Previous studies have shown that the Argus II retinal prosthesis can create some artificial vision for the wearers
3–8 and improve visually guided fine hand movements.
25 In the current study, we use a thermal-integrated Argus II system to evaluate the trade-off between the FOV and the spatial resolution on the wearer's ability to correctly localize and to reach for targets.
A previous study suggested that object recognition requires a larger FOV when spatial resolution is reduced.
26 Our initial hypothesis was that a wider input FOV would allow Argus II wearers to detect the targets faster, thus decreasing the response time. However, successful target localization depends on effective stimulation that exceeds the subject's perceptual threshold; in other words, the phosphenes elicited by the electrical stimulation must be bright and big enough to be perceived by the subject. When a wider input FOV was mapped onto the area of the retinal implant, the spatial resolution of the stimulation decreased, so the same object decreased in size in the video input and, therefore, activated fewer electrodes. The perceptual threshold of each electrode may depend on factors such as electrode-retina distance and ganglion cell density,
27 and, therefore, the sensitivity to electrical stimulation can vary between electrode loci. As a result, if the target activated fewer electrodes, there would be less chance for the stimulation to be perceived. In addition, because the video input refreshes at 30 Hz, there may be a delay of approximately 33 ms from video capture to the electrical stimulation. If the scanning motion was too fast, localization error could occur due to this delay. With the wider input FOV, subjects often missed the target during their initial head scanning and had to scan multiple times before successfully locating the targets. We did notice that one subject, S5, showed a different pattern from other subjects (
Fig. 4, purple dotted line in panels A2 and B2). S5 reacted faster and was more accurate when using zoom out compared to no zoom. We noted that S5's retina was more sensitive to electrode stimulation according to the most recent implant fitting measurement. It is possible that when more electrodes are effectively stimulated, the adverse effect of reduced spatial resolution can be alleviated and the subject may benefit more from a wider input FOV. Similarly, when prescribing minifying telescopes to RP patients, good visual acuity (20/30 or better) was recommended in order to achieve the maximum efficacy.
28 As experienced by low vision care providers, field expanders have not been widely adopted by RP patients despite positive findings in several small studies, mostly due to the trade-off between visual acuity and field size (personal communication, 2019).
One more factor that could influence task performance was experience or practice. The spatial correspondence provided by the wider input FOV between retinal stimulation and the world was new to the subjects. The subjects have substantial experience with the normal input FOV but only had brief training and familiarization with the wider input FOV. It could, thus, be argued that the lack of experience may explain the poor performance with the wider input FOV. However, an earlier study showed that when an eye tracker was integrated with the Argus II system to shift the input FOV corresponding to eye movements, the patients showed instantaneous improvements in localizing a target.
29 This finding supported that the patients are able to learn a new method of manipulating the input FOV quickly and benefit from it. In addition, a longitudinal study showed that the Argus II wearers' performance on a target localization task did not improve over the course of 5 years after the device was activated (inferred from
Fig. 2A in Reference 3), suggesting that additional practice does not necessarily lead to improved performance. Without further experimental testing, it is unclear whether more practice with the wider input FOV would change our negative finding.
Overall, our results showed that Argus II wearers were able to use the information provided by the thermal camera and could find heat-emitting objects using the current 11° by 18° input FOV with greater accuracy and speed than when using a wider input FOV. The results are applicable to the thermal camera, but it remains to be tested whether the conclusions could generalize to the visible light camera where the video input contains a high-contrast, uncluttered target (for example, using the Argus II camera to locate a dark door against a white wall or a white plate on a black tablecloth). For object localization, a higher spatial resolution may be preferred over a wider input FOV.