Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that causes loss of retinal ganglion cells RGCs
1 and is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide.
2 Vision loss typically starts from the mid-periphery of the retina and may spread across the entire visual field.
3 The function of the visual field is typically measured using white-on-white
standard automated perimetry (SAP), which relies on the patient's ability to report a slight luminance difference of a stimulus against a uniform background.
4 Although SAP remains the gold standard for assessing the integrity of the visual field,
5 its sensitivity and accuracy are limited by several factors. These include the experience of the examiner,
6 the time of day when testing is conducted,
6 refractive blur,
7,8 severity of field loss,
9 and the specific instructions given to patients.
10 Alternatives to SAP include short-wavelength automated perimetry, which probes the integrity of the short-wavelength cone system,
4 frequency doubling, an illusion based on perceived rate of flicker,
11 and motion automated perimetry, which attempts to isolate dysfunctional magnocellular processing using moving targets.
12 These approaches can all detect functional vision loss arising from glaucoma at least as early as SAP.
A variety of objective methods have been presented as alternatives to SAP. These include pattern ERG,
16 multifocal ERG,
17,18 and multifocal VEP,
19,20 all of which require a high level of operator expertise and patient compliance and cooperation.
21 It has also been proposed that eye movements can provide an objective assessment of a patient's visual status. For example, in eye movement perimetry (EMP) a patient's saccades to peripherally presented targets are used to quantify visual function across the field.
22–27 Using this paradigm, glaucoma patients require more contrast to initiate saccades, and those saccades tend to be less accurate than those made by controls.
Saccades are voluntary eye movements so that EMP (like SAP) requires a level of cooperation from the patient. In contrast, optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is a reflexive eye movement made in response to stimulus motion. It consists of periods of smooth tracking in the stimulus-direction, interspersed with saccades in the opposite direction. OKN serves to reduce “retinal slip” by partially stabilising the moving image on the retina. The strength of OKN is measured using OKN gain, the ratio of the velocity of the slow phase of OKN to the velocity of the stimulus. Another way of quantifying OKN is by classifying the pattern of eye movements (tracking and saccades) as being consistent or inconsistent with an optokinetic response to the stimulus direction. This measure can serve as a proxy for “seen” or “unseen” responses from patients, respectively. Note that because OKN is an involuntary reflex, this procedure reduces the level of cooperation required from patients.
Perimetric techniques measure
local visual dysfunction by using stimuli that cover only a small portion of the visual field. OKN, on the other hand, requires relatively large stimuli.
28 This means that detection of dysfunction arising from glaucoma would have to focus on quantifying a change in the optokinetic response to larger, global stimuli. Previous studies have used psychophysical motion coherence paradigms to show that glaucoma does compromise visual processing of global motion. Using full field (60- × 60-deg.) motion stimuli
29,30 patients with glaucoma had motion thresholds 70% higher than the control group.
In terms of quantifying how different parts of the visual field might contribute to OKN, several groups have used selective retinal stimulation to address this issue, typically using masks to selectively occlude different regions of the stimulus within either an open- or closed-loop eye-tracking paradigm.
28,31–36 In open-loop experiments, the position of the mask is gaze-contingent, whereas in closed loop experiments the mask location is fixed. Such work has demonstrated that central vision plays a dominant role in the generation of OKN.
28,33–35,37 However, measurement of OKN in patients with central scotomas indicates that peripheral retina also contributes to OKN.
32,38–40 Here—as a first step toward developing objective measures of glaucomatous field loss based on eye-tracking—we sought to measure the effect of simulated visual field loss (SVFL) on OKN.