for each eye by combining the longitudinal estimates of true point-wise sensitivity and estimates of measurement variability. For each sequence, sensitivity templates were derived at each time point from the sigmoid regression model, and a model participant was selected at random from the database of patient-level variability. A noise template was subsequently chosen at random for each test in this sequence from the 1000 available noise templates from the model participant. Real-world visual field results were then recreated by using the probabilities at each location to determine the magnitude of the residual (or the noise component) to be added to the sensitivity template (representing the true pattern of damage) by sampling the residual from the empirical PDF corresponding to the true fitted level of sensitivity. An example in
Figure 2 illustrates how a sensitivity template was combined with a noise template to create a simulated real-world visual field test result.