Cataract is a leading cause of treatable vision loss globally.
1 Patients with cataract can experience decreased visual acuity, loss of contrast sensitivity, glare, and altered color perception. Visually significant cataract not only lowers health-related quality of life due to its effects on vision but also can cause functional and psychological disability.
2,3 With the aging population, an increase in the number of individuals with visually significant cataract and a rise in the financial burden of cataract surgery are expected.
4,5 Therefore, the development of alternatives to cataract surgery, treatments to prevent cataract formation in high-risk populations, and progression of early-stage cataract are of substantial value.
It has been shown in animal studies that early intervention is needed to slow the aging process of the lens and reverse cataract formation.
6,7 Currently, slit lamp biomicrosopy, Scheimpflug imaging, and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are used to detect cataract in the clinical stage or provide high-resolution images of the lens. Nevertheless, cataract formation can potentially be detected much earlier at the preclinical level by using dynamic light scattering (DLS), which has been used over the past three decades to study cataract.
8–15 However, designing a DLS device to provide reliable and repeatable measurements of light scatter from the lens and defining a valuable index to detect and grade preclinical cataractous changes in the lens remain challenging. In this study, the clinical utility of the VIP diagnostic device to measure in vivo DLS from the lens and to detect early cataract or loss of accommodation is evaluated.
Despite the recent abundance of in vivo DLS clinical data from human lenses, the development of a viable routine instrument has alluded researchers. This has been primarily due to the lack of reliable and robust analytical methods for interpreting the in vivo DLS data. Although the complexity of the backward scattered light from the lens is generally appreciated, DLS data continue to be interpreted as arising from an equivalent model based on Brownian diffusion in a low concentration regime.
16,17 In previous studies, the analysis of measured data was further compromised by the insistence on extracting far too much information than is typically available from in vivo DLS clinical data. Additional data inversion difficulties arise due to the involuntary blinking and reflex action of the eye during clinical measurement. The weak backward scattered signals originate from the crystallins contained within each of the fiber cells making up the lens. These fiber cells, particularly in the nuclear region of the lens, have shed the nucleus, organelles, and other scattering material and can be viewed as liquid crystals at very high protein concentrations (300 mg/mL), comprising α-, β-, and γ-crystallins.
18–23 Of these, α-crystallin is the largest and likely the major component of the scattered signal. These small macromolecules, even in the high concentrations, are responsible for the time-varying signals measured with DLS. These signals have detectable temporal features in the nanosecond time scales. No other biochemical process in the human body has these rapid time scales. Over the normal aging process, in vitro studies have shown that the γ-crystallins, in the presence of the unfolding of α-crystallins,
24 aggregate into larger macromolecules.
22 Both the aggregation and unfolding of proteins lead to an increase of the size of the macromolecules, causing the macromolecules to slow down. DLS techniques can detect these temporal changes and provide a window into the underlying macromolecular dynamics. The VIP device extracts a dominant temporal signature from the measured correlation function and associates its value with the localized transparency of the lens, expressed as lens crystallin aggregation index (LCX).
In a recent review on long-lived proteins, Truscott and colleagues
18,20 noted that due to significant differences in the human lens compared with those of nonprimates, understanding of the underlying macromolecular changes associated with human age-related conditions, such as presbyopia and cataract, requires in vivo investigations. Characterizing the unfolding and decomposition of long-lived macromolecules is key to understanding these disorders. We designed the VIP device to estimate the aggregation index of lens proteins and detect cataract at the subclinical level. The VIP diagnostic device can be a catalyst in promoting experimental research into the etiology of cataract and presbyopia in the aging human lens by providing a continuous stream of in vivo data acquired at different clinical sites.