Cross sections were viewed and images were captured on an Olympus FV1000 laser-scanning confocal microscope with a 60× objective (1.42 oil, PlanApoN), in the Snyder Institute (University of Calgary) Live Cell Imaging Facility as z-stacks at Nyquist resolution. Whole mounts were viewed and images were captured and stitched on an Olympus VS110-S5 Virtual Slide Scanner in the HBICore Advanced Microscopy Platform (AMP) facility. Digital image processing (including generation of z-stack projections) was performed with Image J 1.47. There is substantial variability in thickness across the chicken retina.
25 Therefore, for quantification of cell-specific transduction, DAPI-labeled retinal sections from the typical region of subretinal injection were analyzed to estimate approximate numbers of each cell type per millimeter of section, making the following assumptions for ease of analysis: (1) All cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) are photoreceptor cells
26; (2) all cells in the distal inner nuclear layer (INL) monolayer in direct contact with the OPL are horizontal cells
27; (3) Müller cell bodies form a monolayer in the INL and, therefore, have the same frequency as horizontal cells
28; (4) cells in the distal 50% of the INL that are not horizontal cells are bipolar cells
29; (5) cells in the proximal 50% of the INL are amacrine cells
29; (6) Müller cell nuclei appear in the central INL and might be included in the counts of both distal and proximal halves of the INL and, therefore, one-half of the estimated number of Müller cells was subtracted from the counts of both amacrine and bipolar cells; (7) all cells in the granule cell layer (GCL) are ganglion cells. Displaced cells in the IPL were not counted. These assumptions for rough quantification disregard the known numbers of displaced amacrine cells in the GCL (reported to be ∼13% of cells in GCL),
30 displaced ganglion cells in the IPL and INL,
31 and other factors.
Figure 2 shows a representative image with cell identities assigned as described. This method led to the estimated cell-type counts shown below in the
A total of 22 sections of eGFP-encoding A3V subretinally injected retinas were analyzed, counting the number of transduced cells of each type per millimeter of section (∼35.5-mm transduced retina total). These values were divided by the estimated mean total number of cells/mm from
Table to estimate the percent transduction of each retinal cell type in the chicken retina by A3V vectors.