The following outlines the contributions of the authors: design of the study (JPE); conduct of the study (all authors); data collection (JPE, SKS); data management (JPE, MH, AU); data analysis (all authors); data interpretation (all authors); preparation of the manuscript (JPE, MH, AU); review and approval of the manuscript (all authors).
Supported by National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute K23-EY022947-01A1 (JPE); Ohio Department of Development TECH-13-059 (JPE); Research to Prevent Blindness (Cole Eye Institutional Grant); Unrestricted travel grant from Alcon Novartis Hida Memorial Award 2015 funded by Alcon Japan Ltd. (AU).
Disclosure: J.P. Ehlers, Regeneron (F), Genentech (F, C), Thrombogenics (F, C), Alcon (F, C), Zeiss (C), Santen (C), Novartis (F, C), Aerpio (F, C), Allergan (C), Bioptigen/Leica (C, P); A. Uchida, None; S.K. Srivastava, Allergan (F), Bausch and Lomb (C), Zeiss (C), Leica (C), Santen (C), Bioptigen (P); M. Hu, None