Retinal blood vessel caliber (RBVC) is a metric with potential relevance to the diagnostics and monitoring the treatment of various ocular vascular–related diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, retinal vein occlusion, diabetic retinopathy, and open-angle glaucoma.
1–3 As such, precise evaluation of the RBVC is clinically important. Previously, various label-free angiographic methods have been used for in vivo measurements of RBVC, such as fundus photography,
4 retinal vessel analyzer (RVA),
5 scanning laser ophthalmology,
6 and retinal oximetry.
7,8 However, those methods have multiple disadvantages or limitations, including complex system design, poor reproducibility of the vessel caliber data, and significant variation in the measured parameters. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging modality that has been used for clinical diagnostics and management of various retinal diseases for the past 2 decades.
9–11 OCT offers high spatial resolution, noninvasive imaging, and high-image acquisition rates, which allows for large field of view and cellular resolution imaging of the morphology of biological tissues. In the past, a number of studies have been conducted to measure the blood vessel caliber from cross-sectional OCT B-scans
12–18 or the shadow profiles of blood vessels.
19 Specifically, Ouyang et al.
17 used OCT cross-sectional images for measuring RBVCs in a clinical study, and showed high correlation with data acquired with an infrared reflectance (IR) imaging system. Muraoka et al.
18 used a commercial OCT system to evaluate the effect of age and hypertension on the RBVC in humans. Results from that study showed significant thickening of the retinal vessel wall associated with aging and hypertension. Phase-resolved Doppler OCT (DOCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA) use phase information in the OCT fringes, and therefore can create vascular maps of higher sensitivity compared with those created from morphologic OCT images that use only the intensity of the OCT fringes.