The major difference between ARREST and existing perimetric procedures is that it does not attempt to measure an accurate visual sensitivity <17 dB (hence, “reduced range” [RR], in the name). Instead, new locations are tested as described below. For the first time a patient is tested, ARREST uses a baseline ZEST procedure, which is the same as the ZEST already described above. When the measured visual sensitivity for a location falls below 17 dB, the location is flagged as “yellow,” and ZEST is no longer used on that location in future tests. The only assessment of the location in future tests is whether it is blind (“red,” unable to see the 0 dB stimulus) or not, which is achieved by showing 0 dB stimuli at that location.
Figure 1 shows the actions that are taken for a location depending on the previous visual sensitivity measured at that location. Note that the cutoff value of 16 dB is somewhat arbitrary, and perhaps even conservative as there is some evidence that using any values up to 19 dB might be appropriate.
Given that ARREST does not use more than two presentations to test a location that is “yellow” (0–16 dB), a visual field with damaged locations will be quicker to test than with existing methods that try to determine a visual sensitivity for these locations. It is well established that thresholds returned for such damaged locations are highly variable
18–20 and that current test procedures often require more than 10 presentations before reaching their termination criteria in such areas.
6,25 ARREST chooses to use these saved presentations to test locations adjacent to the yellow location. This is the fundamental intuition underlying ARREST: we have forgone trying to detect small changes in the yellow location, as any measure obtained is so variable that this often is not possible, in return for testing and monitoring neighboring locations that are still >16 dB. The presentations we save by reducing fidelity in the visual sensitivity measure in the yellow range are spent to improve spatial resolution of the field measurement.
At the beginning of an ARREST test, an estimate of the number of presentations required to complete the test is made based on the previous test, assuming (conservatively) 10 presentations for a green location, 2 for a yellow location, 1 for a yellow-red location, and zero for a red location. While this total number of expected presentations is less than some number (we used 250 in this study), new locations are added to the set of locations to test, assuming 10 presentations for each. Locations that are added are spatially connected to a yellow location by an input graph. In this study, we defined the graph simply using nearest neighbors on a rectangular grid with 2° spacing (
Fig. 2A). To choose a new location near a yellow location, we selected the edge leading out of the yellow location that is connected to the location with the highest measured visual sensitivity, and selected randomly from the unmeasured locations along that edge. For example, in
Figure 2, one “Start” location might be yellow, and so we looked for the highest neighboring “Start” location that is green, and chose one of the “Potential” locations that are in between the two lying on the gray line (or edge). Using the graph in
Figure 2, this led to selection of locations in a similar way to the heuristic used in the GOANNA procedure of Chong et al.,
3,26 where the midpoint of the highest gradient among pairs of tested locations is chosen, but, unlike GOANNA, in ARREST once a location is added, it remains in the field for all future tests. Once the pool of locations is chosen, they are tested using the logic of
Figure 1.