Erratum in: “Accuracy and Reliability in Differentiating Retinal Arteries and Veins Using Widefield En Face OCT Angiography” by Akihiro Ishibazawa, Nihaal Mehta, Osama Sorour, Phillip Braun, Sarah Martin, A. Yasin Alibhai, Adnan Saifuddin, Malvika Arya, Caroline R. Baumal, Jay S. Duker, and Nadia K. Waheed (
Trans Vis Sci Tech. 2019;8(3):60).
In the second paragraph of the Introduction, the unit in the following sentence was incorrect: “In recent studies, Balaratnasingam et al.22 histologically showed the capillary-free zone (approximately 30–50 m in diameter) along parafoveal retinal arteries and also demonstrated that four different OCTA devices could clearly visualize this zone along retinal arteries but not veins.” “30–50 m in diameter” should be “30–50 μm in diameter.” The unit has been corrected in the article online.