The estimation of BVF from monocular VF data as a function of depth was proposed decades ago,
10 but is rarely considered despite the likely importance of VF deficits in depth for tasks of daily living. A readily accessible method for the simulation and visualization of central DD-IVFs is described in this article and included in the binovisualfields package. Our simulator enables the estimation of DD-IVFs from any empirically measured pairs of 24-2 test pattern. The open source R Package (The R Foundation, Vienna, Austria) is freely available for all researchers and clinicians. The usefulness of the simulator is demonstrated via the exploration of VF defects at different depth planes that would be present in typical glaucomatous eyes. The simulation code is provided as an example in the
Appendix B. Researchers and clinicians can easily modify the example code to visualize real patient data for their research or healthcare purposes.
Although glaucomatous VF archetypes with dichotomized dB values were used to simulate DD-IVFs in the current study, the simulator is designed to be used with empirical data for clinical and research purposes for any 24-2 VF data. With empirical data, this simulator will provide more fine-grained estimation for depth-dependent functional VF defects. For clinical consultation, patients with binasal superior (e.g., archetypes 2 and 3) or inferior (archetype 9) visual defects may experience a central visual defect to different degrees on the anterior plane than fixation plane depending on individual patient's interpupillary distance and chosen fixation distance. When such individual data are available, our simulator can provide customized estimation of functional VF defect to guide clinical consultation and develop potential compensatory strategies. For research purposes, one interesting application may be to evaluate how well DD-IVF defects correlate with the quality of life and potentially with typical laboratory measurements of tasks of daily living, for example, sandwich making.
It is worth noting that the current simulation assumes a simplified scenario where foveal fixation exists in both eyes and the eyes converge symmetrically at the center of the fixation plane. Consequently, the simulation may be more readily applicable to neural ocular diseases where foveal fixation is usually present, for example, glaucoma, than others such as central field loss, as occurs in age-related macular degeneration, particularly when the two monocular preferred retinal loci may not be in corresponding retinal areas.
23,24 In case of glaucomatous VF with defects in the macular region, which are likely to be captured on 10-2 but not on 24-2 test pattern, our simulation can computationally be adapted for 10-2 pattern data. Considering that defects are so close to the fovea, empirical testing, however, is essential for evaluating the applicability of our model to such scenarios. Depth-dependent visual sensitivity variation in central vision important for fine visual or occupational tasks may need more fine-tuned simulation incorporating more variables such as ocular dominance and binocular summation and a much finer spatial scale to reasonably reflect performance in central visual tasks in real life.
Our DD-IVF simulation using the 12 glaucomatous archetypes revealed various patterns of DD-IVF defects depending on the archetype. The number of locations with impaired vision as well as the number of locations with missing values varies depending on the archetype interaction and objection distance. As
Figure A7 shows, certain archetype interactions display more DD-IVF defects on the anterior plane than on the fixation plane. For example, IVF for bilateral superior nasal step (archetype 2) displays eight more impaired locations on the anterior plane than on the fixation plane. Similarly, bilateral inferior nasal step (archetype 9) produces six more impaired locations on the anterior plane than on the fixation plane although the number of impaired locations in archetype 9 is relatively moderate. Given that such VF defects are more prominent on the anterior plane, they are more likely to affect patients when constant changing of fixation for close range manipulation and interaction is required, for example, near work with small hand tools. Similarly, as the object plane moves away from the fixation plane, the area of the binocular overlap decreases. This results in more locations with missing values on the anterior plane and posterior plane than on the fixation plane as shown in
Figures A8,
A9 and
A10 respectively. When evaluating the DD-IVF defects across object distance planes, the number of locations with impaired vision and the number of locations with missing values need to be considered jointly to assess functional VF defects revealed by the simulation.
We used the glaucomatous archetypes to produce an overview of the types of defects that might arise bilaterally in glaucoma. The archetypes present common patterns of glaucomatous VF defects and the associated DD-IVF defects revealed by our program have provided a reasonable approximation of the DD-IVF defects likely to be experienced by patients with glaucoma. These are not the only defects that might arise and might not represent any given individual patient. Hence, the open access availability for researchers/clinicians to input their own empirical VFs and visualize the outcomes for any given patient.
The current DD-IVF simulation demonstrates certain advantages over existing IVF simulations. All existing IVF simulations are only performed on one fixation plane, and thus cannot shed light on visual sensitivity when fixation distance changes or for scenarios where objects are out of current focus.
7 The impact of fixation change and object distance change on glaucomatous archetype interactions is clearly demonstrated in the interactive Shiny app included in the binovisualfields package. The variations in the DD-IVF defects across the anterior, fixation and posterior planes summarized in
Figures A1,
A2 and
A3 also provide a representative scenario where the DD-IVF defect patterns vary across distance planes depending on glaucomatous archetypes.
The most noticeable advantage of our DD-IVF over real VVF measurements lies in its ease in estimating BVF defects on planes other than the fixation. Complicated procedures impractical for clinical practice are needed to perform real VVF testing as demonstrated previously.
9 In contrast, our simulation can estimate BVF on any object distance plane given any chosen fixation plane using real patient's data instantaneously.
It is important to note that the areas of VF denoted as around normal in our DD-IVF may not necessarily have normal stereopsis or binocular visual function. We classify sensitivity as normal where there is relatively normal differential luminance sensitivity in at least one eye. Indeed, deficits of stereopsis are likely to be far more extensive than the DD-IVF defects illustrated here, because impaired vision in one eye impacts on stereopsis judgments. For example, for the VF scenario shown in
Figure 2, the entire superior VF is predicted to have impaired stereopsis, whereas the DD-IVF defect on the anterior plane is significantly reduced in the superior central area. Binocular disparity thresholds measured in a laboratory setting are most sensitive in a range that is within peripersonal space; hence, deficits in stereopsis may impact daily function, even in areas where sensitivity is normal in one eye. In a real–world setting, McKee and Taylor
25 demonstrated that binocular viewing significantly improved depth judgments compared with monocular viewing. There is also evidence that binocular viewing is useful for reaching and pointing in peripersonal space,
26 that is, approximately the fixation range adopted in our simulator. For example, grasping performance in patients with age-related macular degeneration has also been correlated with the amount of stereopsis they retain.
27 Further experimental work is required to determine (1) the impact of DD-IVF defect on stereopsis perception and (2) the impact of the impaired stereopsis in patchy regions of visual fields on daily function and whether compensatory strategies are adopted.
The current study represents a step forward from the existing IVF simulations, but still one of the early steps in the effort of evaluating functional visual defect in neural ocular diseases, such as glaucoma. Future simulation can seek to add parameters to account for factors such as eye dominance and binocular summation to improve the estimation of visual sensitivity values. Such advanced simulation may also be implemented in virtual reality technology to provide a more user-friendly evaluation of functional visual defect for patients.