To evaluate the relationships between refractive error, axial length (AL), and retinal vascular oxygen saturation in an adult population.
This was a hospital-based, prospective observational study. The left eyes of phakic adult subjects without media opacity were analyzed. Subjective undilated manifest refraction was performed, and refractive errors were defined as myopia (spherical equivalent [SE], <−1 D), emmetropia (SE between −1 D and +1 D) and hyperopia (SE >+1 D). Retinal oximetry was performed using the Oxymap system (Oxymap Inc., Reykjavik, Iceland). Multivariate linear regression models were constructed to assess the relationship between retinal vascular oxygen saturation, SE, and AL obtained with optical biometry, with adjustments for age, sex, race, blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus.
There were 85 subjects, with mean age of 66.1 ± 11.3 years. The majority were female (60%) and Chinese (84%). A total of 60% were myopic, 28% emmetropic, and 12% hyperopic. Mean SE was −5.29 ± 6.51 D and mean AL was 25.30 ± 2.99 mm. In multivariate analyses, more myopic SE and longer AL were associated with lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation (regression coefficient B = 0.61 [95% confidence interval, 0.28, 0.95], P = 0.001; and B = −1.13 [95% confidence interval, −1.71, −0.56], P < 0.001, respectively). Subjects with myopic SE and AL also had lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation than emmetropes and hyperopes (P = 0.03 and P = 0.02, respectively).
Eyes with more myopic SE and longer AL have lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation.
Translational Relevance:
This study provides direct evidence of a link between retinal oxygenation and hypoxia and myopia by using a novel device that quantifies retinal vascular oxygenation in vivo.
This was a hospital-based prospective observational study. Adult phakic patients aged at least 21 years old without media opacity as determined by a single clinical examiner were recruited from general outpatient clinics in the Singapore National Eye Centre.
All patients underwent slit lamp examination, refraction, biometry, and imaging with the Oxymap retinal oximeter. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to collect relevant sociodemographic data and medical history, including country and state of birth, marital status, education, occupation and current housing status, participants' lifestyle factors, history of smoking, eye symptoms, use of spectacles, current medications, systemic medical and surgical history, and family history of eye diseases.
Subjective undilated manifest refraction was performed by the same study optometrist to obtain a spherical equivalent (SE) refraction. SE was defined as the spherical power plus half the cylindrical power (negative cylinder).
AL was measured using optical biometry (IOLMaster version 3.01, Carl Zeiss; Meditec AG, Jena, Germany). The intraocular pressure was measured with noncontact airpuff tonometry. Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded using an automated sphygmomanometer (Dinamap model Pro Series DP110X-RW, 100V2; GE Medical Systems Information Technologies Inc., Westborough, MA) after the patient had been resting in a seated position for 5 minutes. Two readings were taken 5 minutes apart, with a third reading taken if the two differed by ≥10 mmHg systolic or ≥5 mm Hg diastolic.
Refractive categories were then defined as follows: emmetropia or hyperopia (SE, >−1 D), low myopia (SE, −1 D to −6 D), and high myopia (SE, <−6 D). Refractive categories were also defined according to the AL. We defined hyperopic eyes as AL ≤23 mm, emmetropic eyes as 23 mm > AL ≤ 25 mm, and myopic eyes as AL >25 mm.
All study procedures were performed in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki as revised in 1989. Written informed consent was obtained from the subjects, and the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Singapore Eye Research Institute.
Multivariate linear regression models were constructed to assess the relationships between retinal arteriolar and venular oxygen saturation and AVD, and SE and AL, with adjustments for age, sex, race, blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. We regarded P values of less than 0.05 from two-sided tests as statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
Our study measured and compared the retinal vasculature oxygen saturation in patients with varying refractive errors ranging from hyperopia to high myopia. In this study, we have shown that eyes with more myopic refractive errors and longer ALs have lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation. Venular oxygen saturation and AVD were not associated with refractive error or AL changes.
A few studies have investigated the oxygen saturation of retinal vessels in myopes with the Oxymap retinal oximeter, with inconsistent results. A cross sectional study by Zheng et al.
17 comparing high myopes with emmetropes found that eyes with high myopia had significantly lower retinal arteriole oxygen saturation. In further subgroup analyses, patients with worse myopic maculopathy (grade ≥M2) were noted to have lower retinal arteriolar saturation than emmetropes, whereas eyes with mild myopic maculopathy (grade <M2) did not. Chen et al.
24 reviewed 17 high myopes with mean SE of −14.2 ± 4.49 D pre- and postimplantable collamer lens surgery. In this study, the baseline retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation level in the highly myopic patients was 93.8% ± 4.6%, which was lower than the normal population measured by Geirsdottir.
