Figure 2A illustrates the flow chart of image processing procedures for vascular density analysis of each plexus layer in the OCTA images. First, the OCT images were constructed with Fourier transform of the acquired raw spectrum. Second, the OCTA images were constructed by implementing SV processing of the OCT images.
24 Third, bulk motion was corrected by image registration among sequential B-scans. This image registration was based on the vertical position tracing of the bottom edge of the hyperreflective OCT band of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE)/choroid complex, showing abrupt intensity changes. After the correction of bulk motion, both median filtering with a kernel size of 4 × 4 pixels and histogram equalization were applied for contrast enhancement of blood vessels (
Fig. 2B1). Fourth, retinal flattening was conducted in each OCTA B-scan by using “Straighten” function in Fiji software (
Fig. 2B2). Fifth, trilaminar segmentation was then manually conducted; the SVP (retinal nerve fiber layer [RNFL]/ganglion cell layer), ICP (inner plexiform layer/inner nuclear layer), and DCP (outer plexiform layer) were individually segmented with 8 μm (5 pixels) thickness. For each plexus layer, a corresponding en face OCTA image was reconstructed by a maximum intensity Z-projection method (
Figs. 2C1–
2C3). Sixth, binarization processing was conducted to each en face OCTA image. For reliable binarization of the segmented image, a spatial bandpass filtering, which suppress objects size larger (down to 12 pixels) and smaller (up to 7 pixels) than blood vessels, was applied to the ICP and DCP to mitigate projection artifacts (
Fig. 2D1). Background noise was subsequently corrected by using a “Rolling ball” algorithm in Fiji software. The radius of Rolling ball was set to 20 pixels for the SVP and 8 pixels for the ICP and DCP. And adaptive histogram equalization was applied to the image for contrast enhancement (
Fig. 2D2). Binarization was realized by IsoData automatic method of threshold determination
34 and the binarized image was further processed by morphological opening operation with a 2 × 2 pixels square structuring element to remove small particle noises (
Fig. 2D3). All input parameters used in the image processing were first experimentally determined based on qualitative optimization and applied to the all data sets. Image processing was performed with a custom developed software package based on MATLAB R2016a (MathWorks, Natick, MA), in coordination with image processing package available in Fiji software (