Supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (Grant Number #2011-220-E00006 and # 2010-0029113), a grant from the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI, funding HI14C0064) and by Global Research Network Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (#2011-220-E00006 & #2012-0004255). The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this paper.
Involved in conception and design (M.K., S.Y.P., J.S., D.-I.H.) and conduct of the study (M.K., D.Y.C., G.H., S.Y.P., J.S., D.-I.H.); collection, management and interpretation of data (M.K., D.Y.C., G.H., Y.-M.S., S.Y.P., J.S., D.-I.H.); data analysis (M.K., D.Y.C., G.H., Y.-M.S., S.Y.P., J.S., S.H., D.-I.H.); writing the article (M.K., D.-I.H.); and preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript (M.K., J.S., D.-I.H.).
Disclosure: M. Kong, None; D.Y. Choi, None; G. Han, None; Y.-M. Song, None; S.Y. Park, None; J. Sung, None; S. Hwang, None; D.-I. Ham, None