This study demonstrates that, in the presence of macular edema, specific topographic changes of the macular RNFL occur secondary to active compressional strain from the macular cysts on the overlying RNFL. The focal nature of this phenomenon within the macula may explain previously reported inconsistent findings in studies in which correlation of macular edema with peripapillary,
32,33 rather than macular
34,35 RNFL thickness was sought. The absence of similar RNFL changes in nonedematous portions of the macula or in the fellow eye indicate that these changes are neither due to anti-VEGF injections nor to underlying retinal vascular diseases, nor a systemic vasculopathy. One plausible explanation can be leakage of the increased interstitial fluid into the axons, resulting in axonal swelling. Unlike other nerve axons, prelaminar retinal axons are not isolated from the surrounding tissue by a lipid-rich myelin sheath.
36 However, they are wrapped by the processes of Müller cells and astrocytes, which also form the inner retinal barrier.
37 These glial cells establish tight junctions and prevent fluid ingress into the axons.
38 Breakdown of this barrier, although possible, should manifest itself with symmetric swelling of the RNFL on both sides of the peak point along with a decrease in RNFL reflectivity. However, thickening of the RNFL occurs focally at and nasal to the peak site of compression, and accompanied by an increase in RNFL reflectance. The time-course, focal nature and asymmetrical presentations of these changes around the peak point of the macular edema likely indicate axonal stasis, which manifests itself with pooling of hyperreflective intracellular organelles, such as mitochondria and neurofilaments nasal to the site of compression, similar to events that follow pharmacologic stagnation of axoplasmic flow in vitro.
39,40 Asymmetric nasal thickening of the RNFL around the peak point is consistent with constriction of the axons at the lamina cribrosa in patients with glaucoma
41 and animal models of axoplasmic stagnation.
40 Asymmetrical thickening of RNFL can be explained by the known axonal traffic physiology and a consequence of the higher bulk flow rate of retrograde axoplasmic flow compared with anterograde flow. More than 80% of the anterograde axoplasmic flow occurs at a slow speed of 1 to 3 mm per day, whereas the rest travels with a minority fast component at 150 to 250 mm per day.
42 In contrast, retrograde flow occurs at a uniform speed of 60 to 130 mm per day.
42 Volume correlates of the axoplasmic flow data can be derived to estimate the impact of axonal compression by macular edema. For this reason, flow speed data can be converted to more comparable bulk flow rates, considering that (1) 85% of axoplasm is made up of water
43; (2) both anterograde and retrograde axoplasmic flow runs within the same axon; and (3) up to 50% of the constituents of the retrograde flow are previously anterograde transported organelles and proteins returning back to ganglion cell soma,
44 which makes the density of fluid running in both directions comparable. With these assumptions in mind, flow rate (Q) in both directions then can be expressed as:
\begin{eqnarray*}Q{\rm{\ }} = \frac{{\textit Distance}}{{\textit Time}} = \frac{{\textit Area} \times {\textit Length}}{{\textit Time}} = {\rm{\ }}{\textit Area} \times {\textit Velocity}\end{eqnarray*}