To present an overview of animal models of retinal artery occlusion (RAO).
Through a systematic literature search in PubMed and Embase, papers describing methods of inducing RAO in animal models were included. The identified methodologic approaches were presented in a narrative synthesis and compared with RAO in humans.
In total, 83 papers reporting on 88 experiments were included. Six different species were used with rodents and monkeys being the most common, and a minority were performed using cats, dogs, rabbits, or pigs. The anatomy of pigs and monkeys resemble that of humans most closely. The two most frequently used methods were laser-induced occlusion or ligation of the arteries. Other methods included raised intraocular pressure, arterial clamping, administration of vasoconstricting agents, the use of an occluder, embolization, and endovascular approaches to induce occlusion. In general, occlusions lasted for only 30 to 90 minutes, often followed by reperfusion.
Although a broad range of methods have previously been used, they all have limitations. Preferably, the methods should imitate the human disease as closely as possible and avoid damaging other structures. Therefore, monkeys followed by pigs are to be preferred and ligation or clamping may be a suitable model in larger animals as there is a potential to isolate and occlude the retinal artery only. Being less invasive, laser-induced occlusion is another suitable approach.
Translational Relevance:
This review aims at assisting researchers in deciding on the most ideal experimental setting, and thereby increase the translational value to human disease.
For this review, a systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed and Embase (
Supplementary Tables S1 and
S2). Prior to the search, a protocol was written. Studies were included if their experimental method induced occlusion of the retinal artery, regardless if their primary aim was to set up a model for RAO or not. The retrieved studies were examined to exclude overlapping or duplicated data. Experimental models of occlusion of vessels more proximal than the ophthalmic artery were excluded, as these more closely resembled manifestations of other diseases, such as ocular ischemic syndrome.
For each included study, the species used in the study was noted, method of inducing the occlusion, time of occlusion, and reperfusion if applicable, as well as validation of the occlusion. Results were presented using narrative synthesis, including discussion of the advantages and challenges in the various methodologic approaches.
Experimental animal models offer a unique opportunity to investigate different aspects of RAO. However, caution is needed when findings are extrapolated to the disease in humans. In order to increase the usefulness and applicability of RAO experiments, it is of utmost importance to imitate the human disease as closely as possible. Ideally, the anatomy of the animal should resemble that of the human eye, the intervention should mimic the occlusion of the retinal artery meaning the occlusion of the retinal artery only, and avoid damage on other tissues or structures.
Imitating the disease requires thorough knowledge on the natural history of RAO. In this aspect, the duration and extent of the occlusion is of interest. In a fluorescein angiography study in which patients were seen 4.4 days in average after the onset of symptoms, only one in 62 patients with CRAO showed complete absence of dye in the retinal arteries.
98 However, the arteriovenous transit time was found to be prolonged in most cases. Hence, while there seems to be consensus that in the clinical setting some residual circulation remains, the mechanism is still debated. It has been suggested to be due to an incomplete obstruction by the embolus in the vessel.
30,99,100 A study by Hayreh and Jonas
54 on clamping of the CRA in monkeys reported of fluorescein angiographies similar to that in humans showing residual circulation after CRAO. It was argued that it was due to anastomoses with the CRA distal to the occlusion allowing filling, that being cilioretinal capillary anastomoses and pial and intraneural anastomoses.
54 This mechanism is only possible if the site of occlusion is proximal to the site of these anastomoses (i.e., the dural sheath). Experimental methods using increased IOP, ligation of multiple vessels, and vasoconstriction causes complete obstruction of the vessel(s) leaving no residual circulation, in contrast to the clinical picture in man.
Due to time delay, the clinical findings at the very onset of the occlusion is largely unknown. Although it is uncertain when it begins, reperfusion ultimately occurs in the majority of clinical cases. Hence, one study found reperfusion to appear in all cases of RAO, although in only 16 of the 29 patients with visible emboli perfusion recovered within the first month.
97 A study on CRAO found only 15% of eyes to have transient CRAO (lasting several minutes to many hours), while 71% had permanent CRAO, and 14% had CRAO with cilioretinal artery sparing.
101 In the vast majority of the experimental studies, the occlusion lasted only minutes to hours followed by either spontaneous or induced/intended reperfusion. Only the endovascular method produced permanent occlusion. Therefore, it could be argued there are dissimilarities between the majority of the experimental setups and the longer lasting CRAO in humans.
It has previously been argued in a study using laser-induced thrombus that animal models that depend on well-controlled reperfusion may produce pathogenic information that is less relevant to the clinical situation.
30 It is argued that there is improved clinical relevance in a CRAO model with an intraluminal thrombus that can resolve naturally and spontaneously and with long-term ischemia. On the other hand, such a setup is less standardized and reproducible.
