Small moving targets are followed by pursuit eye movements, with success ubiquitously defined by gain. Gain quantifies accuracy, rather than precision, and only for eye movements along the target trajectory. Analogous to previous studies of fixation, we analyzed pursuit performance in two dimensions as a function of target direction, velocity, and amplitude. As a subsidiary experiment, we compared pursuit performance against that of fixation.
Eye position was recorded from 15 observers during pursuit. The target was a 0.4° dot that moved across a large screen at 8°/s or 16°/s, either horizontally or vertically, through peak-to-peak amplitudes of 8°, 16°, or 32°. Two-dimensional eye velocity was expressed relative to the target, and a bivariate probability density function computed to obtain accuracy and precision. As a comparison, identical metrics were derived from fixation data.
For all target directions, eye velocity was less precise along the target trajectory. Eye velocities orthogonal to the target trajectory were more accurate during vertical pursuit than horizontal. Pursuit accuracy and precision along and orthogonal to the target trajectory decreased at the higher target velocity. Accuracy along the target trajectory decreased with smaller target amplitudes.
Orthogonal to the target trajectory, pursuit was inaccurate and imprecise. Compared to fixation, pursuit was less precise and less accurate even when following the stimulus that gave the best performance.
Translational Relevance:
This analytical approach may help the detection of subtle deficits in slow phase eye movements that could be used as biomarkers for disease progression and/or treatment.
Eye movement data were analyzed offline using scripts written in MATLAB (Version 2014b; MathWorks, Natick, MA). The initial 2 seconds of the pursuit data, when the target was stationary, were discarded. Similarly, the initial 2 seconds of fixation data also were discarded. Eye position data from the central 70% of each sweep of the target were used in the subsequent analysis to avoid pursuit initiation artefacts and anticipatory slowing of eye movements associated with the reversal of target direction. Eye movement data for repeated trials were concatenated before they were parsed into their respective pursuit directions (right, left, up, down). The initial 2 seconds of fixation data also were discarded and the entire 24 seconds of remaining fixation data used for comparison with pursuit data.
Eye position data were filtered using a fourth order Butterworth filter with a 60 Hz cutoff, before temporal differentiation to obtain velocity, acceleration, and jerk. Artefacts, representing blinks and sporadic dropped data, were identified as those regions where jerk exceeded an arbitrary threshold of 3 × 106 °/s3. Saccades were identified in the remaining data and removed using a velocity criterion (mean eye velocity plus a multiple of the standard deviation [SD]) that was unique to each observer and adjusted by the experimenter to ensure accurate identification of saccades.
For each pursuit trial, a distribution of velocity errors was obtained from the difference between each remaining eye velocity sample and the target velocity. A bivariate probability density function (bPDF) then was computed for this distribution using an open source script,
19 with a 256 × 256 mesh and a 1° kernel bandwidth.
20 The isocontour that encompassed 68% of the highest probability density data was subjected to further analysis to determine the accuracy and precision along and orthogonal to the target trajectory (
Fig. 1). An isocontour area of 68% is analogous to ±1 SD of a univariate normal distribution,
21 and follows the convention in similar analytical approaches used to study fixation stability.
Eye velocity accuracy was quantified using the coordinates of the isocontour centroid. Recall that these are all differences expressed relative to the target velocity at the origin, so smaller values reflect greater accuracy. Thus, during horizontal pursuit, the x-coordinate of the centroid represents accuracy along the target trajectory, whereas the y-coordinate represents accuracy orthogonal to target trajectory. As the origin of the velocity distribution is equal to the target velocity, the smaller the magnitude of the x or y coordinate, the more accurate the eye velocity during pursuit along or orthogonal, respectively, to the target trajectory.
To determine whether the minor or major axis of the isocontour lay along the target trajectory, we calculated the angle between the major axis of the isocontour and the
x-axis. Since these data were axial, it was possible for measurements to be diametrically opposed (e.g., 0° vs. 180°) yet still have a common (i.e., horizontal) axis. Therefore, rather than taking the arithmetic mean of these major axis orientations (i.e., 90°, which would imply a vertical orientation), we doubled all major axis angles (e.g., 0° vs. 360°) before undertaking circular statistical analyses
23 to eliminate this potential ambiguity. Once completed, all major axis orientations then were reported as the back-transformed, unambiguous axial data.
