The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of obtaining reliable and well-separated VEPs from spatially separated stimuli in normal subjects using a four-channel recording system and simultaneous pattern-reversal stimulation using LED arrays. The stimulus frequency in the LED arrays differed slightly. This difference could be resolved in the analysis of the signals so that the responses elicited by the four LED arrays could be identified. The differences were, however, small enough to ensure that identical physiological mechanisms can be expected to mediate the responses. Earlier studies showed a potential usefulness of the multifrequency LED stimulation technique in the ERG.
8,15–17 We show here that the responses from LED arrays, located at different positions in the visual field, can be reliably measured in the VEP. The use of LEDs has several advantages: they have excellent temporal properties and can be used to deliver temporal frequencies with high precision. In addition, LED fields can reach high luminances and contrasts and can be spatially homogeneous. Frequency differences, used in the present study, are difficult to achieve with monitors that have refresh rates of maximally 200 Hz.
18 Furthermore, the pixels of monitors are generally refreshed sequentially, thereby introducing stimulus delays that depend on the spatial position. Recently, a method to increase the frequency resolution on a conventional monitor was introduced by Nakanishi et al.
19 using a variable number of frames in a period. However, in contrast to the present study they did not present several pattern-reversal targets simultaneously. So far, quadrant recordings with pattern-reversal stimulation were made with separate stimulation of each field quadrant.
20–22 More recently, Maddess and colleagues
23 demonstrated the value of the incommensurate frequency technique for grating stimulation on a monitor with several discrete reversal frequencies. In the present study, we show that LEDs can be used in arrays that can deliver pattern-reversal stimuli with very small temporal frequency differences. Other studies used LED as well,
8,24–28 although they were not yet implemented in clinical routine despite their advantages over monitors. Currently, LEDs are increasingly used in brain computer interface techniques for steady-state stimulus presentations.
29 The disadvantage of LED arrangements compared to monitor systems, where pattern with complex structure and distortion can be easily generated, is the lack of geometric flexibility. In our LED arrays, the spatial frequency can only be altered by changing the viewing distance. Here, we used a distance of 30 cm, resulting in a total stimulus field size of 20.8° × 20.8° and a constant spatial frequency of 0.58 cyc/deg. Due to the relative large rim at the edge of each LED array, we were not able to measure the central quadrant VEP. On the other hand, larger LED arrays would be needed for more peripheral stimulation. Thus, development of LED arrays that consider the scaling of the VEP amplitudes to eccentricity could possibly improve the SNR values.