We identified a 15% prevalence of subclinical CNV in fellow eyes of patients with unilateral exudative AMD. In addition, we found significantly increased choriocapillaris nonperfusion adjacent to CNV lesions as well as a trend for greater choriocapillaris nonperfusion in eyes with exudative AMD as compared to their fellow eyes with subclinical CNV. These results show potentially important applications for OCTA in quantifying choriocapillaris dysfunction in patients with AMD.
It is important to establish an accurate prevalence of subclinical CNV as these eyes have been shown to have an increased risk of future exudation.
10 OCTA studies have shown a wide range of prevalence of subclinical CNV in fellow eyes of patients with exudative AMD, ranging from 6% to 27% in clinical series at single tertiary care centers.
10–13 Palejwala et al.
12 followed 32 fellow nonexudative AMD eyes of patients with unilateral exudative AMD and determined an initial prevalence of 6% using SD-OCTA. A later, prospective study by Roisman et al.
13 of 11 fellow, intermediate AMD eyes of patients with unilateral exudative AMD found a 27% prevalence of subclinical CNV using swept-source (SS) OCTA. Yanagi et al.
11 used SS-OCTA to prospectively assess 76 fellow eyes of patients with either unilateral exudative AMD or unilateral polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy and determined the prevalence of subclinical CNV to be 18%. Most recently, de Oliveira Dias et al.
10 used SS-OCTA in a prospective study to identify a prevalence of 14% in 160 patients with unilateral exudative AMD. By further stratifying the fellow nonexudative eyes into intermediate AMD and geographic atrophy, the prevalence was determined to be 14% and 16%, respectively.
The variable prevalence of subclinical CNV in these studies may be explained by a variety of factors, including severity and duration of AMD in the patient cohort. The Comparison of Age Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Trials (CATT) found that fellow eyes of patients treated for unilateral exudative AMD had an increased incidence of CNV development with increasing treatment duration of the exudative eye.
24 In fact, the incidence of CNV in fellow eyes more than doubled when comparing first with second year follow-up.
24 Smaller cohort studies have shown that the incidence of CNV continues to increase beyond 2 years.
OCTA segmentation parameters, projection artifact removal software, and scan density are additional imaging parameters that could potentially affect subclinical CNV detection. The retina and choriocapillaris segmentation protocols were not standardized in these studies and it is likely that algorithms vary in their ability to visualize subclinical CNV lesions. Additionally, some studies relied on en face images and did not verify flow on the corresponding B-scan. Flow signal in the B-scan has been shown to be crucial, as residual choroidal vessels in atrophy could mimic CNV and potentially confound these studies.
25 Studies further differed in the OCTA scan size used. It is plausible that smaller scans with higher scan density may be better at detecting the earliest subclinical CNV. Alternatively, larger scans, while suffering from lower scan density may capture a wider area and detect more peripheral lesions. Moreover, the imaging wavelength could affect these studies, considering that SS-OCTA uses a longer wavelength, allowing deeper penetration and potentially better detection of these lesions.
The prevalence of subclinical CNV in our study population suggests the importance of heightened vigilance in imaging fellow eyes of patients with unilateral exudative AMD. Larger population studies using OCTA are needed to assess the true prevalence of subclinical CNV, as well as to examine the optimal frequency of imaging required to monitor these fellow eyes for CNV development.
Previous studies have used a variety of modalities to study the association between AMD and choriocapillaris dysfunction. Using ICGA, Ross et al.
19 evaluated early phase hypercyanescent areas and found that eyes with nonexudative and exudative AMD had greater areas of hypoperfusion as compared with healthy controls. Pauleikhoff et al.
20 later found that ICGA hypercyanescent areas in eyes with early AMD corresponded with areas of hypofluroescence on FA. Using laser Doppler flowmetry, Grunwald et al.
21 showed decreased foveolar choriocapillaris flow in AMD eyes with drusen and pigmentary changes as compared with AMD eyes with drusen alone. Choriocapillaris flow was noted to further decrease when the fellow eye had presence of a CNV.
21 Histopathologic analyses have expanded upon these findings by suggesting a primary role of the choriocapillaris in AMD pathogenesis. McLeod at al.
26 studied donor eyes with AMD and found CNV lesions at the borders of RPE and choriocapillaris degeneration. Viable RPE was present in some regions of choriocapillaris degeneration and it was suggested that choriocapillaris loss leads to RPE dysfunction.
26 More recently, Seddon et al.
27 performed a histologic analysis of 32 postmortem eyes with various grades of AMD and found loss of the choriocapillaris without overlying abnormality of the RPE in some eyes with early-stage AMD. Interestingly, in patients with geographic atrophy, RPE atrophy was noted to occur in areas without choriocapillaris loss.