While the total area enclosed by the isocontour is a measure of the total precision of eye velocity, we also wished to know if eye velocities were distributed nonuniformly (i.e., an asymmetric isocontour). For this reason, we calculated the shape factor for the isocontour as the ratio of the minor to major axis. However, a ratio can obscure the actual values of the degree of precision. Thus, eye velocity precision along the individual minor and major axes (i.e., the velocity range about the centroid) was calculated from the ratio of the major and minor axes (shape factor) and the total area enclosed by the isocontour.
Before examining the results of the repeated measures ANOVA, we analyzed the orientations of the major axes of the velocity isocontours as a function of target direction. We had predicted that eye velocity would be more variable along the target trajectory than orthogonal to it. If this prediction were correct, then the major axes of the velocity isocontours should be aligned horizontally during horizontal pursuit and aligned vertically during vertical pursuit.
Figure 3 depicts the polar distributions of the angle formed between the major axis of the isocontour and the
x-axis for during pursuit along each direction. The orientation and magnitude of the mean resultant vector (
r, red line extending from the center of each plot) indicates the mean orientation of the major axes and the extent to which the data are circularly spread (i.e., variability in the orientation of the major axes); the closer this resultant vector is to the edge of the unit circle (i.e.,
r = 1), the more concentrated the underlying distribution is with respect to its orientation.
Figures 3a and
3b illustrate the results for vertical pursuit directions, upward and downward. In both cases, the resultant vector is aligned along the 90° to 270° axis and almost extends to the unit circle (
r ≥ 0.90), indicating that underlying distribution was highly concentrated at this orientation (i.e., the orientations of major axes were parallel to the target trajectory). In addition, the upward and downward data were tested to determine whether they had a mean orientation along the 90° to 270° axis (i.e., Kuiper's v test with an a priori mean direction of 90°) with both results highly significant (
P < 0.001). Essentially the same results were obtained for horizontal directions, leftward and rightward (
Figs. 3c,
3d). As with vertical pursuit directions, the major axes for pursuit of a horizontal target were significantly oriented along the 0° to 180° axis (
P < 0.001). However, the value of the resultant vectors was somewhat lower (
r = 0.69 and 0.68, respectively).
There was no significant difference in the angular data between rightward or leftward pursuit directions (
P = 0.551), or between upward and downward (
P = 0.551). Taken together, the results in
Figure 3 showed that the major axes had significant orientations of 0° (i.e., horizontal) and 90° (i.e., vertical) for horizontal and vertical pursuit, respectively. In terms of eye velocity distribution, the major axis denotes greater variability. Hence, for horizontal and vertical pursuit, there was less precision along the respective target direction than orthogonal to it, consistent with our first prediction. Given these findings, eye velocities along the major and minor axes will be referred to as eye velocities along and orthogonal to the target trajectory, respectively.
We noted that the magnitude of the resultant vector (r) was smaller for horizontal pursuit directions, suggesting greater variation in the major axis orientation data across observers on these trials. This may reflect changes to the distribution of pursuit precision along and orthogonal to the target trajectory, which may be apparent in our other analyses (i.e., shape factor; see below).
The principal motivation behind this study was to explore the shortcomings of pursuit gain as an ubiquitous, and indeed almost exclusive, measure of pursuit performance, in typical and atypical populations. Existing measurements of pursuit performance relate only to accuracy rather than precision, and do not consider eye velocities other than those along the target heading. This is in marked contrast to analyses of other eye movements that do take account of all directions of movement. Consequently, pursuit gain only reveals a small facet of actual pursuit performance. Furthermore, the use of pursuit gain assumes that eye velocity orthogonal to the target trajectory is accurate and precise.
In the current study, we applied those methods commonly associated with characterizing the 2D accuracy and precision of eye position during fixation
13 to eye velocity during pursuit. We also considered how each of our three experimental manipulations of pursuit direction, velocity, and amplitude impacted performance. In doing so, we demonstrated that the retinal image velocity is in a state of flux in directions other than the pursuit target, just as in fixation.
By examining the orientation of the major axes of eye velocity isocontours with respect to the target trajectory, we confirmed our prediction that the precision of eye velocity should be lower along the target trajectory than orthogonal to it. Early studies of smooth pursuit claimed that eye velocity imprecision along the target trajectory did not exceed the magnitude of fixational micro-drifts;
15 however, in this study, we found the precision along the target trajectory far exceeds this, in agreement with others.
