In this study, we assessed the ability of SS-OCTA to visualize choroidal vessels in the choriocapillaris and choroid as compared with en face SS-OCT. While en face SS-OCT and SS-OCTA are separate technologies and provide different information regarding the structure imaged, both have been used to study the choriocapillaris and choroidal vessels.
6–19 In theory, while SS-OCTA should provide a more accurate representation of the choroidal vasculature because it detects decorrelation signal from erythrocytes within blood vessels, it does have numerous limitations.
20 We found that for the choriocapillaris, the CVD as measured by SS-OCTA was significantly greater than that measured by en face SS-OCT. We observed that this difference was most likely due to projection artifact showing superficial retinal vessels in en face SS-OCT images. SS-OCTA has been used to image the choriocapillaris and it has been shown that in certain situations, such as imaging through drusen, SS-OCTA outperforms spectral-domain OCTA.
18 In addition, flow voids corresponding to choriocapillaris dropout in various chorioretinal pathologies are well visualized by SS-OCTA.
3 Nonetheless, images of the choriocapillaris obtained with SS-OCTA often appear to have a grainy texture, as was the case in our study. They appeared similar to corresponding en face SS-OCT images but with less prominent superficial retinal vessels, likely as a result of improvements in postprocessing removal of projection artifacts. The CVD measurements of the choriocapillaris obtained with SS-OCTA were similar to previously published reports.
16 Improvements in the resolution of SS-OCTA images have also been made with ultra-high scanning rates
17 and with averaging of multiple images
22 in order to visualize individual choriocapillaris lobules.
In Sattler's and Haller's layers of the choroid, choroidal vessel lumens appear dark on structural en face SS-OCT. This translates to a relative lack of signal compared with the surrounding stroma and may be related to a combination of scattering of signal from the RPE and high-velocity flow rates in the choroidal vessels as compared with retinal vessels. The vessel lumens also appear dark on SS-OCTA, and we have previously shown that this is most likely related to light scattering and signal attenuation due to the RPE because in the absence of RPE, these vessels appear bright.
In the inner choroid, both en face SS-OCT and SS-OCTA are able to visualize choroidal vessels in Sattler's layer. However, SS-OCTA did not appear to capture the choroidal vasculature as fully as en face SS-OCT, which led to consistent underestimation of CVD by SS-OCTA as compared with en face SS-OCT. The reason for this is unclear, but could be related to either partial detection of flow in smaller caliber vessels, or decorrelation projection artifact from the overlying choriocapillaris, which is rendered as bright signal and leads to the appearance that some vessels are not visualized because most vessels appear dark.
In the outer choroid, choroidal vessel lumens appeared larger in SS-OCTA than in en face SS-OCT, which led to consistent overestimation of CVD by SS-OCTA as compared with en face SS-OCT. This is likely related to a very low signal-to-noise ratio due to sensitivity roll-off with increasing imaging depth such that fewer signals meet the decorrelation threshold on SS-OCTA. This gives the appearance of deep choroidal vessels having exaggerated lumens. This phenomenon becomes more pronounced with increasing depth of imaging.
For the midchoroid, though we did not find a significant difference between the CVDs as measured by SS-OCTA and en face SS-OCT, there was a notable trend between depth of imaging at the midchoroid and difference in CVD. This trend was consistent with the above observations regarding visualization of the choroidal vessels in the inner and outer choroid. While CVD measurements of the midchoroid were not significantly different between SS-OCTA and en face SS-OCT, this was possibly due to an offsetting effect whereby the incomplete visualization of choroidal vessels on SS-OCTA was balanced by larger lumens for vessels that were visualized.
A recent study used en face SS-OCT and a very similar image analysis method to analyze CVD of the midchoroid in a large cohort of healthy eyes and found comparable results in CVD values.
2 They additionally identified that age and choroidal thickness were significant factors in CVD but did not use SS-OCTA in their study. While most studies in the literature have used en face SS-OCT to analyze CVD, others have also used SS-OCTA.
Limitations of this study include its retrospective nature and a relatively smaller sample size, though it is unlikely that including additional eyes would have changed the results of the study. Also, only a small area of the choroid (4.5 × 4.5 mm) was analyzed. The basis for our statements that SS-OCTA underpredicts CVD in the inner choroid and overpredicts CVD in the outer choroid is careful qualitative analysis in comparison to en face SS-OCT, though not completely objective as side by side comparison to histology was not possible. In the absence of histology, the true density of the choroidal vessels can only be inferred. Our findings are also applicable only to healthy eyes, as disease may alter which technology is more accurate for which layers in the choroid.
In conclusion, with increasing interest in the use of SS-OCT for the analysis of the choroidal vasculature in chorioretinal disease, and as the CVD becomes more widely used, it is important to understand the current limitations and imperfections in the technology and methodology. Analysis of the choriocapillaris should be performed with SS-OCTA rather than en face SS-OCT, which is limited by projection artifacts in this layer. As an overall measure, CVD as measured by SS-OCTA is comparable to en face SS-OCT in the midchoroid. However, for detailed analysis of the choroidal vasculature, SS-OCTA is more limited by low signal-to-noise ratio related to scattering of light from the RPE. Currently, en face SS-OCT seems to provide more robust visualization, though contrast between choroidal vessel lumen and stroma is suboptimal. Future improvements in SS-OCT and SS-OCTA technology may enable reliable high resolution and contrast visualization of choroidal vessels at all layers.