The authors thank Alexandria Dandridge, Tammy Hsu, and James Tian for assisting with the development of the experimental procedures.
This research was supported by a National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute Biomedical Research Partnership Grant #R01-EY023039 and a National Eye Institute (NEI) Core Grant #P30 EY005722.
Disclosure: I.D. Bleicher, Providing Surface Contrast in Rendering of Three-Dimensional Images for Micro-Surgical Applications, #62/592,794 (P); M. Jackson-Atogi, Providing Surface Contrast in Rendering of Three-Dimensional Images for Micro-Surgical Applications, #62/592,794 (P); C. Viehland, Providing Surface Contrast in Rendering of Three-Dimensional Images for Micro-Surgical Applications, #62/592,794 (P); H. Gabr, None; J.A. Izatt, Providing Surface Contrast in Rendering of Three-Dimensional Images for Micro-Surgical Applications, #62/592,794 (P), Leica Microsystems (P, R), Carl Zeiss Meditec (R); C.A. Toth, Providing Surface Contrast in Rendering of Three-Dimensional Images for Micro-Surgical Applications, #62/592,794 (P), Alcon (R)