The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that can be used to distinguish the sex of an individual just from the different components of CFPs. The major problem with AI, such as deep learning, is that the analyzing process used to reach the conclusion is not known. Particularly in the medical field, even if the conclusion seems correct, it would have limited application to patients if the assumption cannot be clinically understood. Thus, understanding the thinking process is no less important than the conclusion itself in medicine.
We did not intend to determine or trace the exact thinking process of AI. On the contrary, we attempted to approach the AI-proposed conclusion using only the known clinical parameters. Specifically, we collected quantitative data obtained from CFPs such as the color of the fundus, retinal artery angle, and others. The results showed that we could distinguish the sex of each eye with an accuracy of 77.9%.
The advantage of the present approach is that each factor can be discussed to explain the thinking process that cannot be done in the black box AI. This is as follows. First, male fundus had higher TFI values than female fundus, indicating that the male fundus looks more red-colored. Indeed, higher values of temporal TFI and supratemporal TFI were suggestive of a male fundus, as suggested by the optimal model with Ridge binomial logistic regression. The red color of the ocular fundus is supposed to reflect the color of the large choroidal vessels.
21,26 Because men have a thinner choroid, the choroidal vessels are easily observed in the CFPs, which makes the male fundus more reddish in color.
21,24 A large epidemiological study showed that men have a higher TFI value than women.
24 In contrast, more blue- or green-colored ocular fundus was suggestive of female subjects in this study, as suggested by the optimal model with Ridge binomial logistic regression. It is already known that a thick retina appears bluish or greenish in ocular CFPs.
34,35 Jonas et al. reported that men had a thicker central fovea than woman, but this difference was not observed in other retinal regions.
36 Furthermore, an eye with a shorter axial length would tend to have a thicker retina.
36,37 Indeed, in this study, men had significantly longer axial lengths than women (
P = 0.0069). It is therefore understandable that the color of the ocular fundus was one of the significant factors to differentiate the sexes.
Second, the CFPs of female eyes tended to have a larger retinal artery trajectory and smaller ST-RA than that of male eyes by the optical model. These results indicate that the temporal retinal arteries in female eyes were located closer to the macular region than in male eyes. In an earlier study on the shape of the eye when the axial length is the same, women had smaller circumferential equators than men.
38,39 Thus, women had more rugby ball-shaped eyes than men, where the long axis is the anteroposterior axis. In these eyes, it is likely that temporal retinal arteries will be located closer to the macula and the optic disc is more tilted showing an oval-shaped optic disc head.
13,14 These facts are consistent with the present findings.
These results may be useful for determining the cause of diseases with larger sex differences.
40 For example, a macular hole occurs more often in women than men. Generally, these findings obtained from CFPs would be related to the shape of the eyeball. Considering the tangential tractional force of the vitreous on the macula, it is understandable that a rugby ball-shaped eye would be more associated with a macular hole.
41 At the same time, a rugby ball-shaped eye is more frequent in women. AI may detect these “hidden relationships” from the CFPs.
We also suggest that conventional methods of cognition and quantification for interpreting the validity of future AI judgments will be important. In this Ridge binomial logistic regression method, it was suggested that it was most advantageous to analyze five parameters when distinguishing the sex of the individual with good accuracy. Thus, there was not necessarily a single or a few prominent factors to distinguish men from women among the present factors. Rather, it was possible to say that men and women were identified comprehensively by multiple factors in the CFPs. It is understandable that, when there is no strong factor that stands out, it would be difficult for human eyes to collect or recognize these features.
There are other methods in machine learning, such as random forest
42 and support vector machine.
43 We also evaluated the discrimination ability of these methods using the same fundus parameters through leave-one-out cross validation; however, significant improvement in the AROC value was not observed compared with the currently used Ridge logistic regression (AROC = 79.1% and
P = 0.76% with random forest, and AROC = 74.0% and
P = 0.22 [data not shown]). These AROC values were considerably lower than that in the study by Poplin et al. (97%).
5 These results suggest other unknown parameters may further enable better discriminative ability; otherwise, the use of deep learning is more advantageous than other machine learning methods such as Ridge binomial logistic regression, random forest, and support vector machine. In addition, the current method requires the manual extraction of multiple features by human graders, whereas deep learning has a fully automated nature. Nonetheless, this does not discredit the merit of our study, because the purpose of the current study was to investigate whether known clinical parameters are useful in discriminating the sex of an individual from the parameters of CFPs.
This study has limitations. One limitation was that the study population was made up of young Japanese volunteers who are the most myopic group in the world.
44,45 More specifically, the vast majority (112 eyes) of the eyes had a refractive error (spherical equivalent) of less than −0.5 D and only 12 of the remaining eyes had a refractive error of ≥−0.5 D. Thus, our results describe the characteristics of young myopic eyes, and they might not necessarily hold for older individuals, other ethnic, or non-myopic populations. A large epidemiological study needs to be conducted to further validate the current results, especially for other populations. Another limitation is the time of the measurement. It takes about 10 minutes per image to measure all fundus parameters by an expert. A semiautomated program of the measurement is needed when investigating this issue for a large epidemiological study.
In conclusion, the results showed that it is possible to identify the sex of an individual by analyzing the CFPs of the individual. Our results indicate that the mean TFIs, ovality ratio, and the angles of the ST-RA in men were significant factors for making this identification. The green and blue intensities of the fundus around the optic disc were also important factors. Thus, a new technique of AI is being instituted in ophthalmology, and its use should make it possible to diagnose more efficiently and easily. However, the results of this study indicate that the thinking process of humans will be needed to complement the AI findings.