In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of the FLT with FLIO at and around laser spots using ex vivo RPE-choroid-sclera explants. This is a good model to simulate FLIO and investigate the FLT after laser-induced damage and subsequent wound healing of the RPE.
The results of the current study showed that it is possible to perform an analysis of the RPE during wound healing with FLIO, which provides additional information on the AF intensity measurement. AF intensity images highlight mainly the lipofuscin distribution and concentration in fundus due to its high fluorescence intensity.
32–34 FLTs, which are assume to be independent of the AF intensity, indicate the existence of fluorophores other than lipofuscin.
Major fluorophores in RPE-choroid tissues known to date are lipofuscin (different bisretinoids including A2E), AGE, melanin, FAD, collagen, and elastin. Considering the spectral characteristic, the peak of emission wavelength (λ
em) of lipofuscin is around 590 nm when excited by 480 nm, whereas A2E shows its emission peak around 630 nm.
33 The λ
em of AGE lies at 523 nm when excited by 470 nm.
5 The impact of melanin fluorescence in FLIO is still under discussion: melanin shows a weak AF at excitations longer than 400 nm and here it shows strong absorption. However, according to a report by Kayaz et al.,
35 oxidized melanin may be fluorescent with an emission peak around 540 nm under 470-nm excitation. However, the extent of oxidation of RPE-melanosomes in the examined tissues remains unclear, and it needs to be further investigated. The spectrum of λ
em of FAD lies between 500 and 565 nm with a maximum at 524 nm when excited at 470 nm.
5 Collagen shows very weak AF at the excitation with 470-nm wavelength light. Collagen II, which shows the strongest absorption among collagen I to IV, has the emission maximal around 510 nm.
5 Based on those reported emission properties, the SSC (498–560 nm) of the FLIO is considered to be more sensitive to the changes in melanin, AGE, FAD, and collagen, whereas the LSC (560–720 nm) might be more sensitive to A2E and lipofuscin.
In the investigated fundus tissues, RPE has short FLTs; this could mainly due to numerous intracellular melanosomes concentrated at the apical side of cells.
36,37 These short FLTs should be more apparent in porcine eyes, as these are mostly from young pigs containing only small amount of lipofuscin.
37 The RPE shows
τm of around 200 to 250 ps with fresh ex vivo samples (unpublished data), which is consistent with the results of previous report by other researchers.
5 Lipofuscin has so far been reported to have a much longer
τm over 1000 ps
5,38; an increasing amount of it may, therefore, also increase the total
τm of the RPE. The Bruch's membrane and the choroid are first visible after the RPE cells have been destroyed or defectively injured. These layers show long FLTs, probably due to the contribution of collagen and elastin with long
5 According to our own measurements,
τm of the region without RPE (removed by a fine brush) in porcine eyes is ranging from 550 to 700 ps (unpublished data). This may explain why a significantly longer
τm is shown in zone 1 at 24 hours after irradiation. This finding can also be supported by clinical pilot studies showing the apparently long
τm in the area of RPE atrophy in patients of geographic atrophy,
14,15 retinitis pigmentosa,
39 or choroideremia.
During wound healing of the RPE in the current study, prolonged τm in the central region becomes shorter over time. However, it was still longer than the values in the peripheral zone even after 72 hours, at which the wound must be almost closed. This might have anatomical or metabolic reasons. Melanosomes are considered to be less concentrated in the restoring cells, which are widely spread in shape to cover the defect. Additionally, due to the activated metabolisms of those cells compared to the intact RPE cells, these differences may occur. We hypothesize that both factors are related to the longer FLTs in the central regions during wound healing.
On the other hand, changes in the FLTs around the wound without any cell morphological changes (zone 3) may be associated with the change in cellular metabolic activity. Those changes were significant in SSC in the current study, and this result may indicate that SSC might be more sensitive to detect sublethally activated RPE cells around a wound than LSC. As described above, FAD is a metabolic cofactor that is essential in energy metabolisms of cells,
41 which serves as an electron acceptor in complex II of the respiratory chain in the mitochondria, and is a cofactor for succinate dehydrogenase. FAD changes its FLT depending on its protein binding states, where free FAD has long FLTs (2300 ± 700 ps), and protein-bound FAD has short FLTs (monomeric form: 130 ± 20 ps, dimeric form: 40 ± 10 ps).
10 The prolongation of the FAD-
τm may indicate a relative increase of free FAD (long FLT component, τ
2-FAD), or a relative decrease of protein-bound FAD (short FLT component,τ
42–45 This may theoretically indicate the metabolic shift to glycolysis.
Considering the cell responses following wound healing, the protein-binding state of FAD may be changed in the RPE cells along with the changes in energy metabolic states. This study showed a slight but significant elongation of τm around laser spots (zone 3), where no morphological changes were observed. If this is caused by the change in FAD protein-binding states, it could be interpreted that the free form of FAD increased, indicating a relative increase of glycolysis. In this case, it is also of interest that metabolic activation around a laser spot seems to need some time to develop and lasts long. In order to prove this, different FAD forms are currently being investigated at our laboratory.
The contribution of the neural retina cannot be ignored in the clinical application of FLIO. In the neural retina, macular pigments, which consist of the natural xanthophyll pigments lutein, meso-zeaxanthin, and zeaxanthin, reach their greatest concentrations at the center of the fovea, and their contribution in FLIO with human fundus is large. These xanthophyll have been shown to have very short FLTs,
12,13,47 which make the FLT of the central fovea significantly shorter than of the peripheral retina.
12,13 Because FLIO may count the photons from the whole layer of the retina through the RPE at once, the FLT of neural retina, especially of macular pigments, needs to be taken into consideration in clinical application of FLIO. Investigating only the RPE-choroid tissue in this study, thus, presents one of the limitations.
As for other limitations, this study has been conducted with a small number of ex vivo tissues in a static organ culture system. Even though ex vivo RPE cells are phenotypically much closer to in vivo ones compared to the RPE cells in cell culture,
48 the change in microcircumstances may affect cellular responses and higher variability could be seen in vivo.
Nevertheless, a study like this one focusing on the RPE is of great value to make progress in better understanding the RPE pathology-related FLT changes in human fundus. In the future, we plan to combine FLIO with biological assessments, such as the measurement of energy metabolic states. This will not be limited to the RPE but also will include the neural retina under different pathological conditions.
The results of the current study indicate that FLIO might be a sensitive method for monitoring wound healing of the RPE. Furthermore, FLIO may highlight concurrent metabolic alterations, which goes beyond conventional AF imaging. This is of interest for clinical ophthalmologists, as it indicates not only morphological changes based on the different FLT but also the early changes in the metabolisms and functional cell status within different tissues of the fundus. This could be applied to detect early changes in different chorioretinal diseases associated to the cellular metabolic changes, as well as to evaluate treatment effects. Furthermore, different laser treatments, such as panretinal or subvisible laser treatments, could also be followed with this method. It may be interesting to learn more about metabolic changes in these tissues after laser exposure.
Here, FLIO offers additional information to many other conventional modalities. Further basic and clinical research is certainly necessary to use and better understand FLIO in clinical practice.