13 However, in another cross-sectional study aiming to provide normative data for retinal vessel oxygen saturation levels in 122 young Chinese subjects aged 5 to 18 years with mean refractive error of −3.25 ± 2.49 D (range, −8.88 to +3.13),
18 higher retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation levels correlated with more myopic SE. Liu et al.
25 reported the normative retinal oxygen saturation values in 1461 Chinese children aged 7 to 19 years and found that longer AL was associated with higher arteriolar saturation and AVD. A cross-sectional study by Yang et al.
20 included subjects aged 19 to 30 and found no significant difference in retinal blood saturation between the group with refractive error less than −3.00 D and the other with refractive error of −3.00 D and above. However, multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between arteriolar and venular oxygen saturation, with the product of diopter and oxygen perfusion pressure, and a positive correlation between arteriolar oxygen saturation and the product of diopter and vessel diameter.
These studies had inconsistent findings regarding the association between retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation and myopia. Our findings of lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation in myopia were similar to Zheng et al.
17 and Chen et al.
24 The studies by Liu et al.
18,25 in younger populations, however, both found contrasting trends of higher arteriolar saturation with more myopic refraction and longer AL. One of the key factors affecting the relationship, thus, appears to be age, with studies in adult populations, including our current study, finding lower arteriolar saturation with myopia, and studies in children finding the opposite. This has been attributed to the development of atrophy of the retina and choriocapillaris with time in adult myopic eyes, leading to reduced oxygen requirements. A second important factor is that of the effect of refractive error on ocular magnification. This factor, although cited as possibly affecting their results, has largely been unaccounted for in the studies by Liu and Zheng. It is likely to be an important factor, as it has been reported that vessel oxygen saturation is correlated negatively with vessel diameter.
21 Yang et al.
20 noted interactions between refractive error and vessel diameter, and this was postulated to affect oxygen retinal saturations. As such, they include the product of the dioptric power of the eye and vessel diameter as an “interaction variable” in their analyses but were unable to conclusively determine any relationship other than a negative correlation between of retinal vasculature oxygen saturation levels and the product of the diopter and vessel diameter. Our study has attempted to address the issue of ocular magnification directly by adjusting for the effect of ocular magnification on retinal vascular caliber measurement by using the Bengtsson formula prior to calculating the mean oxygen saturation in the vessels.
We did not find any significant decrease in venular oxygen saturation levels in myopia, Our findings are consistent with those of Zheng et al.
17 who postulated that any expected reduction in venular oxygen saturations from decreasing blood flow in myopic retinal venules may be compensated for by an increase in countercurrent exchange of oxygen in the optic nerve. On the contrary, Liu et al.
18 found increasing retinal venular saturations in myopia. Again, the younger age, lower refractive range of their population and ocular magnification effects could account for this difference in findings, especially because they also demonstrated that venular oxygen saturation levels increased with age. Our findings of no association between AVD and myopia were similar to Liu et al. Other studies have had differing findings. Man et al.
26 conducted a cross-sectional study that concluded that eyes with increased AL had decreased AVD and corresponding reductions in retinal function based on multifocal electroretinogram P1 amplitude. In this study, a significant decrease in AVD was seen in longer eyes. Zheng et al.
17 also found lower AVD in myopic eyes than in emmetropic eyes. It was proposed that the decreased AVD reflected a lower level of oxygen consumption due to lower oxygen demand from fewer functional healthy neurons in myopia. In both these studies, the subjects were young adults (mean age, ∼30 years), unlike the much older population in our study (mean age, 66 years), and our study included a predominantly Asian population that may account for the differences in findings from these other studies.
This study included a relatively large cohort, with clearly defined protocols to limit examiner bias. All fundus photographs were obtained by a single trained technician, and analysis of all images were performed by two assessors who followed the standardized image analysis protocol. Both assessors were also blinded to refractive error or AL of the eyes imaged, and only eyes with clear media were included to allow for high-quality image capturing. The effects of ocular magnification on vessel diameters, which is critical in any analysis involving refractive error, were also adjusted for using the well-described Bengtsson formula. Limitations of our study include its cross-sectional design, which prevents conclusions on the causality and temporal relationship between myopia and lower retinal arteriole oxygen saturation. There was also the possibility of selection bias in a clinic-based setting. Our population was also exclusively of Asian ethnicity, and ethnic variations in fundal pigmentation could have affected the measurements. These biases are, however, nondifferential and should not have affected the associations found.
In conclusion, lower retinal arteriolar oxygen saturation is associated with myopic refractive errors. Our results suggest a role for hemodynamic changes in the retinal circulation in the pathogenesis of myopia. Further longitudinal study is warranted to determine the temporal relationship between retinal oxygenation and the development of myopia and its complications.