In this study, VFs were digitized and the solid angle values were compared between repeat tests on the same perimeters across visits and between the Goldmann and Octopus tests within visits. There were no significant intervisit differences between the GVFs or between the OVFs. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between the solid angles for the OVFs and GVFs for the V4e targets or for the smaller targets, although there was a trend toward the OVF solid angles being slightly larger than those of the GVFs for the smaller targets. These findings are consistent with reports in the literature that GVFs tend to be somewhat smaller than the corresponding OVFs,
3,6 particularly for small, dim targets, perhaps because of the faster and/or more variable target speeds in Goldmann perimetry.
Ideally, a patient or clinical trial participant would be tested repeatedly on the same type of kinetic perimeter. However, the present results suggest that solid angle values for isopters mapped on an Octopus should not be very different from those mapped on a Goldmann perimeter by a highly qualified examiner. Therefore, an individual's VFs could continue to be followed across disease progression (with or without treatment), at least approximately, despite a change in perimeter from Goldmann to Octopus. In addition, based on their qualitative study with visually impaired participants, Rowe and Rowlands
2 reported that “Octopus perimetry detected the presence of all visual field defects with strong agreement in comparison to Goldmann perimetry for type and location of defect,” in their group of patients, most of whom had been diagnosed with damage to the posterior visual pathway. Our results resembled those of Rowe and Rowland in that the within- and between-visit VFs/participant generally showed similar shapes and similar locations (to the left or right of center) of any peripheral arcs or islands. With the important contribution of VFs to independent mobility,
25 it is important to track the size and location of VF regions across time.
Assuming that the same perimeter would be used throughout a given clinical trial but that different clinical trials might not all use the same perimeter, it is important to examine the test–retest variability in VFs for both types of perimeters. This study showed that test–retest variability was quite low and did not differ significantly between the Goldmann and Octopus perimeters, for either the V4e or smaller targets. Note that the use of SKP did not produce significantly lower variability values, as might have been predicted due to the standardized target movements
26 and the decreased likelihood of experimenter bias.
3 However, highly experienced perimetrists conducted the examinations, and the fact that the variability on SKP was not higher is promising for future trials as Goldmann perimeters are phased out.
There are relatively few published papers on SKP testing in children, particularly children with any form of vision impairment. Our results extend the variability study results of Patel et al.
9 They found that normally sighted children as young as age 5 can perform reliable VF tests and that among the children with “good” performance at both visits (as rated by an expert examiner), neither the GVFs nor OVFs showed statistically significant differences in area between visits. Our inclusion of some children with severe IRDs allows us to answer the critically important question about whether reliable VFs can be obtained in such children. Our results indicate that SKP testing is not only possible in children with vision loss but, in fact, generates similar results to GVF testing, with very good test–retest reliability for both test instruments. That is a particularly relevant conclusion for proposed clinical trials in which children with vision loss (e.g., due to IRDs) might be tested repeatedly with kinetic perimetry. To strengthen the present findings, we recommend that a larger number of young participants, with a wide range of vision loss, be tested.
The very close correlation between the deg
2 values generated by the Octopus perimeters and the digitized steradian values for the same OVFs suggests that VF analyses from the Octopus could proceed without manual digitizing. That is beneficial as such digitizing is not routinely available and even if it is, it is time-consuming and may introduce further variability (i.e., human error) into the measurements.
18 However, in some situations, it may be beneficial to not only provide solid angles in steradians as a summary outcome per isopter but also the mm
2 of retina (log retinal area), as that has been demonstrated to be a meaningful measure of VF loss progression in retinitis pigmentosa.
27 Octopus perimeters do not currently provide mm
2 measurements for the isopters, but the digitization program does.
Previous studies
1,24 demonstrated that reaction times impact the sizes of measured OVFs, although these studies suggested that reaction times should not normally cause clinically significant differences. Increased reaction times were also associated with increased VF size variability, at least within a given participant's same-day repeated OVFs.
24 In the present study, linear regressions of VF variability versus reaction times only showed a significant effect for the smaller targets. The reaction times for some of our participants differed by hundreds of milliseconds between visits.
Ross et al.
17 measured GVF test–retest variability in participants with retinitis pigmentosa (tested by the same examiner) and reported variability values of about 12% but found values ranging from 0% to 50%. The same-day GVF variabilities in a study by Bittner et al.
28 for adults with retinitis pigmentosa were around 20% or 25%. However, that was after the authors excluded the most-extreme variabilities among their participants; the authors advocated that such highly variable participants should be screened out during the early pretreatment stage of a clinical trial. Bittner et al. noted that their revised variabilities were similar to the values of 22% for a significant decrease and 29% for a significant increase in GVF diameter derived by Berson et al.
29 for their 32 children and adults with retinitis pigmentosa. More recently, Roman et al.
30 reported corresponding values of −44% to +77% for their GVF study in participants with documented
RPE65 mutations. The median variabilities for the solid angles in the present study were approximately 9% to 13% but with a range of 0% to 185% for this group of participants with assorted baseline VF sizes. Differences in timing, test techniques, measurement units, and patient samples complicate attempts to compare variabilities across all of these studies. Finally, Bittner et al.
28 reported that variability tended to be higher when the V4e field area was less than 10 mm
2 (VFs with diameters less than 14 degrees) and when peripheral islands were included in the VF area. Those factors were not examined systematically in the present study, although the results in
Figure 4 are not consistent with very small fields (a fraction of a steradian) being associated with large intervisit size differences.
Finally, one could question the utility of perimetry (Goldmann or SKP) in an age when multiple other technical measures (such as functional magnetic resonance imaging) are available. VFs continue to represent a fundamental test method in ongoing clinical trials (see multiple IRD trials on and in the clinical categorization of patients with newly identified genetic mutations (e.g., Ref.
16). Although several optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters have been studied as outcome measures (e.g., the width of the ellipsoid zone
31), OCT imaging on most machines does not reach into the mid- and far-periphery,
32 which is of interest in IRDs. Finally, with the Food and Drug Administration's stated focus now on “structure–function correlations,”
33 VFs (function) will continue to be of value even with an increased use of OCT imaging (structure).