None of the authors has a proprietary interest. This work was supported by the ProRetina Deutschland, Aachen, Germany; the Association of Rhine-Westphalian Ophthalmologists (RWA), Recklinghausen, Germany; the BONFOR research program of the University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany (Grant No O-137.0023 to PLM and O-137.0022 to MP); and the German Research Foundation (DFG; Grant MU4279/1-1 to PLM, FL 658/4-1 as well as FL 658/4-2 to MF and Ho1926/3-1 to FGH). No sponsor or funding agency had any involvement in the design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; manuscript writing; and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Disclosure: P.L. Müller, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); M. Pfau, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); M.M. Mauschitz, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); P.T. Möller, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); J. Birtel, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); P. Chang, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); M. Gliem, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F); S. Schmitz-Valckenberg, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F, R), CenterVue (F), Allergan (F, R), Alcon/Novartis (C, F, R), Bioeq/Fermycon (F, C), Genentech/Roche (F, R), Bayer (F, R); M. Fleckenstein, Heidelberg Engineering (F, R), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F), Alcon/Novartis (F, R), Bayer (F, R), Roche (C, F, R); Pending patent: US20140303013 A1 (P); F.G. Holz, Heidelberg Engineering (F, C, R), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F, C), CenterVue (F), Allergan (F, R), Alcon/Novartis (F, R), Genentech/Roche (F, R), Bayer (F, R), Acucela (F, R), Boehringer Ingelheim (F, R); P. Herrmann, Heidelberg Engineering (F), Optos (F), Carl Zeiss MedicTec (F), CenterVue (F)