Our previous method of NLO CXL using nonamplified FS pulses was able to produce successful crosslinking. With that system we were able to quickly scan a crosslinked volume into corneal tissue, which produced an increased corneal stiffness and blue CAF, but the average power required to do this was more than 17 times the ANSI limit (800 mW compared to the 46.1 mW limit).
10,11 By utilizing amplified FS pulses, we were able to design a new system that produces crosslinking using a much lower average power, remaining under the ANSI limit. This study explored the effects of amplified NLO CXL in both ex vivo and in vivo models. To our knowledge, it is the first report using amplified FS pulses for photodynamic therapy that does not involve optical breakdown.
During ex vivo experiments, it was discovered that the laser scanning speed is logarithmically related to the resulting CAF intensity. A speed of 15.5 mm/s was found to have CAF comparable to traditional UVA CXL. For this reason, the closest, easily attainable speed (20 mm/s) was used for all other experiments. We have also shown in this study that amplified NLO CXL is still capable of producing a significant increase in mechanical stiffness of corneal tissue: 1.6 times stiffer than control.
Many other studies have explored the in vivo effects of UVA CXL and found marked effects on corneal structure, specifically a flattening of at least 1 diopter lasting a year or longer.
21–25 This has increased the interest for use of corneal crosslinking to treat low refractive errors. Like UVA CXL, NLO CXL was a treatment originally designed to restrengthen corneas weakened by ectatic disease. This study showed that it is possible to achieve flattening with amplified NLO CXL as well, broadening the scope of this treatment to treat low refractive errors as well as corneal ectasia. Unlike UVA CXL, amplified NLO CXL has the ability to treat the cornea in a precise and customizable pattern at any depth within the cornea. For example, 50 μm below the surface was used in this study, with respect to the contact glass. With this ability it could theoretically be possible to customize corneal CXL based on individual corneal topography. Also, if riboflavin could be imbibed into the stroma without removing the epithelium, it would be possible to crosslink below the intact epithelial layer without damaging those cells during crosslinking, resulting in a more effective and less painful procedure. This study also showed repopulation of the central CXL region of treatment by keratocytes as early as 2 weeks post treatment. Our previous study has shown that this repopulation is not attained following UVA CXL out to 3 months post CXL,
13 although others have noted earlier repopulation.
One remaining mystery left unanswered by this study is a physical explanation of why amplified FS pulses are able to produce CXL so much more efficiently than nonamplified pulses. Previous studies using nonamplified pulses had required 800 mW, 10 nJ per pulse, to produce both CAF and increased stiffening.
10,11 In these studies, the scanning speed and repetition rate were set in such a way that more than 45,000 pulses overlapped at any arbitrary volume within the treatment area. Since each individual pulse is 10 nJ, each volume would then encounter more than 450 μJ over the course of the entire treatment. As expected, no more than 8 mW of total power was needed to produce CAF using 1 μJ pulses. It had been assumed that several hundred of these pulses would need to be overlapped, but unexpectedly, the CAF spots seen in
Figure 1 were created using a single pulse totaling 1 μJ, well below what was required using nonamplified pulses.
One explanation for this difference is the fluorescence lifetime of riboflavin compared to the timing of the pulses. Once a molecule of riboflavin has absorbed photons, the time it requires to pass into the excited triplet state is on the order of nanoseconds, and the half-life of the excited triplet state is around 15 μs. Any additional excitation within this half-life may be absorbed, sending the molecule back to an excited singlet state
24 and interrupting the production of free radicals entirely. The nonamplified pulse system used in our previous studies had a repetition rate of 80 MHz, or 10 ns between pulses. This is much shorter than the half-life of the riboflavin triplet state and leaves little time for the production of oxygen free radicals. We suspect that much of the energy spent using an 80-MHz oscillator may have been wasted sending riboflavin molecules back and forth between excited singlet and triplet states without ever creating free radicals. The system used in this report had a pulse separation of 10 to 20 μs within the half-life of the riboflavin triplet state, thus creating far more energy-efficient CXL. Future experiments will be needed to test this theory.
One limitation of this study concerns measurements of corneal flattening and effects following NLO CXL. As has been noted previously, young rabbits (<6 months) as used in this study are not fully grown and show an age-related corneal flattening as well as thickening throughout their life.
29 To account for potential age-related flattening, which does not stabilize until 8 months of age,
30 each treated eye was compared to the contralateral control eye.
Another limitation of this study is the reduced measure of stiffening as compared to previous iterations of this device. While this generation of NLO CXL (using amplified pulses) was able to produce a significant 1.6 times increase in corneal elasticity, previous versions (using nonamplified pulses) and UVA CXL produced a 2.6 and 2.9 times increase, respectively, compared to control using the same indentation testing technique and equipment.
10 On its face, this difference may seem to indicate a reduced stiffening effect with amplified NLO CXL when compared to nonamplified NLO CXL or UVA CXL, but this is likely not the case for many reasons. First, amplified NLO CXL was able to induce CAF intensity levels equal to and above UVA CXL, which, according to previous studies, implies increased stiffening.
11 If amplified NLO CXL had actually produced a lower stiffening effect than did UVA CXL, it would be expected that CAF values would also be lower. Also, as stated previously, the CAF values measured in this study equaled those of previous UVA CXL studies at a speed of 15.5 mm/s. Despite this, a speed of 20 mm/s was used for convenience, which could account for a small portion of the difference. Finally, the CXL volume was both thinner (approximately half) and positioned deeper than for previous studies.
10,13 In all previous studies, mechanical measurements were performed on samples that had a CXL volume positioned exactly at the surface of the stroma. This places the indentation needle directly in contact with the treated area. As illustrated in
Figures 3,
6, and
9, the CXL volume in this study was positioned deeper into the stroma, leaving a volume of untreated tissue above. Because the indentation needle was not directly in contact with treated area during testing, the results were slightly dampened. If the speed, thickness, and depth could be adjusted to match previous reports, it is likely the results would be higher than reported in this study.