We found that, as declared in the package insert of all commercially available conventional SilOils, the polymer was PDMS. However, it is known that the SilOil synthesis process generates a mixture of chains with the same structural unit (monomer) but different lengths, including a dominant fraction of the desired degree of polymerization and other linear and cyclic chains of different molecular weight.
1 Therefore, labeling a compound as composed of 100% of PDMS is trivial and does not ensure the purity of the product. It has already been highlighted that toxicity should not be referred to the whole chemical group, but to a specific compound,
1 even if, globally, the silicone's safety decreases as the molecular weight decreases, as short-chain siloxanes can overcome biological membranes diffusing into the surrounding tissues.
1 It follows that the knowledge of composition of SilOil and, in particular, the amount of LMWC is of crucial importance. We found a broad MWD and significant differences in MWD between the SilOils. Previous studies focused the analysis of SilOil on cyclic oligomers, in particular D4, D5, D6, and octadecamethylcycloheptasiloxane (D7).
11,16 A quiet high variability of their concentration in the original, purified SilOil has been reported.
16 Nakamura et al.
11 found that the concentration of LMWC up to D6 changed in SilOil recovered from human and rabbit eyes, with a significantly decline of D4, whereas the concentrations of heavier siloxanes remained stable. Significant time-dependent decrease in D4 concentration also has been detected recently in two different 5000 mPa·s SilOil.
16 Based on these data, LMWC has been suggested to diffuse into surrounding ocular tissue. Nakamura et al.
11 also demonstrated severe inflammatory reactions in the anterior segment of rabbits following injection of LMWC, potentially relating these compounds with chronic ocular inflammatory reaction.
11 Moreover, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently has added D4, D5, and D6 oligosiloxanes to the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorization due to their persistency, bioaccumulation, and toxicity (available in the public domain at
https://echa.europa.eu/it/-/ten-new-substances-added-to-the-candidate-list). However, in our composition analysis D4, D5, and D6 oligosiloxanes represented only a small amount of “impurities” (
Table 4), whereas significant differences were detected in the fraction of heavier LMWC, up to molecular weight M ≤ 10,000 g/mol (range, 2.31%–9.40%). It may be argued that these bigger molecules, remaining in the vitreous cavity due to the lower diffusion capability, could continue to perform their emulsifying action at the oil/water interface and in direct contact with the retina for the whole duration of SilOil tamponade. The inflammatory reaction associated with emulsified SilOil may, in turn, promote further SilOil emulsification and, consequently, further inflammation.
17,18 Therefore, the inflammation associated with SilOil emulsification may be expected to worsen with time. Recently, Semeraro et al.
19 reported the significant correlation between intraocular inflammation in SilOil-filled eyes and the tamponade duration. Moreover, with regard to the biological effects of LMW silicones, Nayef et al.
20 evaluated their role on human serum albumin (HAS) denaturation/aggregation and the turbidity of protein/buffer/silicones solutions. SilOil of 1000 mPa·s with different molecular weight distribution were obtained mixing 1000 mPa·s vinyldimethyl-terminated PDMS with trimethylsiloxy-terminated PDMS of 100, 200, 5000, and 60,000 mPa·s (M ∼ 5700, 9430, 17,250, 116,500 g/mol, respectively). They found an association between greater concentrations of LMW silicones and increased protein denaturation as well as enhanced HSA solution turbidity, related to protein aggregates and SilOil-in water emulsions.
20 It has been supposed that LMW silicones, mobile and hydrophobic, may lead to more efficient contact with HSA and, consequently, protein denaturation and aggregation.