A custom-made PS OCT ophthalmoscope featuring a superluminescent diode (
λc = 840 nm; ∆
λ = 100 nm) and two identical spectrometers was utilized. The apparatus is tailored for imaging the rodent retina and was initially described by Fialová et al.
19 In contrast to conventional OCT systems, the light illuminating the rodent eye has a defined (namely circular) polarization state, and the backscattered light is split by a polarizing beam splitter into the co- and cross-polarization state, after interfering with the light from the reference arm. By analyzing the polarization state of the backscattered light, additional information about the tissue microstructure can be assessed,
14 for example, pigmented tissue can be visualized by the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) parameter.
20 DOPU values range between 1 (polarization-preserving tissue) and 0 (polarization scrambling). In this work, the DOPU parameter was used to analyze drusenlike lesions and to investigate associated changes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). A simple sketch of the system is illustrated in
Figure 1a, where the polarization optics (depicted in green) and the two spectrometers (SP1 and SP2) capturing the co- and cross-polarization state are highlighted as the major modifications compared with conventional OCT systems. The prototype offers an axial resolution of 3.8 µm in retinal tissue and a field of view of 1 × 1 mm
2 on the mouse fundus was imaged (
Fig. 1b). In addition to the conventional OCT reflectivity and the PS contrast, OCTA was simultaneously performed by analyzing the complex OCT signal of repeated B-scans. A detailed description of the multifunctional imaging contrast, the scanning protocol, and the postprocessing framework can be found elsewhere.
21 The postprocessing pipeline was extended to include a retinal layer segmentation algorithm that uses both reflectivity and polarization information.
22 Using this algorithm, five retinal surfaces were segmented, namely the inner limiting membrane (ILM), the inner and outer surfaces of the outer plexiform layer (OPL), and the inner and outer surfaces of the RPE. From this segmentation, the total retina, defined as the region between the ILM and the RPE posterior surface, as well as the outer retina, defined as the region between the OPL posterior surface and the RPE posterior surface, were determined. The thicknesses of these features were evaluated as mean values in a 200-µm wide annulus around the ONH.