Reperfusion following ischemia is thought to cause damage to the tissue.
6 If reperfusion takes place after irreversible damage on the retina has already happened due to the ischemia, it may be less relevant to allow reperfusion to happen in an experimental model. This is especially true for studies investigating biochemical responses with the objective to search for potential mechanism of treatment.
A disadvantage of several of the models is that they affect vessels other than the retinal artery. Endothelin-1 causes constriction of all retinal vessels, including veins. One study investigated the choroidal blood flow following the administration of endothelin-1 in rabbits.
40 They found the choroidal blood flow to increase, maybe due to regulatory mechanisms. As for the method of increased IOP, even a moderate increase in IOP causes a reduction in blood flow in the choroid.
40,102,103 In the majority of studies using ligature, the ciliary arteries were ligated as well. Injection of material to cause embolization was done in either the carotid or maxillary artery, which may very well have caused ischemia in tissues other than the retina. When using an occluder or probe only the inner retina is made ischemic. The same applies for clamp in monkeys, laser, and, to some extent, endovascular approach.
Some methods could produce features unrelated to RAO, too. Elevation of IOP may result in both vascular occlusion–induced ischemia and mechanical injury to the retina. Öz et al.
47 reported that their model of increased IOP, “…has no similarity or analogy to isolated vascular occlusion such as clinical central retinal artery occlusion or ophthalmic artery occlusion.” Ligation often included ligation of the optic nerve. This induces mechanical and ischemic damage to the optic nerve and may also induce occlusion of the ciliary arteries resulting in choroidal ischemia. This may confound the cell degeneration attributed to ischemic damage from occlusion of the CRA. Furthermore, ligation and clamping are invasive, requiring dissection of the orbit area. Using laser may cause damage due to the use of photosensitizer and/or the laser itself.
6 Furthermore, it seems unavoidable to damage the optic nerve and possibly the central retinal vein if CRAO is produced by applying laser to the optic nerve.
Of all species used in these studies, the anatomy of the nonhuman primates resembles that of the human eye most closely, followed by that of pigs. On the contrary, the rabbit appears to be a poor choice in experimental models of human retinal artery occlusions.
96,38 Besides from the anatomy and the resemblance with human eyes, other factors are to be considered in regard to the different species. The size of the animal and the eye is of importance. Smaller animals may be easier to handle and require smaller housing facilities. On the other hand, larger animals with eyes with the size of human eyes, such as the pig, are an advantage or necessity in surgical methods, such as endovascular approach or ligation of only the CRA. Other factors include availability of the species and economy.
If other researchers are to replicate previous animal studies and benefit from their experience, the method should be reproduceable. Especially the embolization method causes varied results and only some of the experiments resulted in BRAO. In addition, there is limited experience with some methods as they were only reported in few studies (studies on occluder/probe, endovascular technique, embolization).
To ensure critical evaluation and transparency, studies should validate their method, ideally by fundus examination, angiography, and ERG. These results should then be reported. Multiple of the included studies did not use any of these common methods, and many of those that did, did not document their findings. This makes it difficult to compare studies as the evaluation of successful occlusion is so diverse.
Although a broad range of approaches can be used to model RAO in animals, future research on RAO should use a suitable animal model, which is anatomically and physiologically similar to humans. Therefore, monkeys followed by pigs are to be preferred and conversely, the rabbit appears to be a poor choice. In addition, an animal model of RAO must have an occlusion pattern that resembles occlusive mechanisms in the human eye. A number of animal models of RAO induce general ocular ischemia resembling ocular ischemic syndrome. Models that induce global ocular ischemia may not be well suited for studying RAO. We recommend methods that result in RAO without damages to adjacent ocular structures. Also, the duration and extent of the ischemic period should mimic that in RAO in humans. Although none of the described methods meet all of the criteria of a perfect model some methods seem to be superior compared with others. Though it is invasive, ligation or clamp may be a suitable model in larger animals as there is a potential to isolate and occlude the retinal artery only. Laser-induced occlusion is another suitable approach being noninvasive and involving the retinal artery only. However, our review demonstrates that reperfusion of the occlusion is likely to occur. IOP, vasoconstriction, and embolization may be less suitable models as the resulting ischemia is not specific or stable enough. Regardless of the model, documentation and validation by fundus photography and angiography are indispensable for a successful study.
As no existing model is ideal, the methods may supplement each other and model various specific aspects of the disease, and thereby each contribute to the understanding of the disease. Hence, a surgical or laser-induced occlusion allows the basic reaction of the tissue to the occlusion to be studied, although the formation of a thrombosis or embolus in humans may not be mimicked completely. However, future studies are needed to develop a model with an actual thromboembolism useful in the development of treatments targeting the thrombus or emboli itself, such as thrombolytics and surgical removal of the embolus.