11 Indeed, when we compared the precision of the minor axes of velocity isocontours for fixation and pursuit, those for pursuit were significantly less precise. In other words, the variability in eye velocity orthogonal to the target trajectory during pursuit is likely to exceed even fixational micro-drifts. The asymmetry of precision along and orthogonal to the target trajectory may reflect velocity ‘ringing,' where eye velocity during steady state pursuit oscillates about a particular value.
We found that, during horizontal pursuit, the mean orientation of the major axis of the velocity isocontour also was horizontal, but that there was considerable individual variation of the individual major axis orientations. This would seem to be due to a more symmetric distribution of imprecision between the two axes; that is, a higher shape factor. This would have resulted in a less pronounced major axis. In this case, a small shift in the distribution of imprecision between the two axes would impact considerably on the major axis orientation.
We had predicted that eye velocities orthogonal to the target trajectory should be more precise during vertical than horizontal pursuit. While the shape factor of the eye velocity isocontours seemed to indicate this was the case, we found no significant differences in the precision orthogonal to the target trajectory with direction. However, changes in shape factor are ambiguous; it is not possible to determine which axis, or axes, are responsible for any change. In parallel, we chose to measure the precision along the minor and major axes but observed no significant differences in either with pursuit direction. The greater asymmetry of precision distribution during vertical pursuit could be attributed, in part, to a higher precision orthogonal to the target trajectory (i.e., a smaller minor axis) when compared to that during horizontal pursuit. In other words, vertical eye velocities during horizontal pursuit are subject to a more variable error than horizontal eye velocities during vertical pursuit. This variable error may reflect underlying differences in the arrangement of the extraocular muscles. Unlike horizontal eye position and velocity, no single pair of extraocular muscles controls vertical eye position and velocity. Instead, two pairs of extraocular muscles are involved, and as horizontal gaze angle varies, the relative contribution from each extraocular muscle pair varies.
Our study did not fully confirm our final prediction. We found that target amplitude did not affect eye velocities orthogonal to the target trajectory, whereas target velocity did. This observation may be related to lower pursuit accuracy orthogonal to the target trajectory as the target velocity increased. A lower accuracy would suggest that the target was not being continuously foveated. Indeed, this would be consistent with the results of Shanidze et al.,
14 who found that small targets are not always foveated during pursuit. In typical observers, such eccentrically viewed targets have been shown to increase the variability of fixation eye movements,
30 and may have had a similar impact on pursuit eye velocity.
We noted that, as target amplitude decreased, pursuit became less accurate and less precise. If the peak-to-peak amplitude of the target was further decreased to the point where the target was effectively stationary, our results would predict that, under these circumstances, eye velocity control would be worst. However, comparing the results of pursuit to those of fixation showed that the accuracy and precision during fixation was superior to even the most optimal of pursuit conditions. This observation suggested that the mere act of following a moving target reduces accuracy and precision when compared to fixation. We hypothesize that this finding is related to the frequency of the pursuit target oscillation. Modulating either the target amplitude with a fixed speed or modulating speed with a fixed amplitude will alter the target frequency. Several studies
31–34 have shown that increasing target frequency results in lower pursuit gain, so we hypothesized that the smaller amplitude in our experimental protocol lowered pursuit performance because this resulted in an increased frequency.
The results for our subsidiary fixation experiment were largely in agreement with the polar plots of eye velocity during fixation reported by Cherici et al.
13 While our precision values were typically larger (2.06 ± 0.24°/s minor axis; 2.34 ± 0.43°/s major axis), this was most likely due to methodologic differences, such as the lack of a bite bar, a larger fixation stimulus, longer fixation duration, and/or a lack of a second-stage, manual calibration.
For horizontal and vertical pursuits, we found eye velocities orthogonal to the target trajectory were inaccurate and imprecise. Velocity mismatch between the eye and target has been widely accepted as the stimulus for smooth pursuit. Thus, imprecision of eye velocity should serve as a stimulus for pursuit. However, to what extent this previously undocumented ongoing retinal image motion actually serves as a stimulus for driving pursuit remains to be determined. Nonetheless, we would argue that it should be considered in future models of pursuit.