27 These results suggest a potentially different pathogenesis of exudative AMD and geographic atrophy such that choriocapillaris dysfunction may play a more important role in exudative AMD. The pathogenesis of AMD remains multifactorial and complex interactions between genetics, environment, and other host factors, such as smoking, need to be considered.
28 Whether choriocapillaris dysfunction is primary or secondary to accumulation of basal laminar deposits, thickening of Bruch's membrane and impairment of VEGF diffusion remains an area of great debate and study.
Recently, OCTA has been used to quantitatively study the choriocapillaris in patients with AMD. These studies showed that eyes with reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) had increased choriocapillaris nonperfusion compared with either AMD eyes without RPD or with healthy controls.
14,31 Interestingly, RPD are also considered a strong risk factor for progression to late AMD,
32 though, in our cohort of patients with subclinical CNV, only one had bilateral RPD, while none had unilateral. Most recently, Borrelli et al.
15 showed that the percent choriocapillaris nonperfusion was not statistically different in intermediate AMD eyes regardless whether the fellow eye had exudative AMD or intermediate AMD. By analyzing the area surrounding the CNV, we found quantitative evidence of choriocapillaris loss in the areas adjacent to exudative and subclinical CNV formation. These results are consistent with previous findings by Jia et al.
33 and Moult et al.
34 who showed qualitative areas of low decorrelation surrounding CNV lesions on OCTA that could not be attributed to OCT signal attenuation. We suggest the potential utility of frequent OCTA assessment of the choriocapillaris in fellow eyes of patients with nonexudative AMD to identify relative areas of nonperfusion as a possible precursor to CNV formation.
We further found that eyes with exudative AMD tended to have larger areas of choriocapillaris nonperfusion compared with fellow subclinical CNV eyes. This difference in nonperfusion was most notable when comparing halo PCAN measurements between fellow eyes. While our results were not statistically significant, we were limited by a small number of eyes. In addition, one patient in our study had a paradoxical PCAN value that was greater in the subclinical CNV eye as compared with the exudative AMD eye. Upon closer chart review, we found that the subclinical CNV eye had prior evidence of subretinal fluid that resolved without treatment, while the exudative AMD eye had not required anti-VEGF treatment for 17 months. We suspect that these factors may have partially contributed to the paradoxical PCAN results in this patient.
While the management of subclinical CNV identified on OCTA remains uncertain, there is a dirth of studies that characterize the choriocapillaris in these eyes. We hypothesize that exudation in AMD may be triggered by underlying progression of choriocapillaris nonperfusion such that the resultant RPE hypoxia leads to unleashing of abnormal VEGF signaling with growth and eventual exudations of a CNV. Previous studies have shown that subclinical CNV lesions generally enlarge prior to the time of exudation.
10,35 Future large-scale longitudinal studies will be important to determine whether loss of choriocapillaris is indeed the initial insult in AMD leading to CNV formation and progression to exudation.
Strengths of our study relate to inclusion of patients from a single center with variable duration of exudative disease that is representative of the AMD population at large. In addition, we used a rigorous protocol to detect subclinical CNV, including two masked graders and verification of flow signal above Bruch's membrane. Furthermore, we show excellent reproducibility in our measurements of choriocapillaris nonperfusion. Several limitations to our study exist, including a relatively small number of eyes. Additionally, our study did not visualize the entire CNV lesion in several eyes on the 3 × 3-mm
2 macula scans. It is possible that choriocapillaris nonperfusion is not uniform around CNV lesions, which could potentially confound our results. Future use of a larger scan size or taking multiple scans to encompass the entire CNV lesion may allow for more accurate PCAN quantification. Our study is further limited by the cross sectional design. While this allowed direct comparison between fellow eyes, we were unable to determine the effects of disease duration or treatment on choriocapillaris nonperfusion. We cannot rule out anti-VEGF therapy as a potential confounder for increased PCAN in exudative AMD eyes. Previous studies have suggested that anti-VEGF therapy may be associated with decreased choroidal thickness in addition to suppressing CNV exudation.
In summary, we found a 15% prevalence of subclinical CNV in fellow eyes of patients with unilateral exudative AMD. We also report significantly higher PCAN adjacent to all CNV lesions and a trend of higher PCAN in exudative AMD eyes as compared with their fellow subclinical CNV eyes. These findings suggest the importance of OCTA in quantitatively assessing choriocapillaris dysfunction in exudative AMD. Incorporation of our quantification methods into commercially available OCTA software may allow for faster analyses, larger scale studies, and validation of current and prior studies. Future longitudinal studies are needed to assess choriocapillaris nonperfusion in subclinical CNV lesions over time, as this could potentially be a useful biomarker that may predict progression to exudation.