Our analytical approach replicated several other pursuit-related findings for eye velocity along the target trajectory and extended these data. For example, we found a horizontal–vertical accuracy anisotropy:
34–37 horizontal pursuit is more accurate than vertical pursuit. No differences were found between leftward and rightward pursuit accuracy, or between downward and upward target pursuit accuracy. A vertical asymmetry in pursuit accuracy has been reported previously.
35 However, our data (
Table 2) agree with others who have attributed this to idiosyncratic differences in participant performance.
36 We also found that eye velocity was less accurate with increased target velocity
11,34,35,37 and that accuracy decreases with smaller target amplitudes.
34,38 Finally, we observed that precision decreased with increased target velocity.
Table 2 The Percentage of Trial Combinations Where Accuracy Along the Target Trajectory was Greater for Downward Pursuit Than for Upward Pursuit
Table 2 The Percentage of Trial Combinations Where Accuracy Along the Target Trajectory was Greater for Downward Pursuit Than for Upward Pursuit
Our method of saccade selection and removal allowed for the possibility that some saccades were not removed from the pursuit data and were included in the analyzed velocity isocontours. However, based on our method of saccade selection (mean eye velocity plus a multiple of the SD), any undetected saccades would be of low peak velocity and, hence, short duration.
39 In addition, by selecting the 68% velocity isocontour for analysis, we reduced the potential for eye velocity outliers. Thus, of the many thousands of genuine pursuit samples, the presence of any undetected saccades in the underlying velocity distributions would be unlikely to distort the resulting velocity isocontour.
We found that there was an increase in the number of saccades initiated during pursuit at the higher target velocity and the smallest pursuit amplitude. That these trial parameters resulted in the lowest accuracy along the target trajectory indicated that the saccades were used to compensate for the velocity error. However, given that accuracy along the target trajectory was a poor predictor for the number and amplitude of saccades, this suggested that the primary role of saccades during pursuit is to reduce the position error, rather than the velocity error, consistent with the previous report of de Brouwer et al.
28 Our saccade data were in broad agreement with the results of a recent study of small amplitude pursuit in monkeys.
34 These investigators found that, at a fixed target amplitude (0.5°), increasing the target velocity (i.e., frequency) resulted in an increase in the number (and amplitude) of catch-up saccades, although the number of catch-up saccades fell off at target frequencies greater than 1 Hz. However, while we found the number of catch-up saccades decreased with increased amplitude, these investigators also found that at a fixed target frequency (0.5 Hz; i.e., fixed velocity), the number (and amplitude) of catch-up saccades increased with target amplitude. This discrepancy may reflect the much larger pursuit amplitudes (i.e., >2°) used in our current study, or because we have not maintained a fixed target frequency as the target amplitude varied.
In our analyses, we restricted the pursuit data to the central 70% of each sweep to obtain a representative estimate of steady state pursuit. As such, we remained confident that our measures are representative of typical observers. However, it is worth noting that the temporal relationship between eye movement samples was not retained in our analytical approach, and so it cannot be ascertained whether accuracy and precision varies during pursuit.
Our study involved pursuit under simplified conditions in which the target moved at constant velocity with periodic oscillations, making it highly predictable.
40–42 The extent to which pursuit was foveally driven in our observers, and how our findings would differ under more complicated target motion, such as a random walk of sinusoids,
43 remains unclear. Nonetheless, our results should be considered the upper limits for pursuit performance in typical observers.
It is well recognized that too little or too much retinal image motion impedes visual perception. Our results raised the question of whether the 2D pattern of retinal image motion during pursuit observed is visually detrimental. For example, one study has shown that detection thresholds for horizontally oriented luminance gratings were lower during horizontal pursuit than fixation.
Our more comprehensive analysis is undoubtedly more informative than gain alone, and so may be more effective in detecting subtle deviations from normal pursuit behavior within atypical populations. Indeed, the utility of our 2D analysis of eye velocity is not limited to pursuit. We anticipate that it will facilitate a more detailed investigation and modeling of other types of slow eye movements that are currently quantified only using gain, including optokinetic nystagmus and vestibulo-ocular response. We would certainly argue that, whatever eye movement is investigated and whether in typical or atypical populations, outcome measures should include precision alongside accuracy, and wherever possible, eye velocity should be quantified two-dimensionally. This is likely to be particularly important when assessing slow phase eye movements in those with neurologic disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and others to facilitate the identification of an early onset of abnormalities, which could then serve as useful biomarkers for assessing disease progression and/or the efficacy of treatments in a given individual.